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Writer's pictureSari Grove

Iron anemia & the concept of muscle testing…


I received a shipment of Zeolite rocks from Great South who sell them by the case at decent prices…(I use them in my art studio to absorb odours & also beside cat litter boxes & in the bathrooms…They sent me a free gift…A tiny bag containing some Pyrite stones…

I held them in my hand & I could feel energy, something…Not knowing what Pyrite was, I looked it up…Iron…I started wearing pyrite jewellery against my skin because it felt so right…It turns out I was very Iron deficient…

The pyrite was correcting this…This was after a decade of having problems, misdiagnosis etc…Iron anemia can cause brain dysfunction…This was a powerful lesson to me…At the Earth Rocks store in Toronto, the daughter of the owner queried me:” is this like when you buy a rock because you are attracted to it?”…

…because something in your body needs it? Wise words from a child…There are all sorts of ways your body tells you it wants something…

I have not had muscle testing by an outside practitioner…But I do not think it should be disqualified as being unscientific…

Ever notice how the first thing you see on a menu in a restaurant is the thing you end up choosing? & it turns out it is what you really needed to eat? I think our brain selects too, in the same way our muscles do…

p.s.Muscle Testing is a practice involving holding a substance in one’s hand, & having someone apply pressure to the other arm, which is extended…If you can resist, the substance is useful for you…If you do not resist well, the substance is not for you…(this is an oversimplification of the process, but basically true…It is a way to check what herbs or supplements you could take for whatever ails you…Or as preventive medicine…)

My response to someone( who mocks muscle testing, & also Rife machine- another story):

What I understand is that there is illness…The person in question does not agree with muscle testing nor rife machine, despite having not tried either…That the only way to discern useful things is by having mass clinical trials & animal testing…& that there is a fair bit of hostility & anger present…Also that because a treatment costs money that gives power to discrediting it further…My recommendation is that all those so called natural & quack therapies might be very useful to explore…The gentleness & emotional healing & release one gets from the more sensitive treatments that have been disqualified have centred many of us who have anger issues that arose from ill treatment in allopathic settings…The very treatments being discredited might bring tremendous understanding…That there is more to healing than statistics & science…Considering those of us who have used some of these questionable practices, the health levels & general contentment levels & quality of life appear to be far superior to those who mock them…You will notice the alternative groups are filled with healthy looking, interested, loving people…Enter the more generalized community & the depression, suffering, & maiming are so pervasive you have to leave the virtual group room…With placebo effect accounting for over 50% of cure, one should not ever discount that effect…Faith, hope, charity, God, Mother Nature or hocus pocus- these things are powerful…Stomping your feet at things that have not undergone clinical trials will not move the mountain that faith will…

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