The Minus items flow upwards…
The Plus items flow downwards…
So if you take a Titanium like cannabis oil for instance, then the flow of Minus erases all the Plus items above it on the chart(the grove body part chart)…
But the flow of Minus will not erase Plus items BELOW Titanium on the chart…
The shape of the cord is snakelike…What I mean by cord is the connector between each element…Or you can think of the shape as a swirl…A soft vanilla ice cream cone with a swirl that causes its shape…(The Fibonacci spiral they call it, or DNA strands some…DE(e) Oxy Ribo Nucleic Acid)…
When you eat a food group like Phosphorus cottage cheese for instance estrogenic, then that food traverses DOWN the snakelike cord…Yummy cottage cheese phosphorus estrogen gives you magnesium energy to exercise & salty mercury to grow your cartilage & tendons…Down the chart…
But smoke some pot Titanium & it erases your Aluminum memory, & then it crawls up & erases your Iron-clad loyalty…Then you cannot see cause it erased your carroty Lead (plomb Pb) eyeseight…(Not mentioning the good things it does for the moment by the way)!