“I address the very most basic components…
Generally speaking progesterone birth control is a Calcium element…We are in the Adrenal Gland…
Calcium breaks down over time, using its friend & partner, Iodine, its opposite…
The next element on the chart, the next body part or organ, is the Spleen…
The broken down Calcium & Iodine flow into the Spleen, & now we have Phosphorus…
Excess Phosphorus, since the birth control drug has been added to the body in large quantity…
This Phosphorus can live in the Spleen, & will only break down if there is sufficient Copper to do so…
In the blood, up in the Thymus gland, we possibly have the female overly hungry, eating large amounts of meat for example, raising her Iron levels exponentially…
The progesterone birth control mimics a state of pregnancy, so the hunger is also forced by the drug…
Now, in the most simple terms, we have Calcium, Phosphorus, & Iron in excess…
This is all conjecture on my part…
There is more…
While “on” birth control, sexual intercourse may occur with one’s husband or partner…
There can be accidental fertilizations while on birth control drugs, that create some sort of ovarian cyst situation…
These cysts can detach, in particular, with things like Dr. Reckeweg’s R38, & R39, formulations, which are designed for each ovary specifically…
The cysts detach, & fall out when urinating, approximately 48 hours after drinking the tinctures…
Now we have somewhat fertilized zygotes entering the toilet water, being flushed down, & entering our general water supply…
These are eggs that have accidentally met sperm, despite the presence of the birth control drug-so the embryo does not grow, however, there is something there…
When these things enter the water supply, one wonders, where do they go?
The parasite theory of cancer, Hulda Clark’s, finishes off the puzzle…
But what are these parasites?
Do we now have in our ecosystem, microembryos, flailing about in our water, the product of marriage couplings, while on birth control drugs, then flushed out as cysts?
Which then appear as parasites under a microscope?
Are they parasites or are they our mistakes?
These parasites come back to us, bite in, seek a home shelter, driven by biology, & nestle in our breast tissue…
Then the body responds naturally with an outpouring of iron & calcium & Phosphorus to “breastfeed” its “child”…
The thing we call malignancy…
Other tumours, from silicone implants or other invasive chemistries follow a more logical pattern that we can bear to speak about…
But the indignity of birth control drugs, mis-fertilizations, “cyst” removals, then later “parasite” infestations has been veiled in euphemism & embarrassment…
Hence the continuing “mystery” of this thing called cancer…
As the future arrives & women become more & more transparent, we will see better…
It is happening now…
Then we can finally heal…
I feel that as women enter the health care professions, & take leadership roles in other professions as well that were previously male dominant, we will be able to finally make decisions about our own health…
The vast majority of women have been contraceptized without really even knowing of the consequences…
The vast majority of male doctors who have prescribed these problematic drugs have not been held accountable for the atrocities women face today as a consequence…”
Here is the link to the study I used to source my information about standard breast cancer lump morphology…
benign-calcium oxalate(iron and calcium)
malignant-calcium phosphate(calcium iron & phosphorus)
so the distinction between the two is phosphorus, which I antagonize with copper- use licorice root as the copper…any format
Tissue refractive index as a marker for disease…
Have a good morning, & a lovelier week!
re: silicone breast implants with tumours hiding behind them eating the silicone-yes, silicone is something that gums up the gallbladder so I would detox with the magnesium family…)