So, I have these two ways to look at lumps on your body…Fotoflexer looks at biochemistry…Lunapic looks for malignancy…
I thought I’d take a look at what a Lipoma looks like in these two edits…
The first picture shows biochemistry:The vast yellow area means tons of calcium(Adrenal Gland)…The whitish splotch means Aluminum which is cholesterol in the real world(Lungs & Lymph Nodes)…The darker peachy colour is Hydrogen(lack of Oxygen in the Liver)…
So from this edit in Fotoflexer I’d recommend, Iodine(to lower calcium), like Iodoral pills & liquid kelp daily…I’d add a Titanium like Boswellia capsules(Frankincense in capsule form)…& Milk thistle to Oxygenate the Liver…
in Fotoflexer(lipoma)
In Lunapic(lipoma)
The second picture ONLY looks for maligancy…It would show up as PURPLE…But no, I don’t see any purple in this picture…I mean, there is a touch of mauve tone…Which means some Phosphorus present…To be on the safe side, add some Licorice root extract(St. Francis is good), & or some licorice root capsules & tea…Licorice root is a Copper that removes Phosphorus…This will ensure nothing becomes malignant…(malignancy is Phosphorus)…