Hi ladies…Sorry for troubling everyone…Yes, I got arrested, spent a night in a holding room, then off to a courthouse holding room, where I was then released…I had had an altercation with my husband, & he thought that calling a non-emergency police line would cause them to come over & mediate the discussion…Turns out the new laws here say that if someone calls police in a domestic dispute, the other person has to get arrested…He was pleading with them to leave me alone, but they insisted…In the meantime, the police laid charges against me, because that is how that works too…I am at my mum’s house because the whole thing also causes a restraining type order thing to be enacted…Anyways…It was a good thing, because I fasted overnight when they held me, & have been able to get back on my diet program again-I had slacked off…Also, I discovered a topical lesion at the back of my neck, that had not been touched by internal medicines…I black salved it & WHOA there was a giant reaction…This teaches me that ulcerations, melanomas, or other topical events, NEED to be dealt with TOPICALLY…All my internal stuff rendered the breast lump benign, but this stupid thing at the back of my neck wasn’t inert(just dormant)…Anyways, I have been black salving the back of my neck & at hairline, & have learned that the salve also can pull out stuff on your head…This means that those with brain involvement could black salve at the outside of the scalp & the salve pulls up stuff from inside of the head to the surface…I have been using several different salves that I had leftover-Zenith Herbals, Amazon, Two feathers- & also taking bloodroot caps & two feathers black salve internally…I am fine, but this thing at my neck scared me…Am still a little frightened…The thing with the police has helped me to refocus on myself again…In a way, a good thing…I find that feeding a husband can start to interfere with diet-if you feed him delicious food, it is hard to resist…I have also been seeing a Chinese doctor(lady) at the canadian gynacaelogical institute of chinese medicine here for cupping, acupuncture & moxibustion…At the moment I am sitting at my mum’s house bleaching my roots, using the bleach to also clean the back of my head…(Wella Color Charm no ammonia bleach colour with their creme 20 developer mixed together is a great way to bleach your hair yourself…Bleach kills stuff that can be hiding in your hair…I have been exposed to raccoon roundworm, so cleaning my hair this way is very helpful)…I am slowly answering messages one by one, but emails were too many…So if you sent me an email, send it again…I will have missed it the first time sorry…)
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