Pneumonia indicates Staph infection (staphylococcus aureus) Lead excess(biological)…
Multiple Sclerosis indicates heavy metal poisoning Lead excess(extra ligand)…
Bell’s Palsy indicates Fluoride excess(trying to overcorrect the Lead excess)…
Remember that the Minus elements travel UPWARDS the chart…(arrow up)!
The Plus elements travel DOWNWARDS the chart…(arrow down)!
The SHAPE of the TRAVEL is like a snake, but swirly, swirl swirl swirl swirl, & then! Health Science Book X (Contains first three pages of posts from the grovecanada:The art of healing blog at )…from PDF Kalin’s creation Station Tool Plug-In on from HostAwesome in California at San Francisco, thanks to Leo the Lion at customer service! Grove Health Science Book Y can be found at under Sari Grove, title there is grove health Science Book X-sorry, typed in X before & uploaded the documaent/document for Y after…Book Y is the last 2 pages of posts from HOSTAWESOME’s site blog web based book e…elec/etronic!
Thursday Sept. 15, 2016 at 12:23 pm Eastern standard time ET : I got the Lemon real lemon twist bottle sugar out of my as-! I dug with my fingernails long into my anus & removed the poop with my mostly middle finger but also used my index finger a bit at the ned! (no pun intended LOL) lots of love & a/or laughing out loud! Eyore was a donkey…EEyore? Eeyore & Winnie the Pooh! & it biodegraded a bit too with the small flowered willowb=herb powder smoothie with the clementine oranges & the orange fresh squeezed and the minute maid or OJ , & the E3 Power ON Live algae with Iodine & B12 AURUM Au gold liquid frozen supplement , & the Bad News bears & tatum o’Neal…& the Heavy Metals Defense Powder dot com! The Boron in the heavy metals defense powder is for killing men & the Boron in the willowherb is for killing women…
If you have a man to kill in your body then use the seawater extract Boron…If you have a woman to kill in your body then use the small flowered willowtree Weeping Willow tree Leaves powder…
They have AFFINITIES! Man to man, woman to woman…Like attracts like…Like to like…
Tree Blood is Burgundy in colour (like magenta fluorescent!)
Threadworms Strongyloides are see through so hard to see…Like jellyfish, skim milk scum, milk scum, or scrum…Tapioca pudding jelly, like eggs unfertilized see through jelly MENISCUS es meniscuses scusses Mensa! 170 score at scientology church…Today about 158 only!
Getting older but getting better!
Presbyopia(cannot focu on things close up because you slept too much in the dark places & over stimulated your melatonin production in your pineal gland & colon) is caused by excess Bismuth melatonin in the Dream Water because the Fluoride was excessive so we over corrected me & My husband Joseph Grove,,,
Bammboo=Bamboo-BORON – –
“If you go to the hospital I don’t want to hear that you have slmonella poisoning or c dificile or something or other after a coffee! ” Joseph grove
Molybdenum from the farm in my mouth after Listerine with Fluoride the purple kind~
Aluminum in my deodorant the fresh natural ball head kind rollerball! both sies armpits! sides…
Happy Anniversary Mummy & daddy 55 years!
Made a smoothie out of fresh squeezed orange juice, Minute Maid leftover orange juice from Joseph’s small plastic bottle, small flowered willowherb powder (the leafs of the weeping willow tree, I think), heavy metals defense powder (the seawater extract is a Boron, male killer type-will explain later), frozen E3 Live Power On the B12 Aurum choice(cause of my concussion), (The E3 Live Power On contains Liquid algae like Iodine family), Real Lemon Juice(the kind in a bottle, real?)…Anyways, it was very effective at killing glowworms…
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