M. M. J. commented on your post in DIY Cancer Repair Manual M. M. J. M. M. J. 27 January 13:22
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S. G. S. G. 28 January 08:45 Reese’s pinworm medication is available over the counter from a pharmacist…Or order it from a local pharmacy that is online & have it delivered…You need to take several rounds of it- more than recommended one dose, wait 2 weeks, one dose, recommendation…Take that NOW…Order the Humaworm & wait for it to ship…Take as many doses as you need of the Reese’s until Humaworm arrives…When Humaworm arrives, start taking that…Check your stool with plastic fork( beach on inner edge of toilet to sort thru)…Do enemas…You can put Zenith Herbals Bloodroot capsules into hot water enema(2)…Drink Super a slimming tea( triple leaf tea company) or take senna, dandelion root, licorice root, papaya leaf- so that you don’t get a bowel obstruction from dead parasites…Get colon hydrotherapy if obstruction is bad…Raw plant based diet( Helen Hecker book)…Walk far daily outside…Eat antiparasitic food like raw garlic, apple cider vinegar( drink & gargle)…Do everything…Cover every single base…Or do a variation of what I say but what you can afford, what you like…Consult…Research…Pray…Socialize…Music…Get counselling if you are in a relationship…For both of you… Sari Grove Sari Grove 28 January 08:56 It is not a recurrence…Parasites start in the lungs( breast area)…Then they get swallowed & enter stomach…Later they travel downwards, then up the spine…From the spine they enter the brain…This normal life cycle can take 2 years to happen…A lumpectomy or other surgical intervention may not remove all parasites from the whole body…Parasites can hide from internal medicines up near the skin’s surface…So a topical application of black salve ( Zenith herbals) is often needed to kill them where they hide…Top of the spine…Is a hiding place…Two Feathers black salve is eaten…It is about $125 per jar or more plus shipping…Topically it is not very strong but internally Very powerful…If you are looking for a one shot cure type thing, that is a good bet…It has antiparasitic properties as well…Conventional medicine has some answers too if you know how to manipulate the system…Naturopaths, acupuncturists, massage therapists, moxibustion practitioners as well…Use them…DIY medicine is about controlling your own destiny, not about being stupid…Avoid the guru syndrome…Be your own guru…Find out the cause of why you got parasites…Check your relationships for clues…The spouse can track in disease if he or she has strayed… M. M. J. M. M. J. 28 January 10:27
Original post S. G. S. G. 27 January 12:38 ACTUALLY found a parasitologist who could identify parasites…How many times have you submitted a stool sample, a blood sample, a urine sample, to be told you are negative for parasites, despite knowing worms or eggs were coming out in the toilet bowl? Cancer is a parasite…If you have been diagnosed with cancer, then that is a positive diagnosis for parasites…(Yes it is)…This Doctor found that ALL patients he tested who had Already been diagnosed with cancer, tested positive for parasites…ALL… Dr. d’Angelo from Colorado… http://parawellnessresearch.com/ Submit Specimens for Parasite Analysis | Parawellness Research
Dr. Walter Peters, Plastic Surgeon, undercut hair where Black Salve is…(razor straight edge blunt other side with fingers delicately)…Cephalex antibiotic for topical skin at base of neck, brain, Occipital Lobe(Sugar)Pancreas, Pancreatic Enzymes Wobenzym substitute alternative choice…Moh’s Microsurgery Oxford Harvard McGill…Certified…Raw garlic, Selenium category…