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Misleading studies:Beware of the anti-Copper philosophy…

Writer's picture: Sari GroveSari Grove
Summary:(If you get bored with reading long proofs!)Tuesday Dec. 15, 2015… “Let me explain…Ceruloplasmin is a Copper BINDER…Ceruloplasmin is high in Cancer, ALL cancer…A BINDER means it binds the substance…Which means it is OPPOSITE to the substance…The studies that say Copper is high in Cancer, if you ACTUALLY read the whole study(clinical trial) refer to Ceruloplasmin…On the web, commonly, Ceruloplasmin is referred to as Copper…This is a MISTAKE…It is opposite…The substance that binds Copper is Phosphorus…Like in yogurt, birth control drugs, kefir, cheese salmonella type bacterium, ejaculate, & is a sign of parasites living in the body…Phosphorus is the differential between malignant & benign…It is also in cottage cheese…It is a huge mistake not to have Copper in your diet or supplements or both if you have Cancer…Because it is probably the ONE thing that will kill off a parasite…Whoever is writing these studies that tells you to avoid Copper if you have Cancer probably wants you dead…I can think of no other reason…I am sorry for saying this, but recently someone delivered a Christmas gift basket to our family home that contained traces of anthrax…We are all fine, but it occurs to me that when you see online studies & clinical trials that say the complete opposite of the truth, that nefarious activity must be considered…Be forewarned & do your homework…Copper kills Cancer…Phosphorus promotes it…Know the difference!!! Update to this article:I have found a serious mistake in the interpretation of the word ceruloplasmin in online literature…Ceruloplasmin is the thing that binds Copper…It is Not Copper, it is its opposite…Ceruloplasmin is Low in high Copper diseases like Wilson’s disease…Ceruloplasmin is High in disease of low Copper like Breast Cancer & other Cancers…How this word became misinterpreted I do not know…However, I do know that Ceruloplasmin is high in Cancer, which means Copper levels are Low there, Including Triple Negative Cancers, which are not opposite in nature to other Cancers…This mistake is huge…People with Cancer need to understand that high Ceruloplasmin means Low Copper… To add insult to injury, this supposed ” new” drug tetrathiomolybdebate, has failed several Cancer trials already…For good reason…It lowers Copper…Cancer patients need to raise Copper…It has failed cancer trials so many times the Swedish company refuses to let it go for any new trials…For good reason…It is absolutely wrong for Cancer…& yet people are reading this anti-copper garbage & believing it…This is just so wrong & dangerous…Read Ethan Evers book The Eden Prescription to understand how far pharmaceutical companies will go to push a drug & mask a clinical trial…It is medical fiction but it might as well be non- fiction… Another update:” Sari Grove I should add, in the Weil Cornell study, they speak of Lowering Ceruloplasmin levels…That means, in the course of the study, their goal was to Lower Ceruloplasmin levels…Ceruloplasmin as I have said earlier is not Copper…It is a Copper binder, it’s opposite…Whoever wrote the study is also misinterpreting the word Ceruloplasmin for Copper…If anyone bothers to check, Ceruloplasmin is always higher in Cancer…Which is why they were trying to lower it…But it is not Copper…Ceruloplasmin as a Copper binder means Phosphorus, it’s opposite in the Spleen…It is easy to check this because Wilson’s disease is Low Ceruloplasmin which means very high Copper levels…(opposite to Cancer)…If everyone checks the triple negative breast cancer study which refers to Copper, their goal was to Lower Ceruloplasmin levels, which they did…But lowering Ceruloplasmin levels means raising Copper…The study is misleading…They are lowering Ceruloplasmin which is Phosphorus not Copper…The Weil Cornell institute has done