Today, I edited photographs for a lady…
I teach how to edit your own photos to look at biochemistry & malignancy, but often I do them for people to show them how pictures are supposed to look…
This woman had extremely High lead levels…
Never seen this before…
She took pictures of her water(in a white bowl), her walls(to look for Lead paint), but we couldn’t find any lead there…
Her soil had already been tested…
So I asked:”Is there anything at all that you did 2-1/2 years ago when you were diagnosed with breast cancer that may have raised your lead levels?
So she said:” The only thing I can think of is I was using RoundUp weed killer”…
I did a fast search…
Glyphosate is the active ingredient in RoundUp…
Typed in the words Glyphosate & Lead poisoning into Google…
Seconds later, the first search result was titled “Glyphosate causing Lead poisoning in pregnant women”…
Yes, it was 9 months after starting to use RoundUp Weed Killer that this lady got a lump in her breast…Breast cancer…
We edited pictures of her 3 daughters, & all 3 showed up with very high Lead levels as well…
Link talks about Glyphosate in feminine care products….( Swirch to the Diva cup!!!!)