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Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type VI, a deficiency of melanin?

Writer's picture: Sari GroveSari Grove

Pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) also known as serpin F1 (SERPINF1), is deficient in osteogenesis imperfecta type vi…

PEDF, or SerpinF1, is related to melanin, the thing that pigments our skin…

This SerpinF1 deficiency, located within collagen/connective tissue, causes notably, spinal fractures, which characterize the Type VI of OI Osteogenesis imperfecta…

On the Grove Body Part Chart serpinF1 would be in the “Bismuth” family…

Thus, a deficiency of SerpinF1, could theoretically be replaced by Bismuth family supplementation, such as possibly high dose melatonin…

With concurrent suppression of any exposure to fluorines, which further sap serpinF1…

Other characteristics of lack of PEDF, might include IBS, Crohn’s disease, vitilago, hearing loss…

Humic acids might also be used to replace lost minerals, trace mineral blends…

In people of colour, possible loss of PEDF in children, might be associated genetically with intermarriage ancestry, where less pigmented other parent carries lack of melanin type genetics? (just a theory)…

Thesis: If a darker skinned person marries a lighter skinned person, could the child inherit the lack of melanin from the one parent, but the genetic need for more melanin from the other?

For example, if a child lacking in melanin, also inherits the desire(or ability, or need, or even culture), to do activities that require a huge amount of melanin, will this trigger the spinal fracture & other characteristics of osteogenesis imperfecta VI?

Case study: A family of athletes marries into a family of non-athletes…The child may be born with the desire to do sport, but be deficient in some genes necessary to carry out the task…As the child individuates as an adult, pursuing sport, he or she finds significant injury, bone fractures, & long healing times…

Bone mineral density is associated with degree of pigmentation(melanin)… 

Theoretically people who get more sunlight(vitamin D) will also produce more melanin…(they must have concurrent Vitamin A though present already or the Vitamin D has nothing to break down…)

Since vitamin D methylates the bone building Vitamin A, the correlation to higher melanin levels in people with better bone density makes sense…

Those who do not get sufficient sunlight cannot absorb their Vitamin A bone building material very well, so it is like food that remains undigested…They display as having soft bones, rickets, possibly prone to fractures…Concurrent low melanin levels will also present in this case…

(in broad metaphor to explain)Darker chicken meat will have more nutrients…Paler chicken meat will have fewer nutrients…Darker chickens may have stronger bone density…

Is environment or culture a factor?

Ifg a child is pushed into athletics without containing the necessary genetic material to accomplish the tasks, perhaps injury will occur more frequently…

In a darker skinned parent, married to a lower melanin parent, will the same sex child of the darker skinned parent, be pushed into pursuing a career that the child cannot accomplish safely?

ie: a ‘Black’ mother pushes her hybridized white-black dna female child into a hard sports career, as the mother had done, except that the child cannot accomplish at the same level due to the hybridization of genetic material with a non-athletic very low melanin father?

The child suffers constant injuries, bone breaks, fractures, spinal fractures, with long healing time, due to the environmental pressures to perform?

See Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type VI for lack of PEDF serpinF1 reference…(in below link)

Otosclerosis used to be characteristic of mainly the caucasian population…However, one can posit that through more frequent intermarriage between Black & Caucasian parents, children who present as black may have strong caucasian non-dominant dna, however enough so to allow the defect of otosclerosis to manifest…

This may be perhaps why we are seeing more bone defect related conditions in the black identifying community…(below is the Google citation for an article on this subject, though the authors take a sightly different conclusion…-that, increased incidence is due to increased reporting…A rationalization based on not understanding results, or changing genetic patterns manifesting in a more tolerant world…)

Otosclerosis in a black child: diagnostic acoustic … – Science Direct…1…osteogenesis imperfecta, and fibromuscular hyperplasia of the renal artery. … Clinical otosclerosis has been reported in the white population in a ratio of 1 : 100, ….. (2) the genetic pooling from Black and Caucasian intermarriages in this …”

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