this before- they have good hearts but sometimes the facts are a little messy…It happens & people should know that before adopting advice into their own alternative programs…Check…?Love & hugs, Sari” Note:Another puzzling ” fact” about the Weil Cornell study- they say they lowered Ceruloplasmin levels with the Molybdenum drug…But Molybdenum drugs are used for Wilson’s disease which is opposite to Cancer…This makes no sense…If molybdenum lowers Copper to treat Wilson’s, then how could it lower Ceruloplasmin levels if Ceruloplasmin is a Copper BINDER ( which means Phosphorus or Estrogen or cheese soy yogurt & Salmonella typhi bacterium in the real world??? Lowering Ceruloplasmin means raising Copper…The study has so many flaws in it, please be advised… Article:Sari Grove( in response to a new study about Copper & cancers…) I wouldn’t jump on the anti-Copper bandwagon too quickly…Copper has been a mainstay of regular chemo in allopathic medicine…Copper has been an integral part of Chinese medicine anticancer protocols in the form of Licorice root & Ginkgo Biloba…Coffee enemas, another Copper are a huge part of Gerson therapy…Wheatgrass, Chromium, & Green tea, are all big parts of Alternative medicine’s Copper arsenal…Copper antagonizes Phosphorus which is the key differential between malignant & benign tumours…Also, the supposed ” anti-Copper” drug they are using is not really a true Copper antagonist…Molybdenum is what you find in Navy beans & other pulses, that is what the drug is extracted from…Adding a Molybdenum drug is more like eating piles of beans…Which has been shown to increase longevity in cultures where people live to over 100 years of age…So the Molybdenum may be providing a different benefit…They use Molybdenum in cases of excess Copper like Wilson’s disease, but it is not chemically really anti-Copper…This whole anti-Copper thing is very misleading…I’d be careful… Sari Grove My own research breakthrough was to take Copper…I chose Licorice root for my Copper because it absorbs well, is easy to get, is affordable, & side effects were already documented…Plus there was a long history of its use in anticancer medicine in China…My research showed that the Licorice root causes phenotypic reversion, reverting cancer cells back to normal cells…I could see it happening as malignant Phosphorus cells retreated in my pictures…I based my life on this theory…I avoided lumpectomy & all other conventional treatment because of my discovery… I took Licorice root( Copper) for over a year…I did other things too, but my fear of spread stopped when I understood its mechanism…It saved my life…I am now stable with a lump that is stable & am healthier than I have ever been…That’s why I am so scared of these new anti-copper studies coming from a few people in Arizona…Copper can saves lives from malignancy & spread…Not to mention, isolating certain Cancers ‘ saying those people should do the opposite just created more fear & confusion…The whole triple negative versus triple positive should not be an opposing game…I feel confusion & contradictory studies only serve to sell more things that don’t work & yet doctors, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies & even alternative practitioners & supplement sellers still get paid…I keep finding studies saying Licorice root & dong quai & Gingko biloba are all estrogenic which is completely the opposite of true…It’s like they want to discredit all of Chinese medicine specifically…Is it because Chinese medicine is so cheap? I remind people that coffee enemas are full of Copper & that is great medicine…Salmonella typhi bacterium which feed on Phosphorus die from Copper…If you look at malignant breast tumours under a powerful microscope & compare them to salmonella images you will notice a startling similarity…They die from Coppers…It is very pervasive…? A Copper molecule that binds Phosphates is stopping Cancer spread in Germany…

