post-concussion…Dr. Daniel Amen mentioned…(Spect scan fame)
My number one recommendation for post-concussion recovery is Taurine powder…
Concussion raises Potassium levels in the medulla Oblongata & the Heart in a dangerous way which can affect the heart…
In the hospital, immediate supplementation of Taurine powder in juice(it is tasteless), can prevent heart failure…
Taurine acts like B12 which raises the dangerously low levels of blood pressure that high potassium causes…
Potassium & B12(Aurum Au) are opposites…
The Grove Brain Part Chart can be seen on our website…
Grove Health Science(9 books now) can be read free on the site…
We are artists who are re-writing medicine to improve comprehension for those who are looking to DIY…
I was punched in the right eye in January, by a police officer…
He had handcuffed my right wrist, & the cuff was cutting off all circulation to my hand, my heart, my arm…
When I realized he was trying to hurt me, & that my life was in danger, I flailed…
Another police officer was on top of me, as I lay on the ground…
When I flailed with my left leg, that is when the crazy man punched me as hard as he could in the right eye…
I was in St. Joseph’s hospital for 3 weeks…
This began because there is a traffic sign on my mother’s street that says no traffic between 7 am & 9 am in the morning…
One would assume that local traffic was excepted, because then how would you leave your own home to go to work if you couldn’t use your own road between 7-9 am?
Usually there is a secondary sign saying “Local Traffic allowed or excepted” somewhere else…I know this law…
So when I saw an insane policeman standing in the middle of my mother’s street stopping non-local traffic, I knew I was legally allowed to be driving there…
I also did not feel like being stopped on my way downtown…
So I put the car in reverse, & reversed into my neighbour’s driveway…
When the cops saw that, they decided I was an escaped convict or something, went into high adrenaline mode, & set out to hunt me down & capture me…
They jumped in their vehicle & sped two chevrons(like 20 feet) in the shortest most ridiculous display of men with badges & too many weapons at their disposal…
“Escaped Convict” obviously, must be trapped…
One officer exited his vehicle in a hurry & proceeded to shout through the window of my car…(Toyota Matrix, Sundance Metallic, nice car, mine)…
What I saw was a crazy angry adrenaline pumped man with weapons screaming at me to open my window…
I have been taught not to open my vehicle window if my life is in danger…Mum taught me that…
I said no I am not going to open my window…
He was so agitated…He obviously thought I was a dangerous criminal…
The other one came over to the other side of the car, now I was surrounded…He played good cop…
“Ma’am…” open your window…They seemed fixated on that goal…I pressed the slide down a bit button & the window on the far side , passenger side, went down a bit…
I realized my mistake as good cop poked his head in…Now they could get to me…
I decided to run to my neighbour’s front door, ring the doorbell, & knock to get help…
I did, & shouted loud:”help, help”…
I was being harassed by two policemen, & I wanted witnesses & assistance…
But my neighbour’s were in Florida of course, it was still winter, & my shouts out to Eglinton went empty into the cold windy air…
Good cop went to touch me, to grab me physically…You see they saw wealthy homes, & they thought I was trespassing…They didn’t know I was local, that I knew this neighbour’s family since I was a baby, & that my mother lived on the same street…
I screamed :”Don’t touch me” as he continued to approach…As he approached closer I screamed :”Rape” at the top of my lungs, to try & attract some attention from passerby…
Not a blink from the dark haired Spanish looking lady who crossed the street, pretending to mind her own business-not wanting to get involved…Gee…Thanks, ma’am…
Good cop grabs me, & now he wants my keys:”Give me your keys”…My keys, why do you want my keys? Give me your keys…
He grabs my hand & squeezes hard on the outside to crush my hand so my keys will fall out…I go a little blind with pain, & there is a moment where the crushing of my hand compresses the key chain into the palm of my hand & hurts a nerve there, & I release on to the ground…
Keys go flying actually…
Then he handcuffs my right wrist…Obviously I have to be arrested or something for being a good legal citizen…
Crosses my mind this is either terrorism, police corruption, police brutality, just two insane guys trying to hurt a woman, misogyny, abuse of power…
Turns out they get a hundred bucks for every car they pull over that drives between 7-9 am…A hundred bucks…They were doing all of this in the hopes of getting a hundred bucks from me…
Apparently, though my Mum was always legal, they had been stopping her for years & extracting a hundred dollars from her each time…
She just paid…Used to the abuse…
Anyways…Handcuff was too small for my wrist…Left leg of mine tried to maybe , oh could it possibly my knee could bend the wrong way & kick him in the head? No, knees don’t go that way, unfortunately I cold not get myself free nor kick him in the head, nothing…
But the act of trying brought the punch, hard, out for blood…
This guy was out to kill…Nutso…
I smelled slightly marijuana from good cop…Maybe ecstacy or some other recreational drug on second cop…
Were they high? It was morning…Had they done a shift at a strip bar the next before? Had they been drugged?
