In Lunapic it was first only the purple phosphorus to look for…But now also look for Key Lime Mercury…This is a new discovery… In Pixlr the edges of the mass often show up as the red…I am pretty sure the red indicates Hydrogen…That the edges of a mass that should not be there have a Hydrogen area around them…That these “tumours” “weep”… Purple in Lunapic is the “C”…However, if “C” has progressed, it can become a different diagnosis…The “thing” eats” all the purple, & becomes a Key Lime Mercury creature that more closely resembles a “Lyme disease” diagnosis… Yes, if you follow the red edges in Pixlr you can see size change… Sari Grove 16:24 Sari Grove The biopsy needle goes in twice (core needle) & pulls up 2 straws or 2 tails…Those 2 tails of stuff can be problematic, not to mention the holes, not to mention the extra Hydrogen that is created at the site of the holes, not to mention the possibility of penetration into the “Pleura”…Which is called a Pneumothorax if there was penetration into the chest wall by the needle… Sari Grove 16:25 Sari Grove If there is trouble breathing this can be from the holes (2) from the needle…This has to be patched up…Carrots, carrot soup, Lithium Orotate(on Amazon), Vitamin A, Beta carotenes, help patch up holes…Patching up holes actually takes precedence over killing worms & such…Be careful… Sari Grove 16:26 Sari Grove Size can be dependent on what you eat or don’t eat & exercise did or didn’t…Diet is more important than exercise, but exercise is a strong number 2… Rhodea is a Copper so excellent choice… Green tea is a Boron, as is a Boron supplement…Small flowered willow herb is a Boron…Heavy metals defence powder contains Boron in the seawater extract formulation…Celery is a Boron, as is Celery root, & all crunchy vegetables/plants/raw, contain Boron…
More:I have released a few new books, which are just the blog basically slurped up into documents…Due to size constraints, images, videos, & audio files, as well as pdfs, are not in the paperback versions…The Kindle versions have them as links, which are clickable…All of this is free on the blog, & does cost money on Amazon, sorry…We do not make a profit on sales, though it is pleasant to see teeny royalty amounts…New info:I was so obsessed with the breast lump being benign, I neglected an area at the top of my spine-which I recently black salved & an eschar came out…This was a huge oversight on my part-hence my silence recently…My problem began from a raccoon roundworm exposure, which had settled into a crack in my spine(weightlifting accident)…I have found that closing that crack in the spine was more important than killing the roundworm…I have had to resort to the LEAD Pb Plomb family(bone builders) to rebuild the spinal area…This includes Carrots, Potatoes, Beta Carotene, Vitamin A, Lithium drugs, Lithium Orotate( available non-prescription on Amazon), & other Lead family elements to try to restore my back to normal…This is crucial…I have also been taking Humaworm capsules again, Boron supplements, Green tea(a Boron), small flowered willow herb powder(boron), heavy Metals defence powder(boron), & crunchy vegetables like celery(Borons are crunchy vegetables-raw)…I believe the last ditch effort of this problem has manifested in a similar way to threadworms or strongyloides-ironically, what I have been studying of late…Apologies for thinking I was all clear- I was, in terms of the main focal area-didn’t even realize there was anything else going on until recently…
#anticancer #lungcancer #Cannabidiol #breastcancerlump #inflammatorybreastcancer #diet #Facebookgroups #Christianity #DiagnosticImaging #cancershortlist #DIYMammogram #ovariancystscancer #Uncategorized #blacksalve #DIYThermogram #coolideas #fotoflexerbiochemistryimagingNIDI #howtoseealumpinyourbreast #Bloodroot #lymphnode #anticancerTherapiestoconsider #NIDI #Jesus #CancerampCopper