If you type in the words:”glycyrrhizin phenotypic reversion” , you will see a myriad of studies showing how Licorice root( glycyrrhizin is its chemical name) induces ” phenotypic reversion”( cancer cells revert back to normal cells)…

Question: “But I read Licorice was estrogenic?”

Yes, I have seen the newer press about Licorice root…Very unusual actually because of the copious studies & clinical trials saying Glycyrrhizin ( the active ingredient in Licorice root) is not only anti-estrogenic but extremely anti-cancer…Chinese medicine uses Licorice root extensively against cancer & has for centuries…It is interesting to me to see how both Licorice root & Ginkgo Biloba, both very inexpensive Chinese herbal medicines, have been casually vilified, when they are so incredibly useful & powerful against cancer…New studies are also vilifying Copper, which has been a very successful component of chemo…I posted this because these are subjects that have been the subject of confusing internet articles, & my own research has shown bias in favour of this entire Copper family( green tea is also a Copper)…If you Google glycyrrhizin breast cancer for example, there is some better clarity about Licorice root, though it seems unfortunately also some bad information…The Copper family is all anti-estrogenic…Despite what you may read…Estrogens are Phosphorus…Like mold, yogurt, kefir & even the salmonella typhi bacteria gives a Phosphorus signature & loves to eat it too…Birth control drugs are a mix of Calcium & Phosphorus which these bugs love to feed on…In the old days, you put a Copper penny into your flower water to kill mold(Phosphorus)…People knew instinctively Copper killed mold…The new studies that say Coppers are bad, are by association saying Phosphorus then is good, that estrogens are good…It is so illogical but I see people are buying into it…Which is why I write about it copiously…I have been trying to provide some clarity into some of these tougher issues…Especially because I believe this group has such powerful anti-spread abilities…Glycyrrhizin has been shown to induce phenotypic reversion where Cancer cells revert back to normal cells, benign…It is very powerful & I bet my life on it…In my pictures, I could see Phosphorus retreating as I took a Licorice root tincture…Phosphorous is the differential between benign & malignant, so this was important…I have seen the opposite studies on coffee, Licorice root, & Gingko biloba- but when I google more using their chemical or Latin names, I get the real studies…I am not sure, because I am not a conspiracy theorist, but it seems the whole list of Chinese medicines has been targeted…I notice in all my Facebook groups none of the Chinese herbs get mentioned…it is very very odd…Licorice root is Anti-estrogen…Anti…

Decaf coffee has a little bit of caffeine…The alkaline/acid recommendations while they are useful because they push people into eating healthier & get them interacting( the PH strips), are also at times contradictory…Common sense tells us that lemon juice is acidic, like coffee or green tea, but the alkaline diets recommends it…

Sari Grove Yes, your delicious decaf coffee is helpful too…

Sari Grove To add, for the Triple Negative people, Triple negative means that their problem is not predominantly influenced by estrogen, progesterone, or hydrogens- so Phosphorus(spleen), Calcium(adrenal gland, & well, Hydrogen( Liver)…But that doesn’t mean they need to do the opposite of what the triple positive people do…The anti-Copper studies imply the triple negatives( or other aggressives), should be restraining Copper…Restraining Copper allows Phosphorus to bloom…That is like telling a Triple negative to eat cheese daily, to lower Copper…It is ludicrous when you put it in plain terms…When you hide it in clinical language though , people seem to buy it…I feel the segregation of Cancers into tiny unique sub- groups makes it so much easier to sell piles of drugs & supplements…It seems that all Cancers seem to respond to some very basic large categories…The obfuscation today in medicine & pharmacology seems a little nefarious…


* Copper One of the colloidal minerals that has great potential for treating cancer. “In 1930, work in France indicated that injections of colloidal copper mobilized and expelled tumor tissue. Recent work with mice in the U.S. has shown that treatment of solid tumors with non-toxic doses of various organic complexes of copper markedly decreased tumor growth and metastasis and thus increased survival rate. These copper complexes did not kill cancer cells but caused them to revert to normal cells. Based on work in the treatment of cancers using copper complexes, researchers have found that these same complexes may prevent or retard the development of cancers in mice under conditions where cancers are expected to be induced.”

My own books are free to download in many different formats from the publisher Smaswords…There are 8 so far…My specific journey into exploring breast cancer started about midway through Book 3 & at the end of Book 3, I discover how important Copper is(using Licorice root as my Copper choice)…Here are all the books

Sari Grove is an artist who developed something called The Grove Body Part Chart, in order to help Do It Yourselfers understand medicine better…The theory behind the chart is that each body part contains two elements that live together as opposites…One is called the Minus element which detoxes & cleanses, the other is called the Plus element that feeds & repairs…The strongest Plus element is Lead at +12…The strongest Minus element is Boron at -12…Gender refers to the Prostate Gland in men, & Skene’s gland in women(the female prostate)…The Grove Health Science series of books(8 so far, 9 is in the works) are free to download from Smashwords(in several tiny formats), NoiseTrade, & from the website…The new Grove Brain Part chart connects to the Body Part Chart…(Sari’s dad was a neuro-opthalmological surgeon, & Joseph Grove, also an artist & Sari’s partner, is the grandson of an Oxford (military scholarship)war time physician)…

