Medical Honey is contraindicated in those individuals who are allergic to honey…An allergy means you have overdosed already on a subject…Eat too many pineapples & eventually, you will develop a pineapple allergy-rash around your mouth type symptoms…Eat too much honey, & you may get a sugar type allergy…I use the term sugar loosely…Fructose are fruit sugars…Honey sugars…Are honey sugars…Anyways…People with or who had cancers, may have had sugar in excess in their Pancreas…Though Manuka honey may be the best honey to get (we got ours fresh from the beekeeper & it was not called anything in particular & was not a brand or label by the way)…Honey does still contain a form of sugar…So…If one assumes that Cancer can feed on sugar, then using honey, any kind of honey, would be dangerous…If one has a wound, like an ulcerating or fungating tumour, then one might be tempted to use honey to close the wound…However…If honey including all medical honey, is contraindicated with those with honey allergies or sensitivities, then one might assume someone who has or had cancer would fit into the contraindicative category…Which means, no medical honey for those healing wounds, which are due to cancer or parasites or wound healing…If cancer is gone, then yes & or maybe…That is my opinion (IMO), & I am very sorry to say, my observation…
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