Nicotine is an antiparasitic…
They use it as pesticide actually…
So I got a box of Nicoderm patches…
Stuck one on…
Wow! Everything else I was taking kicked in faster & it just so improved my body’s ability to kill parasites…
There’s a DIY tip that might help you move this process along faster…
Some other modalities for parasites( especially if they are in your head ie: brain cancers/tumours):
Albenza, Vermox, Pyrantel Pamoate( suspension or pills), Humaworm, grapefruit essential oil internally( dilute), Papaya seeds, garlic, cayenne, Parafree from Young Living, raw plant based diet, daily exercise outdoors( walk), Nicoderm patch, High intensity tanning bed, Black salve to area on head, Bloodroot capsules, vaping nicotine & cbd oil…Enemas…Super slimming tea by triple leaf tea company( Senna)…
Comments:(re:cigarettes)Yes, all nicotine products have antiparasitic properties…Cigarettes when they burn also contribute Lead & Ash to the lungs, which can cause other problems(lung cancer)…Vaping works…The patches provide a consistent delivery, even while you are sleeping…Parasites often are busiest at night, so a patch can be handy…You can also cut patches & apply them to specific places(inside nostril for instance…
Comment(about herbals):I have been using it as an adjunct, not as a primary…The nicoderm patch seems to have jumpstarted everything else…It speeded up my metabolism…I have taking Humaworm, Albenza, vermox, bloodroot capsules, Pyrantel Pamoate-I have been struggling with raccoon roundworm which is very very dangerous…(though they called it IDC in cancer words)…I got my breast lump to benign, but I overlooked that parasites can travel around, & though I thought I was all clear, it ended up 2 years later coming up my spine to my head…Very freaky…I threw in a visit to a high tech tanning bed called a Compressor(very safe doesn’t burn) to throw in some do it yourself radiation treatment…That has helped tremendously too..Just throwing everything at it…I did herbals all the way through at the beginning…Had I been less confident, I would have done more maybe…I am only doing the hard core stuff now cause I have to…
I weigh about 150 lbs now…In 2014, around Easter, I was closer to 200 lbs!
Success:One day I went for a long walk…Then I drank some Pyrantel Pamoate in suspension(amazon)…Then I ate 6 Combantrin pills…Then I vaped some 6 mg flavorless nicotine ejuice…I put some of that ejuice in my hair too…Had some hot chili sauce at dinner, some tuna, beet salad, green apple applesauce, cup of caffeine tea, another cup of caffeine tea red rose at home with a fake sugar…Some Parafree capsules from Young Living…Some Humaworm FAST HELP capsules…Nicoderm patch cut into a quarter size…Slept well that night, first night of some peace!!!!