Hi…I’m Sari Grove…The Grove Body Part Chart is my medical arts theory…Did you know the medical arts are an art? Ars medecina from the Greek word for medicine means the art of healing…Think Leonardo Da Vinci… Sari’s art Showing at WAMSOC(Women’s Art Museum Society of Canada)(It’s over now but still onsite-Sari Grove was the opening show for this website launch…WAMSOC wants to build a Women’s Art Museum in Canada…Help them!
Slideshow with just the brain part to body part pictures from the book by Joseph & Sari Grove…background music The Doctor by Clearside… Donate to Haliburton Wolf Centre http://www.haliburtonforest.com/activities/wolves/wolves-overview
While reading the Mark Rowlands Book “The Philospher & the Wolf”, Sari figured out that Parkinson’s disease was a late progressive spleen injury that created a Phosphorus(think mold) overload eventually in the brain…Grateful to Brenin the Wolf(in the book), Sari encourages those reading her books for free, to donate to a wolf centre as a thank you for a wolf’s contribution to medical history…