Sari’s Note: For those in a hurry, here are all 3 edits, Fotoflexer(for chemistry), Lunapic(to see cancer), Pixlr(size changes), in one video!
Note:The Lunapic edit shown in the video is the mobile phone version of Lunapic…If you are on a desktop computer the edit will be easier…
In a hurry? Just use the take screenshot instructions for all 3 on your iPhone…Hold top button down, then press & release big circle button…Saves to your Photos library on iphone…
NIDI=Non Invasive Diagnostic Imaging
(video shows how to do the Lunapic edit to check for cancer in a lump on an iPhone!) post explains the editing methods in more detail & how to interpret your results…
Note( on an iPhone)*Get a free Flash app from App Store , like Puffin…Then you can do fotoflexer on iPhone…Just enlarge screen when trying to move Hue & Saturation sliders…You can’t slide on iPhone, so just tap where you want circle to go on slider to get it to slide…Not hard, just 4 steps, go slow… Here are two ways at looking at a lump under the skin, or looking at where a lump was…
Bonus:You can run your MRI pictures or your CT scan pictures through just like a normal picture too…!
Fotoflexer looks at the chemistry of the area or the lump…(yes, you can also edit from ultrasound pictures & brain scans & MRI, & CT scans…)
Fotoflexer edit from a brain scan(it was black & white)
Lunapic tells you if there is Cancer present, where it is, & how much…
Lunapic edit from a brain scan…The faint purple areas are the cancer…
Fotoflexer is 4 steps…
Lunapic is 15 steps…
Take your picture very close up, in good light, & hold still…The better the picture, the closer, the better the results…
Here is the Fotoflexer edit in words:Pictures follow…
Upload your picture to
In Basics, choose Adjust…Move HUE slider to the Left, Move Saturation slider to the Right, click Done…
In Effects, click More at far top left to see more choices come up, look for HEAT MAP, click that, click APPLY…
In Effects look for COLOR ROTATE, click that, click APPLY…
Upload to then in Basics choose Adjust
Move HUE all the way to left, Move Saturation all the way to right…
In EFFECTS choose Heat Map(click MORE at top to see Heat map as a choice)
After Applying Heat map, go to COLOR ROTATE, click APPLY as well, then SAVE you are DONE!
This is the Fotoflexer edit to check for biochemistry…Read DIY Cancer Repair Manual to figure out your results…
Troubleshooting:If you are not getting decent results from doing the basic Fotoflexer edit, you may have Lead poisoning…The Lead blocks the editor from seeing under the skin…Do the edit again, but before you start, in Basics, Choose Contrast, & up the contrast a little bit so there is more light on the picture( it sees under the skin better this way)…Then follow the regular 4 steps…You may then show tons of Blue…This is Lead…You need to do a heavy metal chelation…( is excellent)( also use ginkgo biloba, Vinpocetine, butchers broom- all three- to chelate)…( Pranin B powder from Canada helps too- or copy individual ingredients from that recipe yourself)…Eat Cilantro, Basil, & fruit, to lower Lead too…
Here are the in words instructions for the Lunapic edit that looks for malignancy…
Upload a picture to
In Adjust choose SHARPEN, slide all the way to the right, apply
In Adjust choose colour saturation, slide all the way to the right(or change number from 50 to 100 in little box)click SET SATURATION
In Adjust choose CONTRAST-Click the PLUS+ button 5 times in a row slowly(let it load before each click)
Now go to FILTERS…Choose Thermal Effect, apply
In Filters again choose HDR LIGHTING, apply
Now Back to ADJUST, choose Adjust LIGHT LEVELS-Slide all three bars to the LEFT(Contrast, Highlights, Shadows)
In Adjust again choose Adjust COLORS…Click on All three choices at bottom (swap red & green, blue & red, red & blue) click APPLY
Last step in Adjust choose NORMALIZE!
Any purple in picture is dangerous…Cancer…Phosphorus…
In FILTERS choose Thermal Effect, then HDR Lighting(steps 5 & 6)
SWAP all 3 colour choices in Adjust Colors(In ADJUST)…then APPLY
Last step! In ADJUST choose NORMALIZE…Purple indicates presence of Phosphorus Malignancy…
Visit this post to see TWO VIDEOS on how to do the edits on a desktop computer step by step!!! is an edit method to track size of a lump, tumour or mass…It also sees areas of congestion …
Here is how to do edits:
Go to
upload your picture
In Adjustment choose these 4 steps…
Cross Process
Color Lookup ( in Color Lookup choose the Last Color choice in the second row on the far right- click Ok when done)…
Extra: You can see different things in Pixlr, when you get to the last step called Color Lookup by clicking each different Color choice…Check it out to get an idea…The one I chose seemed to show the most, but flipping through the other Color choices gives you an idea of what is happening under the skin…Update:The RED in PIXLR edits is HYDROGEN!
Comments:”Yes…Now that I have an iPhone that is up to date, I do many of the edits on it…If you download the free Puffin app from the iTunes store (on your iPhone), it allows you to go to flash websites…So you can do all 3 edits on the iPhone…To save the finished pictures, you hold down the top button on the phone, then press the round button at the bottom, it makes a clicking sound, & saves a screenshot of the whole screen…Photo goes into Photos library…” from Sari