Marfan Syndrome has been associated with a deficiency in something called Fibrillin…
Fibrillin on the Grove Body Part Chart falls into the Mercury family that helps keeps joints & tendons flexible & strong…
But people with Marfan’s tend to be so tall? Doesn’t seem like a deficiency, does it?
So, with every deficiency, there is also usually a concurrent excess…In the case of Marfan’s, there seems to be an excess of human growth hormone, something that can be mimicked by the actions of anabolic steroids…
Anabolic Steroids are Nitrogen family on the chart…Nitrogens build stamina & help neurons to grow…Nitrogens boost testosterone, & can make people smarter, but also often more hostile or aggressive…
So theoretically, Marfan’s & people who have some of the Marfan symptoms but not fully labelled(often relatives of someone diagnosed Marfan), have excess Nitrogen, causing the very long limbs…
Interestingly, this study showed that anabolic steroids, Nitrogens, caused growth but also tendon connectivity problems-the exact profile of Marfan…
High Nitrogen, but low Mercury…
Anabolic steroid-induced tendon pathology: a review of the literature.
So…Low Mercury occurs at the same time as high Magnesium…Magnesium & Mercury are opposites on the Grove Body Part Chart…So, we could theorize that Marfan & related syndromes, are characterized by Hypermagnesemia (or high Magnesium levels)…Note: a side effect of excess magnesium is joint pain, so we know we are on the right track here…
There are other concomitant features of hypermagnesemia:from this article“
Hypermagnesemia Updated: Sep 06, 2017
Author: Tibor Fulop, MD, PhD, FACP, FASN; Chief Editor: Vecihi Batuman, MD, FASN...
Effects of Hypermagnesemia
Symptoms of hypermagnesemia usually are not apparent unless the serum magnesium level is greater than 2 mmol/L. Concomitant hypocalcemia, hyperkalemia, or uremia exaggerate the symptoms of hypermagnesemia at any given level.”
Ok, so…Hypermagnesemia or excess Magnesium occurs with hyperkalemia(excess Potassium), Hypocalcemia(deficiency of Calcium), & Uremia(excess Nitrogen)…We are starting now to build a profile of Marfan syndrome…
I added Titanium excess to this chart-find out why if you keep reading
Other considerations: There are Correlations between molecules that are commonly found in the real world…Mercury & Aluminum often are found together…Aluminum is a cholesterol marker…So, if there is LOW Mercury as found in Marfan, you might likely also find LOW cholesterol/Aluminum family…What does this mean in terms of health?
Low cholesterol can affect the brain & cause mood disorders resembling schizophrenia/schizoaffective disorder…This might explain why people with Marfan tendencies may display schizoaffective symptoms, & other psychiatric anomalies…(if you Google Marfan & schizophrenia you will find numerous entries & assertions of this co-occurrence)…
Mercury (black circle) & Aluminum (also black circle) are often found together in the real world…So, it is logical to think that a deficit of one may mean a deficit of the other as well…
So let’s add Titanium as an excess to the Marfan profile…(low Aluminum is high Titanium)…
Ok, so let’s look at the profile of Marfan:
High Titanium, High Potassium, High Nitrogen, High Iodine, & High Magnesium…
In simplistic terms, let’s see how to oppose that profile to create balance…
(choose opposite element on the chart)
To treat we want: Aluminum, Aurum, Carbon, Calcium, Mercury…
Now where do we find those elements in the real world?
Aluminum:is a cholesterol precursor, so we could say Eggs or in herbs Gingko Biloba is an aluminum herb…(for schizoaffective symptoms)
Aurum:For the heart, B12 is an excellent Aurum…(other ideas)Taurine powder, or Copal Amber bead necklaces can be worn…(for heart symptoms)(Homeopathic Aurum can be concocted as well)…
Carbon: All oils are Carbons, so use plenty of oils in the diet-capsules can be taken as well…(any oils again)(for kidney problems)(also can help with personality hostility features-Carbons make people nicer)!
Calcium: Milk is easy…(for hair loss or skinny-ness)(adrenal gland)(Vitex Agnus Castus is a calcium or progesterone based herb that supplies Calcium as well if you don’t drink milk)…Purple sweet potatoes (or just any sweet potato are a source of calcium too)…Calcium helps to keep the vaginal folds thick & strong & able to endure sexual intercourse better…(as a by the way)!
Mercury: Since the most pervasive problem in Marfan’s is the lack of Mercury causing joint problems, this category needs to be the priority…Silica is a Mercury, found in horsetail for example & also Homeopathic Silicea salts can be used…Rudraksha tree fruit beads are also high in Mercury, & the Rudraksha tree in India is a similar species to the Horsetail tree…Salt, sodium, is also Mercury family…Pork products are Mercury…(for pain, backache, diarrhea, arthritis, to increase tendon flexibility)…
Afterthoughts: Newer thinking shows Bamboo has more silica than Horsetail…Here is a supplement that includes bamboo, but also glucosamine (for joints as well) & collagen for muscles…
Other notes:
fibrillin(this is the defect or lack in Marfan type ailments)
“Reducing the level of normal fibrillin 1 causes a Marfan-related disease in mice.” [22]
elements that stimulate fibrillin…
horsetail rudraksha silica
Silicon appears to be required for the proper functioning of an enzyme (prolyl hydroxylase) which functions in the formation of collagen in bone, cartilage, and other connective tissues.
15). Animal studies in the 1970’s reported that dietary silicon deficiency produces defects in connective and skeletal tissues (16-18),
Silica has extra Oxygen molecules attached to it, which is why it is referred to as silicon dioxide(di is two-so two oxygens), which gets shortened to silicon sometimes… Silica helps keeps cartilege & tendons & joints elastic…(flexibility)