15 or so more officers arrived at the “scene”…I yelled when they were asking for assisance for a female officer through their walkie talkie…
One out of the 15 did show up & rifled my purse…They found I was totally legal, had all my right cards & such, & they had done this to a good honest citizen…
Female officer told them they had to take me to a hospital when they saw my eye… was already swelling up like the elephant man…
In the police car I saw them deleting files…Was this video? They were driving & doing stuff on their computer screen…It was old & not very sophisticated…
The camera was turned off in the back seat so no records of the damage to my eye I guess for their superiors to see…
They were erasing the incident…
I heard them when they were putting left handcuff on trying to agree what had happened…Good cop(the one who punched me, & who was really violent)kept saying to bad cop(the one who stands in middle of the road pulling over cars)what the “story” was…They were already trying to cover their tracks, to get their story straight…
He said:”Ok, this is what happened”…He knew already he was wrong…
Bad cop would not agree…he just looked at good cop, like, man, you just handcuffed & punched this girl…I am on top of her, missionary position…
This is wrong…
Good cop was white irish looking…Bad cop was Indian, beige orange complexion…
They did not say a word to me in the police car, & took me into the hospital emergency ward, where the people there had no idea what had happened…
Lady comes in with a severely damaged eye…In handcuffs…With policemen…
Did I look like a criminal? No…I think they knew the criminals were the cops…
But nobody asked…if a child comes in beat up, & a parent is there, who looks violent…Don’t they wonder if the parent had done it?
I wonder why the hospital did not question the damage to my eye vis a vis the presence of two police officers…
Or does OHIP not pay for them to think…?(Ohip is the socialized medicine program in the province of Ontario where I live in canada…)
I was given a CT scan for my eye, & an X-ray for a possible fracture to my wrist…
Then I spent 3 weeks in the hospital…
No charges, no contact from the police, no apology, no explanation, nothing…Nada…
They beat me up & left…
Division 13, Toronto…
How lovely…beat a lady up & no apology…It’s a Jian Ghomeshi story(well known Canadian who beats women up for pleasure(during sex he likes to choke & hit them) & the courts just let him go free no punishment)…
Long story short, that is why the sclera(the whites) of my eye is so red in the picture below…I took these pictures after I got out of the hospital…
Blood vessels were still burst in places…
Two cords behind my eye had been detached, the ones that hold the eye in place, the tendons or cartilage…Lifting my eye to look up was a problem for me when I was examined by an ophthalmologist in hospital…
When I got home from hospital, when I got up to pee in the mornigs, I was walking into the right wall a bit…Nauseous & a little dizzy…
Great, I had a slight concussion…
I tucked in, got some supplements, B12, Taurine powder, best multivitamin I could buy, & started ordering delicious foods from Uber eats every night to boost my system…
Taurine & b12 are for concussion…
if you have had any cancer, be careful with B12/taurine though, it can be dangerous…
I slept alot & ate food mostly…
Thank you Uber eats…Grocery shopping & cooking was too much…
Ok…That is why I am looking at eye charts now…
More about that below…
Sari Grove, Saturday April 9, 2016 9:14 am
My right eye showed blockages in several places…(I will be detoxing those areas again!!!) link shows both right & left eye charts…
after 5 minutes of looking at the chart & my left eye picture…
I was reading about Iridology, the study of the Iris…
Out of curiosity I downloaded a left eye chart & took a picture of my left eye…
The brown spots in my left eye line up wow exactly with my own body’s troublesome areas…
Note the brown spot in the breast area of my eye in particular…That is the first thing I noticed…
(That is where my lump is…)
(there is an iridology group on Facebook by the way, & many resources online…)
left eye
left iridology chart I have borrowed the left eye iridology chart from this website…(Dear Iridology expert-if this is wrong of me to have used your chart please notify me & I will take it down from this post immediately & accept my sincere apologies…)
Update on Saturday April 9th, 2016: