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Inflammatory Breast Cancer, the Polio vaccine, & SV40 Virus causing Cancer…

Writer's picture: Sari GroveSari Grove
  1. So I am going to add posts here as I can…

This will be an aggregate place to put all research about inflammatory breast cancer in one post…

1)Have already begun…Lets see if we can all band together to help…Here’s my first bit…Looking at what over expresses in inflammatory, there is gene PT53 on chromosome 17, there is similarity to pancreatic cancer( so sugar is a problem- use natural antibiotics like garlic pills, & so on…), but also the over expression of the cholesterol genes, which led me to look into that further- in the middle of thi study they mention Statins are useful for inflammatory breast cancer for sure ( due to lowering cholesterol (…) but also means CBD oil will work because THC is a statin drug too…here’s that study

conclusion: lower blood sugar, lower cholesterol…Use garlic pills, use CBD oil…

Next: Beta Blockers to stop Breast Cancer…Note: On a hunch, I looked at the relationship between high blood pressure & breast cancer…Went further & indeed, saw that Beta Blockers( blood pressure lowering drugs) can inhibit breast cancer…Beta Blockers are potassium, so in the natural world, Hawthorn, Stevia, & Graviola, are good Potassium choices for your anticancer protocol…

New( This is a comment I wrote early this morning to someone whose son may have brain cancer due to getting a polio vaccine- SV40 is the virus associated with this polio vaccine tainted cancer):”Just yesterday, I was studying Inflammatory Breast Cancer( very rare, very aggressive), & it also affects the P53 gene( when this gene is suppressed, Cancer appears)…SV40 suppresses this gene too…Anyways, after editing a photograph of the inflammatory breast cancer, what we saw immediately was Lead poisoning…If SV40 & inflammatory breast cancer both suppress the same P53 gene ( on the 17th chromosome), & we know that it manifests in the body as Lead poisoning in the case of this rare inflammatory breast cancer, then it would be very logical to assume that an SV40 Cancer would manifest in a similar way…Perhaps you could present your doctor with this, & pursue a treatment that removes Lead from the body…This is not contraindicative with any Cancer treatment, but may remove the contributing factor…Please feel free to message me directly if you’d like to chat further at any time…Also if you’d like, I can edit any brain scan you have to look for the presence of Lead…It only takes a moment to do this from a photograph…My love to you & yours…Sari Grove”

MORE(IV chelation is the best choice):I’ve been kicking around for the past 72 hours trying to choose between EDTA &DMP & DMSA suppositories & oral & any possible way to avoid the whole IV thing, but to be honest, I think that the IV method may be the only true method to get rid of a serious heavy metal poisoning…I have had 3 ladies in the past 3 days come to me with serious heavy metal poisoning issues(that we found from taking a picture & editing for biochemistry), & all 3 ladies got some form of Cancer from the heavy metal exposure…It would be wonderful to find a way to chelate without having to pay all that money & go through the whole IV thing needles & all, but so far I don’t have any better answers…If anyone else knows of any success stories using oral or suppository methods that have worked, please comment here…I should also mention that in all 3 cases, Lead was the metal that came up in the pictures-despite each lady having been exposed to a different environmental poison…We also have been able to make a link between alteration of the P53 gene on the 17th chromosome, Lead poisoning, & several of these cancers…Which means that if you happen to have a Cancer that affects the P53 gene you should know that it manifests in the body as Lead so you should be seeking chelation to remove Lead immediately…

Toxins(ways you can get LEAD poisoning that can cause Cancer):Glyphosate from RoundUp Weed Killer, Radiator Fluid exposure like a leak(antifreeze/ethylene glycol), Living in a 200 year old house(lead paint)…

The more aggressive Cancers like this tend to be an interruption of the P53 gene which manifests in the body similar to Lead poisoning…Heavy metal IV chelation is recommended to remove the causal factor here…Oral or suppository chelation is a second choice…A naturopath skilled in parenteral therapy ( IV) needs to be called…Doctors will not know how to do this…She needs heavy metal IV chelation with a specific target of removing Lead poisoning…This accounts for several common poisons that could be in her tissues from environmental exposure…( Weed killer, radiator fluid, lead paint, leaded water, gasoline)…

Camu Camu powder removes Lead from the body…The most aggressive cancers like to feed on Lead…Lead can come from many environmental sources as well from diet…Glyphosate from Roundup weed killer, radiator fluid leaks, old water pipes where the galvanization the zinc has come off & the Lead is exposed(very common), older houses that still have Lead paint…These are some of the contributing factors I have seen myself recently…Lead interferes with gene P53 on the 17th chromosome…When P53 is interfered with, Cancers develop…A boy has braincancer now from they think a corrupted Polio vaccine that had the SV40 monkey virus in it…Sv40 monkey virus also interrupts the P53 gene…Which manifests as Lead poisoning when you look at the imbalance…Which causes the Cancer…(causes is maybe the wrong term-more like “attracts”, because the parasite gets “attracted” to the body that has lots of Lead inside)…Camu Camu powder lowers Lead levels…Which frees up P53 to get back to work…This will help anyone with Cancer…I feel that people have been segregated too long by “unique” diagnoses…Divide & conquer…Pretty much I see that what works for Cancer works for Cancer…Camu Camu would help with both estrogen positive & estrogen negative as well as metastatic & inflammatory & so on…I feel dividing people up just lends to more confusion…(not always, but often enough)…

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