Corrected for Sugar

Corrected for Sugar

Grove Brain Part Chart connects to Body Part Chart

Grove Brain Part Chart connects to Body Part Chart

How to stop SPREAD(of Cancer)…

Are you taking anything in this family? Gingko biloba, green tea, Licorice root, Matcha, Yerba Mate, chromium, wheatgrass? This category specifically stops spread & can reduce the pressure…Green tea extract supplements work too…

Phosphorus signature in Visual Imaging…

Well the Salmonella Typhi bacterium likes to feed on Phosphorus, & also gives off a Phosphorus signature under SLIM microscopy( spectral light interference microscope)…So the mouse mammary tumour virus(seen in aggressive cancers like the triple negative types) giving off a choline( cholesterol), glutamate( gluten) signature would indicate that is its favorite foods…Since choline & glutamate overexpression( excess) occurs in the more aggressive cancers, lowering those 2 areas should be a priority, it seems…(to lower cholesterol/choline you need Titaniums like Boswellia…To lower Glutamates you need Carbons like coconut oil, or other oils like Flaxseed oil, or hemp oil,  or baking soda-sodium biCARBONate…)

How do systemic imbalances occur? (It starts with a systemic imbalance, then you attract parasites/viruses/bacteria which like to feed on the excesses occurring in your body…The combination of excesses plus the parasite, is what we call cancer today…Which is why antiparasitics are key to eradicating cancer…)

Often imbalances occur decades earlier when someone took birth control pills briefly…They simmer as Calcium excess in the Adrenal Gland, & surface later as lumps & bumps as the Calcium biodegrades down to Phosphorus in the Spleen…Truth is the appearance of lumps is usually the inner organs purging & pushing stuff to the surface…Nine times out of ten it seems there were birth control drugs early in life…They don’t excrete…You have to do a heavy metal detox to get them out-ie: gingko biloba, vinpocetine, butcher’s broom…The other contributing factor if no birth control drugs were taken seems to be high Calcium levels in the well water, or farm water supply…


Ah interesting…So the drug they use in the study about Copper is made from Molybdenum…Molybdenum is found in Navy Beans…Now Navy Beans also happen to be very high in Saponins…Saponins lower cholesterol…Cholesterol/ choline is implicated in excess in Triple negative & other aggressive breast cancers…So the true action of the Molybdenum drug may be to lower cholesterol…It is not really an anti-Copper drug per se, though they use it as such…Sort of like charcoal is used for poisoning but is not necessarily specifically That anti poison…True anti-Coppers are probiotics, cheese, yogurt, GABA, mold…

Other considerations: Sari Grove( if you are sneaking milk)… Throw in a sea vegetable dish like Arame( you get it dry, soak in water, pour off the liquid, sauté with some Braggs, some corn niblets, & some onions)…The high Iodine in the Arame will eat up the Calcium from the milk…

Sari Grove Cilantro has massive Copper…In raw salad or something…

Sari Grove Sesame seeds & cashews are very high in Manganese which lowers Iron…Iron is a basic component of both benign & malignant…They call it Oxalate…Flaxseeds too…

For those who think that Coffee enemas are the only way to go( as opposed to drinking it the regular way), here is an opposing viewpoint…(I’m not saying I agree, but just that I don’t think drinking your coffee is wrong)…

Corrected for Sugar

Corrected for Sugar

question:”But I heard Copper takes out Zinc?”

No…When I say no, I mean to explain my no with my Chart…There are 12 body parts on the Chart…(Gender is prostate gland in man or Skene’s gland in woman)…

The entire vertical Minus element column Detoxes…The entire vertical Plus element column Feeds or repairs…The Minuses reinforce each other…The Pluses reinforce each other…As you can see on the chart, both Copper & Zinc are Minus detox elements…One will enhance the other…

Only a Plus element will lower a Minus element & vice versa…In the Copper studies they are using a Molybdenum drug, a Plus element…It is not a true anti-Copper…But a Plus element will oppose a Minus element, though in that case not specifically…

