The Minus column detoxes…The Plus column feeds…
an example of a fotoflexer edit with my comments
one day when lump was really small iPhoto edit
Recently was asked, how I came up with the whole ‘How to see a lump in your breast or anywhere else photo editing idea’…
here’s what I answered…
“Necessity is the Mother of Invention…
Well, ok…
During my first & only oncologist appointment, I asked what the cells were made of…
I made the mistake of having the core needle biopsy…
They accidentally pierced my chest wall, causing a hole called a pneumothorax…
I didn’t know what this was until recently(year & a half later)…
All I knew was for 2 months I drank water & it went into my lungs…
Had no idea there could be a hole…
Thought it was a weird pressure issue…
The oncologist assistant(they do most of the appt & the doctor only shows up for 5 minutes at the end like a Queen Bee)…
says:” abnormal cells”…
I thought that was idiotic considering what I had been through to get a live tissue sample…
So I started researching the chemistry of lumps benign & malignant…
What were they made of & what did they look like…
At the same time I had been taking pictures & trying to see if I could see the lump under the skin by changing the tint colour…
I started having some success almost right away…
I could see things by oversaturating the picture, overcontrast, oversharpness, then changing the overall tint to blue…
I was able to see the lump under the skin & even what it looked like inside of it…
So I was able to compare my pictures with those pictures I saw online…
Sure enough I could see what Phosphorus looked like in their pictures(SLIM microscopy)…
& turns out my pictures had similar features…
That’s when I started believing that maybe in fact my lump was something worse than benign…
I could see Phosphorus…
Later, I started to make my editing process better…
I streamlined it & wrote about it in my books & blog…(books are free downloads from my site-or pricey in paperback on Amazon-that is for the future…maybe history…)
A lady who has a site (named Dolores)one day out of the blue wrote a whole entire blog post about the whole editing process…
& how great I was…
Empowered & happy I started chatting back & forth just through the comments on her blog…
She expressed the fact that not everybody had a Mac to use iPhoto…
I had tried before to find something online & free for other people…
But this time I was on a mission…
I spent hours & days just trying out editing programs to see if I could get any results…
Nothing really good enough…
Finally I went back to the free editing program that I have used online off & on for years…
I decided that maybe I could not duplicate the iPhoto program, but maybe I could get different results…
Liberated, I messed around with it a bit, & came up with what I have now…
Heat map is actually a feature of several photo edit programs, but I didn’t find the colours friendly enough for me to understand…
When I changed the Heat map with the Color Rotate feature, which is only on Fotoflexer(so far haven’t found it elsewhere),
I found the colours easier for me to understand…
I don’t read red & blue primary as easily as the pinks & peach tones…
I think this is a female thing…
The male thermogram colours I have the same problem with-I just don’t relate…
It’s like a men’s clothing store-my brain goes to sleep…
I knew several of the elements that normally appear in iPhoto edits, so I was able to cross reference them in my Fotoflexer results…
They were in the same location, just a different colour, so I knew pretty much what was what…
(I had spent the year trying out foods or alternative medicines or exercise, one at a time, taking before & after pictures, & that was how I came to know that if I ate eggs for example, that the new blue ring in my lump picture must be cholesterol)(which I call Aluminum-that is the element from the periodic table of elements that is the predecessor to cholesterol)…
I mean, I am still trying to refine this more…
There are chemicals I cannot see still…Sulphur/sugar, Nitrogen/glutens…Bismuth…Molybdenum…Aurum…Lead…
(you can Feel Bismuth-if the lump feels bumpy instead of smooth in a gravelly way that is Bismuth…Melatonin which is Bismuth family will cause this too…Fluorine antagonizes Bismuths by the way)…
(but if the bumps are more like little nodes on the lump that is Iron…different feel…)
(Nitrogens/glutens will make a lump get big fast…That goes down as soon as you ingest a carbon like oil or baking soda…You will poop out the Nitrogens…)
I have noticed that aggressive cancers are characterized by high cholesterol & high Nitrogen…The triple negative or the metaplastic ones…They call that high choline & high glutamate…Antagonize choline with Titaniums like Frankincense or even just Mint leafs which are cheaper to eat…Antagonize Glutamate Nitrogens with carbons like all oils-take your pick & slather generously on your salad or vegetables, or just drink baking soda in water-with lemon some people do…
The Phosphorus is tricky too…In my pictures in iPhoto it looks like purple ants-I can tell from the colour & from the shape…
But when people write to me with their pictures, I am having trouble seeing Phosphorus…
Maybe it is not there…
In Fotoflexer, I think it is dark green…
But things can muck that up, make it look dark green-like the lighting of the shot or the flash or lack of flash…
I am hoping as we go along that people will continue helping me to figure this out, & maybe we can refine it more…
Sometimes I think of monetizing it, but then maybe the beauty of it will be lost…
Thanks for asking,
I am going to stick this into a blog post, so others can get the answer too…
Sari Grove programmers are welcome to take a shot at making a program that just does this type of photo editing…I can work with you to help you refine it if you like…
Write me at if you are interested…or you don’t have to be a programmer…Just someone who wants to help…or we could just leave it as is…you never know…