Update: Oooohhhhh!!!!! Methylfolate is what people with the MTHFR gene mutation are taking…I got confused by the word ” folate “…No!!! Methylfolate acts in practice Like Potassium!!! It lowers blood pressure!!!( as opposed to raising It)…Semantic misunderstanding…Couldn’t understand how supplementing folate could lower blood pressure ( it can’t!)Ok…End of correcting myself…
(anonymous)Example case:
Methylfolate supplementation & blood pressure lowering effect…
Blood Pressure 136/83 (at doctor, bp 152) …
2 weeks of 800 mcg /day/methylfolate, blood pressure bp 105/65…
4 doses/day and bp 99/51 … Conclusion:Methylfolate lowers bp blood pressure…(this observational conclusion has been confirmed in other methylfolate users…hence my association that methylfolate acts more like potassium than B12…*I will return to this concept if results change…
The MTHFR gene mutation is associated with high blood pressure… https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25165067
On the Grove Body Part Chart, High blood pressure is an excess of “Aurum”(found in B12 for example)…Which requires the Minus element Potassium to lower that…
Taking B12(Aurum on the chart) can raise blood pressure…In fact it is one of the suggested strategies to raise blood pressure at this link… http://www.livestrong.com/article/509969-does-taking-b-12-vitamins-help-raise-your-blood-pressure/
I have noticed that many people who state they have the MTHFR gene mutation taking B12…Or some form of it…I think this is absolutely the wrong way to go…I think Potassium, which lowers blood pressure is the correct direction if you have the MTHFR gene…