An analysis of the Bill Henderson anticancer protocol which leans on the Budwig diet a bit…
Grove Body Part Chart
So Flaxseed Oil is a combination of two things: Flaxseed & Oil, which on our chart, would be, respectively, Manganese, & Carbon…
Manganese has a strength of Minus 2, & Carbon is Minus 5…
Minus means they are detox type elements…(Plus means they are repair type elements)…
Cottage Cheese is a Phosphorus primarily…Plus 4…
So if you eat Flaxseed oil mixed with cottage cheese, which is a component of the Budwig diet, then you are getting this formula: Manganese -2 Carbon -5 Cottage cheese Plus 4…
So your equation is -2 -5 +4 = -3 So the total contribution biochemically to your body is a detox value of Minus 3…
So eating flaxseed oil with cottage cheese actually detoxes you more than it feeds you!
So that is healthy…
Most anticancer diets forbid any form of dairy, including calcium things & cheeses…
For good reason:the signature of malignancy is Phosphorus…(cancer creatures love to eat Phosphorus & also give off a Phosphorus signature if you are looking for them…You can see this in our editing method here…)
Cottage cheese, theoretically, according to Dr. Budwig, changes biochemically when mixed with flaxseed oil…
That detox value of Minus 3(total) would be similar to just ingesting a Titanium(like hulled hemp seeds)…
But in practice, when examining photographs of people who have done the Budwig diet for years, shows Phosphorus buildup…
If the cottage cheese is indeed changed by the flaxseed oil, we should not be seeing Phosphorus buildup in people doing the Budwig diet…
But we do…
Which says to me that the cottage cheese is still acting like cottage cheese in the body…
Which says to me that it is dangerous…
If salmonella typhi bacterium(typhus)(the most common thing that is just so ubiquitous & easy to ingest) love to eat Phosphorus…
If your body is full of Phosphorus(in your Spleen), Salmonella will more readily hop into your mouth…
Later they show up in scans & get called “Cancer”…
A 30 day antiparasitic cocktail like Humaworm ( ) may be enough to get rid of these parasites…
But if you are eating cottage cheese at the same time, that may take longer or be much much harder to do…
My two cents worth…
On the other hand, the rest of the diet(Budwig) seems nice…The Bill Henderson protocol seems nice too…
So maybe the use of cottage cheese is mitigated by the lack of other things like red meat or ice cream or doughnuts…
Trade offs…