HERE IS PART DEUX PART TWO OF THE BLOODROOT BLACK SALVE JOURNEY TO REMOVE OR DISSOLVE A BREAST LUMP… is the unbelievable DMSO CREAM, I used to heal after each salving…It is available from several different retailers so find one near you…(originally recommended by Zenith Herbals…Their Bloodroot salve discussion group on Facebook is superb! Join!)
large mark is from direct moxibustion(once), two small holes are from core needle biopsy(once)
fotoflexer shows calcium yellow hydrogen peach
lunapic shows purple phosphorus (cheese)
So, after the big success(see Part 2 of this black salve story), I decided to take a break & heal up the wound…I have been using DMSO CREAM with Aloe(see link at beginning of this post), which is a repairer(the aloe) & antibiotic(DMSO is like garlic) type cream in one…It is a miracle cream…Zenith Herbals sells this cream, as do some retailers closer to Canada…
I used the Golden Myrrical cream after this salve & Before using the MSM cream with aloe, which sort of stops the salve from reacting further & keeps the mark where you were…What this means is that if you want to take a break from salving, but keep the spot where it was closest to the skin, you can use this salve in between…
Personally, I am not sure that I will do this again…I think I’d rather just guess at the spot to re-enter, rather than marking the spot by stopping the process midway…But it is useful to have Golden Myrrical(Ingrid Naiman’s invention)salve on hand in your fridge, if the Amazon deep tissue salve gets out of hand…(it is really strong!)
Also note: I have been eating much more like a “normal ” person, so both my Fotoflexer edit & my Lunapic edit are showing that…Though my lump was benign when I began salving(after 2 years of hard work to get it that way), I forgot that cells can be in my body NOT near the lump…So I have been taking Pranin B powder & Heavy Metals Defense Powder to clean out my whole system further…
Started salving again using the Amazon Deep Tissue Salve…Tuesday March 15, 2106…I have been salving, then letting it heal, then salving again…Going in bits…
march 15, 2016 amazon deep tissue salve again…
I still don’t have tegaderm to cover the salve, so I am using again a piece of a baggie (plastic food grade) cut out, with sensitive skin tape in a criss cross, to cover the salve…This actually works pretty great!
plastic baggie cut to size with sensitive skin tape on top…
So this morning, I woke up, & the deep tissue salve hadn’t really done very much, so I resalved again, in a much bigger way…Probably going to take a quarter of a Mersyndol(strongest pain killer you can get over the counter from a pharmacist)…
trying again with amazon deep tissue salve
So, the next few days, I salved, then resalved, & was only getting a superficial reaction…I have been trying to get the salve to grab the lump in my breast…This salve I switched back to the Zenith herbals black salve…It hurt more than usual, I took a few mersyndol pills, & got this result so far…(I should mention, some of these earlier salves I did get stuff leaking out from the lump, & bits coming off, but nothing huge…)
resalved with Zenoth herbals black salve…
So after salving, I rub the area with Clove oil, which then produces this effect…
OOze after applying clove oil
You get tumour oozing out of the scab…Ew gross, but kinda cool!
Eschars leave perfect holes…
I am letting this salve heal up, & will try again in a few days…Am still trying to figure out how to get the whole lump going, not just small bits…
Tuesday March 29th…I got bored with just these superficial reactions, so I got on the phone & ordered 3 jars of the Two Feathers Black salve…This is the Rolls Royce of black salves…
You take it internally(I am going to take 2 bits of it daily for 6 weeks), & you can start salving after about 7 days of internal use…
Here is the link to the Two feathers site…
The owner also has a Facebook page here…
I should mention, to order the Two Feathers black salve, you have to call personally & speak to this lovely owner named Rob Roy who will guide you through the process…Remarkable already!! Such a beautiful spirit!