Q:When I change the angle of my picture taking slightly, my editing results come up differently?( DIY Imaging in Fotoflexer)…
A:If there is not enough light in the picture, you see fewer things…
Slight angle changes are huge at Macro settings…
Some people send me pics that only show Calcium…
Then I enhance, add contrast, & brightness, & all of a sudden the blue lead shows up & a few other colours…
I think it has to do with the light…
iPhones do well because they are pre-set to dark scenes…
Regular cameras need Macro & flash for a good picture…
Q:Do you recommend Copper for all Cancers or just breast cancers?( the Licorice root)
A:Copper seems to kill life forms very well…Perhaps the signature of life is Phosphorus & Copper snuffs that out…
It seems to work for everybody with Cancer…
The answer is slightly more complex…
I think I addressed it in one of my books & on my blog…
You address the Cancer…Copper…
You address the lump…Iodine( eats Calcium)…
You make it detach with a manganese…( the Iron)
Then you remove its food group by identifying which body part it is in…
Use our chart to figure that out…
Or: lungs…If it is in the lungs it is eating Aluminum…So you need Titaniums to starve it…
But if it is Colon cancer that metastasized to lungs, you treat it like colon cancer…( Bismuth excess, so starve it with Fluorine)…
Then you one by one detox each body part to make sure each one is clean…
If you start with Boron & work your way up the chart, only Minus elements, then you are killing the lump from the outside in…
Since Lead is at the centre of the lump, starting with Zincs means you might not reach the Lead…
Molybdenum would be the outside of a lump, so starting with Boron makes better sense…
Kill outside of lump first then work your way in…
Probably why starting with Zinc( like Vitamin c) is not the best first move…
But a common move…
DIY Cancer Repair Manual is an Amazon Kindle book by Joseph & Sari Grove
Use the search function on this site to find our free books here…
Q:What do you think about Flaxseeds?
A:To help people a bit better, without a lot of fuss…Flaxseeds lower Iron..Iron is a component of both benign & malignant tumours…When you lower Iron, tumours detach…They also soften…That is why flaxseed is good…The gobbledygook using words like xenoestrogen or plant estrogen just confuses the issue heartlessly…Flaxseeds are a MANGANESE element-you can also just take a Manganese supplement & get similar results…(though food based medicine is always better because pills get stuck & don’t absorb as well, plus food based things are cheaper, more accessible, & more fun to eat!)