I am going to list body parts first,
then a hormone name,
then the element on the Periodic table that that hormone represents,
last I will tell its antagonist or opposite…
For example…
Kidneys, Testosterone, Nitrogen, Carbon…
Liver, Androgen, Hydrogen, Oxygen…(think Her2+)
Adrenal Gland, Progesterone, Calcium, Iodine…
Spleen, Estrogen, Phosphorus, Copper…
Note: The drug Tamoxifen is called “anti-estrogen”…But in fact, as an Iodine drug, Tamoxifen antagonizes Calcium which is a progesterone…Iodines shrink the calcium portion of tumours, while progesterones will cuase the calcium portion to grow…They are indeed opposites…This study explores that…http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/content/47/20/5386.full.pdf
A true anti-estrogen will antagonize Phosphorus…The entire Copper family does that very well…Which is why Copper is a part of a normal chemo routine…Phosphorus makes a lump malignant…So Copper is rather important to change the chemistry back to benign…Iodines don’t do that…Tamoxifen doesn’t do that…Shrinking a tumour & changing its chemistry are two different things…Iodines shrink, Coppers change chemistry to benign…
Mushrooms, Carrots, Aloe Vera:
Some philosophies only include actual detox foods…Others include foods that boost the whole person, & with a boosted system, the system self-cleans…Mushrooms boost Nitrogen…Testosterone…They give stamina & help neurons to function better…( make you smarter)…They have applications for Down’s Syndrome…By boosting the whole body, they help it to do its own self-cleaning work better…They may contain glutamine, a marker of more aggressive cancers, but also they may contain Oxygens, & Sulfurs, which are detox elements…Carrots are a Beta Carotene, which is not specifically detox either…Carrots feed & repair bone…Vitamin A…But in repairing & feeding, carrots also seem to have a bit of a paradoxical effect…Aloe Vera is also more about repair…But seems to help with detox too, while repairing…I’m guessing by repairing damage , the system works more smoothly…
Sari Grove( more notes about mushrooms) “Panic attacks can mean you are overdoing the detoxing…It means the Wormwood is indeed detoxing, but that you don’t need anymore…Mushrooms are high in Nitrogen, higher than most vegetables like celery, but Beets are pretty high too…They give piles of energy raw…Chinese medicine is a little obsessed sometimes with stamina & sexuality & testosterone, so they tend to rave about their gigantic mushrooms…The increased energy makes you feel great & go for long walks & feel smart…This is very helpful…If you are worried about glutamine levels , know that concurrently taking lots of oils or baking soda( any Carbon), will lower glutamine levels back down again…Those on a maintenance diet may want both Nitrogens & Carbons…Depends on where you are- are you repairing after surgery? Are you doing a hard early detox? Are you done & just want balance? If you are starting an exercise plan, Nitrogens ( called Arginine in bodybuilding supplements) will kickstart that…But choline & glutamate are indeed things to watch for- but more like crummy cholesterol or gmo glutens…Depends on where the glutamate is coming from…”