This site contains intellectual property owned by Joseph & Sari Grove of the company called GroveCanada, including trademarks, copyrights, and other intellectual property. However, we would like you to share our content. If you would like to do so, please use no more than a single paragraph and the accompanying photo and provide a link back to the original article. Any use beyond this is not authorized without our prior written consent. If you would like to obtain consent, please email
if you don’t receive a response, it may have got stuck in a spam filter, try if that doesn’t work as well for some reason, you can call us at 416-924-9725 & leave a voicemail message…
Shop policies?
we are not selling anything from the site right now, so…
If your links are affiliate links?
What information you know about us?
just what country & city you come from & what page(s) you looked at & for how long
How do you use the information you know about us?
some times it makes me feel nice to know that people are visiting our site & it can feel special when they visit from far away countries…or someone I just spoke to came to visit for a long time, that makes me feel good too…
If we want to use your photographs, tutorials, blog posts, or other content, can we easily learn what is okay?
ask me if you are not sure, Sari Grove pretty much I say ok to just about everything though…
Can we learn how you want to be credited?
Sari Grove, or if you want to be nice to my husband too you can write Joseph & Sari Grove if you want
Do we know where to link?
the website hotlinked is nice like this
• If we can leave a comment or review, can we easily learn what your policy is and what is or isn’t okay?
Our spam filter isn’t letting much through these days…Sorry, I’d love to be able to respond to comments on the site, but the spam is enormous…Write to me directly at if you need clarification about anything
Terms of Service and Privacy Policy(a work in progress) Hi! By visiting, you are consenting to our terms and conditions. E-commerce
(If we offer) Products/services for sale- To avoid learning your credit card information, we often use PayPal to process payments. As such, we don’t learn or store your credit card information. PayPal shares your name, address, and email with us. If for any reason you are dissatisfied with your purchase, please email to request a refund. Comments
This site allows users to comment on articles. Comments deemed spam, defamatory, offensive, obscene, libelous, or infringing on others intellectual property will be removed…
Intellectual Property
Please give credit where credit is due…
Thank yous are appreciated… Privacy Policy
This site collects information on you in two ways.
The information that you manually provide us by leaving a comment, filling out one of our contact forms, or making a purchase. This information can be tied directly to you because of the information you’ve provided. The types of information collected here automatically include things like your IP address, location, pages visited, and browser type. We use Statcounter for this…
*”It began when I started getting weird comments on a much earlier website & wanted to know where they were coming from…Turns out someone in Moscow, Russia…I actually took down the whole site(it was a GoDaddy site)…Scary comments scare me, especially from someone in a foreign country where it is hard to find people so they feel they can get away with things…We are now with a very very safe web host called HostAwesome…I felt the GoDaddy site was attracting the wrong kind of people…The site template & all the plug-ins is also well designed…”
Sari Grove
policy help & legalese heavily borrowed from The Artist’s J.D. (The Law, Less Scary)
Updates + Date Last Updated Wed. Aug. 26th, 2015
These terms of service and privacy policy will be periodically reviewed and updated to reflect the current functions of the site.
Disclaimer:Please know;
that this site is not the same as working one-on-one with a professional that I cannot guarantee that users will get the same result that our site is for educational and informational purposes only that we attempt to include accurate information but that information may not be 100% accurate that users should use the site/the information at their own risk that I am an artist( which doesn’t mean a lack of credentials in other fields necessarily, but that I choose to present from the artists’ perspective & content is creative in nature…( out of the box thinking in any field including medicine is the artist’s domain)…
Disclaimer help comes from The Artist’s J.D.
Word of Warning
GroveCanada.Ca is an educational and informational resource for you as a creative human on many topics that might impact your artistic life…
We do our best to provide information that is applicable regardless of where you live, but we cannot make any promises or guarantees that this information will be applicable where you live…( variations in climate, culture, laws, supply & demand)
On the blog, we may use examples that seem eerily similar to things happening in your life… But everyone is unique. Because of that this site is not a replacement for working with one-on-one with an artist…And there will be times where you should probably most definitely consult with an artist to learn how topics/examples covered here actually apply to your life…
Policies about Pictures you have sent to edit:
“Yes…Thank you…I usually lose pictures quickly(life is messy-Garth Brooks, typical artist syndrome)…
I will store files of pictures if the person is working with me to research a new technique…ie: the Lunapic edit…But that is a peer thing…Always on approval & with permission…Even then I misplace things…
If some specifically says to use a picture, then I might…Not always…
generally speaking I prefer to delete everything right away…
I usually assume people should store their own pictures & keep them in files to track progress…Safer that way if I delete them…
I also mention to only send me modest pictures if possible-edit nipples out or anything that might be beyond medicine…If nipple has to be involved then fine…Close up is better…I prefer not to see anything that crosses over into anything beyond clinical…
My husband does not look at any of the pictures…At all…
he does consult me verbally if I am stuck on something, but not visuals & not personal matters unless it is medically necessary for him to know a detail that I cannot understand…
We work best together by not working together…I do my thing & he does his…But we keep our work separate so we have different opinions on things…
Different people too…Him, mostly men…Me, mostly women…
There is sometimes crossover if someone is gender confused…(gay, lesbian, transgendered)…At that point we switch to protect ourselves…ie:someone who prefers men as a sexual thing will talk to me-just for safety -for ourselves…
I am a Virgo if that helps…Virgin when I got married…Total prude…Total…I even edit my own pictures to be less sexual…(ridiculous I know)…