Mathematics & working with the Grove Body Part Chart in inventive ways:Brouillon/sketch pad/grisaille/raw
If you take Coffee & mix some Sugar into it you get a slight milk froth look on top of the hot liquid…More from Espresso Coffee & real Sugar…
We know that Coffee is a Copper…We know Sugar is a Sulphur…We know Froth is a Calcium…We know Water is a Hydrogen…We know Fire is an Oxygen…
So, then…
Using the symbols from the Periodic Table of Elements, we are going to write the coffee plus sugar mixture in symbols…
Cu + S + H+ O = Ca or in English, Copper plus Sulphur plus Hydrogen plus Oxygen equals Calcium
The Calcium is the fine layer of Froth you see on top of your Espresso Coffee when you add some real granulated sugar to it…
(We are ignoring everything but the Froth for the sake of argument)!
So…If you get Calcium Froth when you add Sugar/Sulphur to Copper/Cu/Coffee then…
Let’s go backwards & see how to get Sugar/Sulphur…
Let’s simplify…
In Math, if several things add up to something, then …
Let’s do this…
Ca – H – Cu – O = S
Calcium minus Hydrogen minus Copper minus Oxygen equals Sulphur…
So to get Sulphur/Sugar you need to subtract the water/hydrogen from the Calcium/milk froth
So like if you subtract the water from a glass of milk you are left with Sugar…
Um, but we have forgotten to account for the Copper & the Oxygen…
Ok, let’s get into it…
Copper is a Minus element on our chart…Oxygen is also a Minus element on our chart…
If you ADD a Minus element to something you are really just subtracting…
So if you subtract a Minus element, then you are really ADDING…
Because a “+” & a “-” in Mathematics equals a Minus…
But two minuses in mathematics equals a plus… “-” + “-” = +
This is how Math differs from ethics, or Philosophy of Law…(McGill 1988)
In ethics, two wrongs don’t make a right…
But in religion (McGill summer Theology 1988), An eye for an eye can be considered fair, though turning the other cheek if slapped again can be considered decent…(now in early Theology(McGill 1987 New Testament, King James Version), the person who hits first is wrong…
So back to the Chemistry of Math…Or the Math in Chemistry, whichever you choose…
If an orange is made of Zinc & Sulphur then an Orange has Minus element Zinc & Plus element S…
So you get Sunshine/Zinc/VitaminD3/VitaminC & you also get S/Sulphur/Sugar/Fructose/Sweetness…
If you pour boiling hot water through a stainless steel tap, the tap is made of Zinc heavy metal & Plomb Lead heavy metal…
The boiling hot water is made of Fire/Oxygen & also Water Hydrogen…Fire/Oxygen is a Minus element & Hydrogen is a Plus element…
Now on our ©GroveBodyPartChart2014-present, The Minus elements get STRONGER as you go DOWN the chart from Top to Bottom…
The Plus elements are STRONGEST a the top of the Chart, & get weaker as you go down the body parts…
(there are 11 body parts on the Chart & 22 brain parts that PAIR because 22 pairs makes 11 teams, like 22 people who are paired, like married, make 11 teams…
Each Team in the brain handles a body part or organ in common parlance…
So like in the Spleen there are 2 brain parts controlling each SIDE of the Spleen…
Each side of the Spleen makes one thing or element…
1)In the female the Left side of the body is dominant, & the right side of the brain…
2)In the female the back side of the body is dominant & the front side of the brain…
3)In the female the bottom of the brain is dominant & the top of the body parts, like the topside of the feet, or the top of the foot, where the pretty toenails are…
In the male, of the species, human, the dominance is reversed in all 3 cases…
Now both male & female have all their parts, but the dominant side should be appropriate to gender…
Could the human animal be totally ambidextrous?
Possibly, if gender is also ambidextrous, ambivalent, hermaphroditic(presenting with both male & female organs), bisexual(preference for both sexes), Androgynous…
Please note the Castrati, the castrated ones, people who have had their testicles removed, does not necessarily make them Androgynous because merely removing one male part does not trigger necessarily a cascade of all male parts or male dominance being removed…
Is it better to be fully ambidextrous or is it better to have sidedness dominance in Gender?
One would assume that sidedness dominance in Gender is better because it offers gender clarity between male & Female…
If one ingests Zinc heavy metal due to over-stripping the Zinc metal off a stainless steel galvanized pipe tap, then that gritty feel in your mouth is actually Zinc heavy metal…
Since Zinc is antagonized by Plomb Lead on our Chart, then ingesting something gentle & edible with Lead Plomb Pb in it should remove that Zinc heavy metal from your body…
For example eating a Lead Plomb Pb based Potato Pancake(latke in Yiddish/german), should GRAB the Zinc heavy metal particle from your body & you should be able to pooh it out!
Then you will see a shiny piece of your sink tap metal Zinc in your poop…
Conversely if you are drinking water that has a high Lead Plomb Pb heavy metal content in it & you have sluggish feel MS Multiple Sclerosis, then eating a Zinc filled Orange should remove the Lead Pb from your system…
But be careful…Oranges have Sulphur sugar in them too, so you may be raising your Sugar S Sulphur fructose levels in your Pancreas…
Cayenne Pepper is a Selenium…
Ginger root can be chewed & swallowed & is a Zinc…
Cottage Cheese, Nexium, Probiotics, Botox, Yogurt are all in the Phosphorus P family as is Mold