Jonathan Thomason has been recommending the use of a one 1 Megaherz 8 watt ultrasonic facial massager for use topically against cancer…
I sent out a message to members of diy cancer repair manual Facebook group to see if someone had the device and was willing to send before and after pics…
I got two original pictures right away, Before and after, using the device in the live area, cancer, for thirty (30) minutes…
Here are the Nidi results…( Nidi is non invasive diagnostic imaging)…
Each Nidi uses a different photo editor…
Steps to do Nidi yourself can be found on this blog and in my twelfth book called Nidi:Nidi by Grove Canada…
The better the resolution of a picture, the deeper Nidi sees under the skin…
So the farther away your original picture is, the more superficial the Nidi result…
In Ultrasound science, the Lower the number in Megahertz the longer the wavelength is…
Longer wavelengths penetrate deeper under the skin than shorter wavelengths…
But shorter wavelengths are called by a higher number, so a 3 megahertz wave will penetrate less than an 1 megahertz wave…
So a high intensity wave that goes deep has a lower number…
A lower intensity wave has a higher number…
I mention this because I find that confusing…
When they say HIFU they mean high intensity Focused Ultrasound…
But the number of megahertz is a lower number…
I have a cold laser device which has a 3 megahertz emission, about…
If Inwanted something higher intensity, with a longer wavelength, that penetrated deeper under my skin, I would get a 1 megahertz device…
Or I could put a doubling crystal over my device to alter the wavelength to something more…But that is tricky to find…
They use neodymium type elements mixed with altered garnet crystals for example to double the wavelength of something you have…
In nanometers my infrared cold laser device is about 809 nm…Which is about 3 megahertz…
A doubling crystal would change the rating as the laser passes through…Counterintuitively again, a doubling crystal would change the 3 megahertz to 1.5 megahertz…( which makes it a higher intensity deeper penetrating wave, longer…)
Garnet for example is a ruby family element, which is a magnesium…So by pushing a sound wave through magnesium you are intensifying it’s detox effects…Like adding Epsom salts to mashed raw garlic, you are making a stronger medicine…( Epsom salts are magnesium sulfate)
It would be neat to be able to put a crystal over my cold laser device to alter its existing wavelength to longer…
But probably easier to just purchase a new device with the rating I am looking for…
But worth pondering if you have a device already and want to try to alter its wavelength…
Less phosphorus in purple, less mercury in black…( note: mercury spits out phosphorus when it collapses, don’t be alarmed)…It is called retracing, the process of phenotypic reversion…
Less Hydrogen in red…
Not significant difference in yellow calcium progesterone, pink aluminum cholesterol, blue lead cortisol, red hydrogen fluids…
Orange Nitrogen, Cherry Sugar S, Bismuth in black…
Aurum cobalamin in purple much better
Black mercury better, these two pictures were edited as a pair simultaneously, so editor saw less deep than if you edit one at a time…At skin level mercury black is much less than deeper down…
See link for information regarding the One Megahertz 8 watt Ultrasound facial massager device Jonathan Thomason recommends for use topically against cancer…