***Heroin is found airborne in strip clubs…
Boron is found in Borax like Borax 20 Mule Team (at Canadian Tire store on shelf at Yonge & Davenport location)
Radioactive seed localization, inserts radioactive seeds into Lymph nodes to check them (4)for malignancy (North York General is doing that now, first in the world maybe…or Canada at least)…p.s.reduces need for Lymphaedema! (swollen edema fluid gelly jelly in lymph nodes causes by High B12 reading MTHFR gene-formely called BRACA gene BRCA (challah borough haddah adonaoyi)r
Cher is Cherokee Indian type
Choksawa is crossbreed female Teep wigmwam joke insert here…
insert dad’s song here…”i got syphillis”
snort Life brand sweetener art. up right nostril to right frontal lobe…left side of body…removes inhaled parasite crawled up my nose & died dormant went to sleep…
eucalyptus smell now…
Matrix of Holotsic Health Janina ward–holistic