Parasite cleanse first…(Humaworm is good)(Diatomaceous Earth is NOT)…
Colonic after to clean out their dead bodies…(Google certified Colon Hydrotherapist or something like that in your area…Health Canada certified or wherever you live certified is useful safer)…
If you start to feel any tummy obstruction while doing the parasite cleanse then go get a colonic to remove the obstruction…
Or do enemas while doing the cleanse to remove obstruction…
Triple Leaf tea company makes a Super Slimming Tea which is handy to use while cleansing…
Costs about $6 for a box of tea bags…Helpful to make you pooh out parasites better…senna, dandelion root, licorice root, papaya leaf…
Found at most good health food stores…
ps. Cancer is a parasite…(is the theory)!
p.p.s. Get a Vape pen…Get some CBD oil vape juice…Inhale…Ahhh…Relax a bit…