To lower Copper you need a Phosphorus like Kefir, probiotics, mold, Salmonella bacteria-which is why I think the anti-Copper studies are ludicrous & anecdotal compared with the huge body of research that came before which has put Copper into almost every chemo drug on the planet…

Copper kills salmonella & other Phosphorus malignancy, which is at the root of almost every cancer…

It is a big deal…The Copper Zinc relationship you mention is something that also doesn’t make sense if you put it into English…What it is saying is that if you drink orange Juice(Zinc) with a cup of Coffee(copper, that the orange juice will cancel out the coffee…That is just not true…The orange juice will perk you up & detox & the coffee will just intensify that & you may start to feel jittery from the actions of both detoxing at the same time…

If you want to lower Zinc you need a Lead like Vitamin A, Beta carotene, Carrot juice…They are true opposites…

Just like when people say CBD oil has no side effects, I keep my mouth shut…Because people don’t want to hear that & I can’t take the grief of their reactions…The point about Copper is really important though…Copper can save people’s lives…Which is why the anti-Copper thing is really very very dangerous…

To add: About Copper & Zinc…Studies have shown that grapefruit (Zinc) extends caffeine effects(Copper)…Which confirms that Zinc enhanced Copper…( as opposed to some comments that Zinc interferes with Copper, which just doesn’t make any sense…)…

Sari Grove For example, a common Copper, Coffee, is found to reduce likelihood of having a ” negative receptor type aggressive breast cancer”… So adding More Copper lowers your type from aggressive to normal… Coffee Protects Against Type of Breast Cancer Women who drink five cups of coffee a day are 57 percent less likely to develop the cancer than women who drink less than a cup of coffee a day. ·

Sari Grove Another Copper, Ginkgo Biloba, has also shown excellent anticancer properties for estrogen negative cancers …Here is one study… Sari Grove Another Copper, Ginkgo Biloba, has also shown excellent anticancer properties for estrogen negative cancers …Here is one study… Chemopreventive effects of Ginkgo biloba extract in estrogen-negative human breast cancer cells Excessive level of estrogen is considered as a main cause of breast cancer, therefore, many studies have focused on estrogen receptor (ER)-positive breast cancer, even though ER-negative cancer… · Like · More · Just now_extract_in_estrogen-negative_human_breast_cancer_cells Chemopreventive effects of Ginkgo biloba extract in estrogen-negative human breast cancer cells Excessive level of estrogen is considered as a main cause of breast cancer, therefore, many studies have focused on estrogen receptor (ER)-positive breast cancer, even though ER-negative cancer… ·

Just to add… Studies of Triple Negative cancers in African American women show that Tryptophan is over expressed in triple negative, much more than in triple positive less aggressive cancers… Tryptophan is an antagonist to Copper, meaning high Tryptophan will eat up all your Copper…Now in this same study they find that nicotinamide levels are also high? What does That mean? It means that you have to be careful when evaluating levels of things…Nicotinamide like Vitamin C or D3 antagonizes Lead & is anticancer…So high levels are contradictory…Unless we are seeing high activity which means there is very high Lead And very high Nicotinamide…The Lead is eating it…High Copper in triple negative might be indicating even Higher levels of Tryptophan, which eats Copper…

Sari Grove Triple Negatives have higher sugar, higher cholesterol, & higher blood pressure, as well as higher gluten levels…It’s not that they are opposite to the Triple positives, it is just that when the traditional 3 foods are removed from the parasite’s plate, the parasite still has sugar, cholesterol, gluten, & B12( raises blood pressure if in excess) to feed on… Triple negative does not actually mean zero estrogen progesterone or hydrogen, it just means Not Only…It is a case of where words are not explaining enough… Metabolic Syndrome and Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: A New Paradigm International Journal of Breast Cancer is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, and clinical studies related to all aspects of breast cancer. ·

