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Writer's pictureSari Grove

Paradoxical Situations…How can you have high Copper & Cancer at that same time? Is it pos

This is the response I gave to a question about how to raise Copper levels…

Background:Someone had a hair analysis test that apparently said high Copper levels…Later Cancer appeared…

My explanation is why this situation is almost impossible…


There are 12 body parts(far left side)…

The one called Gender just means Prostate gland for men & for women it is called Skene’s gland which is the female prostate…Each body part contains 2 elements…

A Minus element & a Plus element…

These should live together, in balance, as opposites…

Minus items clean or detox…

Plus items repair or feed…Disease is imbalance…Excess of one, lack of the other…

If you look down at the Spleen body part-you will see the Minus element is Copper & the Plus element is Phosphorus…Now Cancer is characterized by very high Phosphorus…

Phosphorus in hormones is called estrogen…

Cancer creatures, the parasite, love to eat Phosphorus… So when your Phosphorus levels get high, these parasites show up to much on you…

Which is why people use the Copper family to kill Cancer…

& other parasites too, like the Salmonella Typhi bacteria(Typhus, the Black Plague)…People with exceedingly high Copper levels, like what is seen in the illness called Wilson’s disease, don’t get Cancer…

Wilson’s disease is very serious & the high Copper causes all sorts of other problems, however, Cancer is not something they usually have to deal with… (I say usually because there is always an exception to every rule)… So what I am saying, is it is very unusual for someone with high Copper levels to get Cancer…If someone has cancer, then raising Phosphorus levels would feed the Cancer further & be very dangerous…I also would not bet my life based on a hair analysis test…I just wouldn’t… There are too many possibilities for mistakes…

Not to mention the very common misconception that Copper & ceruloplasmin are the same thing… Articles on the net that say Copper is dangerous for cancer, are actually referring to a Clinicla trial which involved lowering CERULOPLASMIN…

Not copper…Ceruloplasmin is a Copper binder…

It binds Copper…I have had people tell me they have high Copper only to find out it was Ceruloplasmin that was being tested…

I would not embark on self-treating based on the hair analysis test… Mainly because it is very unusual for someone with high Copper to get Cancer…

if indeed it is high Copper, is it high Copper in the hair, or is it high Copper in the Spleen where it matters, or is it high Copper in the blood which also matters? There are other ways to check what is happening before proceeding…

I could edit a picture for you & see what your Phosphorus levels are at…

Short answer:To lower Copper you could drink tons of milk & eat lots cheese & drink Kefir…For someone with cancer, that could kill them…

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