Here is my answer to a question about whether we should worry about radiation from Fukushima in a kelp supplement(called Sealogica)…
I also address the subject of Diagnostic Imaging…Using Fotoflexer & Lunapic-The two methods I teach here on this site & in the book DIY Cancer repair Manual…
Answer…(from Sari Grove)
“With the two editing methods you know how to do already, you will be able to tell when you are clear…
In Fotoflexer, clear will be when it just shows up as Yellow calcium…
That means you have basically done all your homework & all that is left to do is to shrink it down to size, which you can take your time doing with any sort of Iodine you like…
The more Iodine you take, the faster it will shrink…
But at that point you won’t be in a hurry…
It will be benign…You can live with a giant benign lump indefinitely…
In Lunapic, it will show up with no purple…if you are taking enough Licorice root, that can happen pretty quickly…
In the meantime, new advances are being made in medicine…
Eventually, if we wait long enough, you might be able then to go into a doctor’s office for a radio frequency ablation session where they basically electrolyse the lump…
Insert a needle(with in a straw so the outside skin does not get burnt), then send a pulse into centre of tumour…
Dissolving it…You walk out 20 minutes later…(maybe longer, but still fast)…
Very little damage, scarring etc…
There are other options, like Bloodroot salve, but the pain threshold is a problem…It removes lumps beautifully but it hurts…Better surgery than surgery…Quite amazing…But the pain has kept me from trying it…
But anyways…
You can live with a benign lump for a long time while you are throwing Iodine at it to shrink it…
I am attaching a pic from May 2015 from Fotoflexer…
It shows my lump is just Calcium(yellow) & Hydrogen(peach)…It was basically benign at that point, though I continued to work on it after that…
Once you get to that point, you really just need to work on the Iodines for shrinkage…Also Milk thistle, Apricot kernels, Burdock root, Hepa Plus by Usana(liver cleanse supplement) will remove the Hydrogen-I think my husband was screwing up my Hydrogen levels a bit by drinking alcohol so much-if you are in proximity to people who are eating & drinking things you shouldn’t , it affects you too…
Honestly, the whole fukushima radiation thing with kelp doesn’t trouble me…
Kind of like I still eat peanuts despite the fact people keep publishing articles that they are all moldy & evil…I just chose non-moldy peanuts…
I also will eat tuna from a can despite mercury warnings…
I enjoy Japanese food despite mercury warnings about seafood & sushi too…
I also drink plenty of diet soft drinks because I believe the Potassium in the artificial sweetener is very anti-cancer-despite the fact that everyone seems to think artificial sweeteners are killers…(they are not, but they will lower blood pressure significantly, so children maybe shouldn’t drink them while they are trying to grow up)…
I think melatonin is dangerous & is not anticancer at all-quite the opposite…Despite the copious well paid for science articles promoting melatonin as anticancer, despite the fact they cannot seem to explain the chemistry or the why at all…(fluoride on the other hand is Anticancer & is definitely Opposite to melatonin, which is why the melatonin story is deceiving…)
I know that Coppers are the best way to beat cancer, Licorice root, Ginkgo bilboa, spirulina, wheatgrass, coffee, tea, Chicory(Caf Lib), cilantro-yet there are a huge amount of bad scientific type studies that say the exact opposite…(even going so far as to say Licorice root is estrogenic which is a total lie & is opposite to the truth exactly)…
Also, Shannon Sayers, uses the Sealogica Liquid 7 seaweed formulation, & I think she is the cat’s pyjamas…(she also mentioned the Chicory, which is such a delicious drink, the Caf Lib stuff!)
I am pretty sure the Sealogica people would be tuned into the radiation worries…
However I will say I haven’t tried it yet, so maybe I will eat my words soon!
Last but not least, Humaworm anti parasitic recipe is a nice bundle of love for Cancer patients to take-so many people seem to forget that Cancer is a parasite…Not arguing the point, just noticing the huge omission in the forums…(except Dr. Hulda Clark who knew it only too well!)”
Fotoflexer edit May 16, 2015 (Black spot is just a burn mark from a Moxibustion session)