Sari Grove Not to be a bore, but checking over the basics of this conversation , there is a basic premise that seems to be in question for me now more than ever…When looking through studies of Triple Negative cancer chemistry, ( I will link one of them at the end), I see Tryptophan S being over expressed in the Triple Negatives…Tryptophan, like Serotonin, is opposite to Dopamine which relates to Copper…Translation: High Tryptophan should mean low Copper…Which calls into question the studies that are asserting high Copper…It is paradoxical…How can you have one study say high tryptophan & another say high Copper? They are opposites…Or is it that both are high? Like saying someone who ate 14 hot dogs & 3 burgers & 5 pineapples had a high fruit diet? But neglected to mention the high B12 levels from the meat? I am saying that these new ” triple negatives are high in copper & must have that restrained” studies are just that- studies…Not to mention that restraining Coppers could be life threatening…Considering in Germany they are coming out with a very high Copper drug for Triple negatives, this is all really just mud… Here’s the high tryptophan (& more) study again…?Ok, I’m done…Sleep well! Hugs, Sari

My story:(Note, Licorice Root is a Copper)…

“…I studied SLIM pictures of benign & malignant(slim is spatial light interference microscopy)…The benign lumps are Calcium Oxalate ( Oxalate means Iron)…Malignant are Calcium Phosphate…In the pictures I could see what Phosphate( Phosphorus- what they call Estrogen) look like…It looks like purple ants…In my own pictures, I could see purple ants too…( that was when I actually believed maybe what they were saying about me was true- up till then I thought I was misdiagnosed- that mine was benign)…The very first day after gulping 4 dropperfulls of the Licorice root tincture, I saw the purple ants were clearing- the centre was clearing & the edges still had some…It was then I knew I was going to be ok…3 days in, the lump was significantly clearer…But I continued taking various forms of Licorice root for over a year…To make sure I had eradicated every inch of Phosphorus purple ants from my body…My whole body, not just the lump…?”

My facebook post post in the group…

“I found the mistake…Ceruloplasmin is high in Cancer…Which is a Copper binding agent…Which means that Ceruloplasmin is the Opposite of Copper…Which means that Copper levels are too low in Cancer patients…It is a massive mistake…Ceruloplasmin is low in Wilson’s disease which is high Copper & opposite to Cancer patients…To add- the drug tetrathiomolybdenate failed several Cancer trials already…So many failures, the Swedish company won’t release it further…It is a dud for Cancer, & the anti-Copper literature is all tied to promoting this dud drug…Including the material that says Cancer patients have high Copper levels…They have high Ceruloplasmin levels-I found the misinterpretation of the term Ceruloplasmin on the Jesica’s Hope Facebook page…God knows where this mistake began…I recommend Ethan Evers book The Eden Prescription for all who need a great read about medical fiction that is becoming reality vis a vis what pharmaceutical companies will do to get better results from a clinical trial…To reiterate, Cancer including Triple Negative is characterized by High Ceruloplasmin levels, which means Low Copper…Which means, like I have said before, that people with Cancer need to raise Copper levels…The misinformation & misinterpretation of the word Ceruloplasmin seems to be key to the problem here…Or it is deliberate obfuscation to promote a dud drug that doesn’t work…Either way, this is important to understand clearly…”

If we were to use serum Ceruloplasmin as a diagnostic marker for Cancer…(the link above explains a study where they did…)

Here are some of the Ceruloplasmin levels they found(you could ask your doctor for a ceruloplasmin blood test & compare your levels…)

Healthy Controls Male= 296 mg/l

healthy Controls Female = 346 mg/l

Patients male =460 mg/l

patients female = 440 mg/l

Cut off levels in men =358 mg/l (above that unhealthy)

cut off levels women= 383 mg/l (above that unhealthy

lung cancer=469 mg/l

breast cancer= 407 mg/l

larynx cancer=466 mg/l

gastrointestinal cancer=546 mg/l

tumor grade= class 1= 404 mg/l

tumor grade class 2=423 mg/l

tumor grade class 3=581 mg/l

The study mentions that ceruloplasmin levels tend to be more markedly elevated in more advanced or aggressive cancers, but that even in moderate cancvers or smaller tumors, ceruloplasmin levels will be elevated enough to notice…

Since Ceruloplasmin level blood tests are routine for Wilson’s disease(it is opposite to cancer, low ceruloplasmin with high circulating copper levels in the body), your health insurance should cover this blood test for you-just explain it is a cancer marker-Higher than normal ceruloplasmin indicates possibly cancer…

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