Ok…So…I have said many many many times(did I say many?)that I don’t like the Budwig diet…Someone called it FOCC today…Had to look it up…”Flaxseed Oil & Cottage cheese”…Ahhh…I think the acronym FOCC sounds like my feelings about Budwig diet…
Why do I dislike this particular nutritional plan? It began when I started doing the DIY Imaging for other people…
I’d ask what they were eating or supplements or whatever…A few were doing Budwig…The image results were startling to me…
ALL the Budwig people were doing poorly…Long term, short term, the imaging always was worse or got worse when they began…
So I started forming an opinion…
Now, the DIY Imaging method I invented was brand new…I didn’t know exactly how accurate it was yet, cause I hadn’t done enough people to know…
So one day I had a lady write to me…I did her breast imaging…Her results were TERRIBLE…I asked her what she had been doing & she said that she had been doing the Budwig diet for two years now…
I told her I thought that diet wasn’t so good…She got VERY angry with me…(You have to understand, people have invested huge amounts of time & energy, & finding out that they have made themselves worse is quite a revelation…I get blamed a lot…Don’t shoot the messenger…)
So anyways…The lady wrote to me later with a picture of her leg, edited in Lunapic…Her leg was really purple…(Purple is the cancer marker in the Lunapic photo editor…Phosphorus or estrogen an Er+ marker if you need something familiar)…
She said to me… “I did my leg & it is all purple…Are you saying my leg is full of cancer?”…(What she was saying is that the editing method was cr-p & that my findings about her breast were wrong…)
I looked at the picture of her leg, all purple, sadly…I knew what I was looking at…But I said this:”If you wanted to do a control picture of a healthy leg, you had to use someone ELSE’S leg for the control picture!!!”
That was the best I could do, because I no longer had any energy left…To tell this woman that her leg was full of cancer too…
fast forward to today…2017…(It was 2014 around? when I had the angry talk about the leg)…
Today someone wrote to me with pictures of her mother’s leg, & foot…She was shy…We had previously done edits from a scan of the mum’s abdomen where a very large tumour was living happily…
The daughter admitted after I did the imaging of the leg, which showed an internal fungal infection going straight down the back of the calf into the heel of the foot…
Admitted that she had put her mother on FOCC…Said that even though she knew & had read that I really really really don’t like the cottage cheese aspect of the Budwig diet(focc), that she had put mom on it…
She was contrite & sorry & felt really bad that her mother’s leg & foot were now involved…
I asked her if I could use the pictures & she said yes…
Why? because I had seen this EXACT pattern before…The angry lady with the purple leg! Same thing…Right down the leg…After cottage cheese eating for 2 years…
I thanked her & told her that she was going to save lives with these pictures…
She is a lovely lovely person, as is the whole family…I am grateful for these pictures…
She also agreed not to give her mom the Manuka honey she had bought…Admitting she knew that sugar fed cancer/parasites…
I asked her to give mum lots of coffee to help purge out the cottage cheese…Even though Mum wasn’t a coffee drinker…
We said goodnight & good morning (very different time zones), & we will keep in touch as new things are done…
Maybe Two Feathers black salve, Humaworm, Fungus Shield Plus, Essential oils in a capsule(a friend had donated some lovely oils from Young Living brand of essential oils which were helping very much)…
So here are some pictures…Budwig diet as it enters the leg…
Pixlr edit showing clear internal stream of inflammation…
Original photo back of foot
Fotoflexer edit showing Blue Lead