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So I was having some problems with taking the CBD Oil…(*getting rid of a DCIS breast lump)

Writer's picture: Sari GroveSari Grove

So after about 2 weeks of taking the CBD oil (I got mine from who I wholeheartedly recommend), I stopped taking it…I may start again, but I need a break…(the strain I used was NON-psychoactive High Cannabidiol but very LOW THC -which is the stoned part)…

Here’s why I stopped:

1)It was making me too tired to get any exercise…I’d wake up & not feel like going for my giant walks outside…My giant walks outside are Sooo important for my health, for my mood, for seeing people, for detoxing…But I didn’t feel like doing them because the CBD oil was making me so lazy…

2)I was really hungry for all the wrong foods for me…The CBD oil was making me hungry…A normal reaction, but when you are detoxing, it can be dangerous…What you put into your mouth is really important when trying to get rid of lumps in your body…I was eating proteins again, craving meat & fish & yummy stuff, & I wasn’t sticking really to my raw plant based diet goals…A little slippage is fine but I was slipping way too much…

3)The CBD Oil, like many painkillers, statin drugs, cholesterol lowering drugs & sleeping pills was CONSTIPATING…The way this class of drug works to constipate you is by reducing your muscle ability…It makes your muscles weaker…So when you try to pooh, the muscles cannot push well…Stuff gets stuck…Long story short is that being constipated is actually pretty dangerous if you want to prevent or treat or reverse cancers or pre-cancers which is what DCIS means…Poohing good-Not poohing Bad…

4)It is really expensive if you want to do it right…I bought 3 grams worth for $150.00 to try it…The recommended dosage for treating cancers or something similar is around 60 grams in 90 days at one gram of CBD Oil per day…At $50 per gram, times 60 grams, that will bring you to $3,000.00 …Ok…It is do-able…But I was not ready to commit to this program because of the too tired, too hungry, too constipated, problems…Plus there was more…

5)I could feel the CBD oil in my brain…I could feel myself the next day feeling stupider…I was noticing some early signs of memory loss…Memory loss scares me because who I am is all about my memories…My memory is one of the things that define me…I was scared to lose who I am…Without my brains I was just good-looking…Not enough in this competitive world…Not anymore…

6)Now this doesn’t bother me so much but it was a tiny factor…It is illegal still in Canada…The oil…You can get a prescription for medical marijuana but not for the oil…In Canada, smoking cannabis for pain is legal but eating the CBD Oil(I put it in some microwaved peanut butter for better body absorption before eating it), is still illegal, even though that is how you are supposed to take it to get rid of cancers…I don’t care that much about the illegal thing, but to some folks this is stigmatic…Meaning that your parents or your friends might frown on the fact that you are using an illegal substance…It’s dumb but you can feel people change the conversation when you mention you are taking Cannabis Oil…Some people, not all…(Even the super cool ones sometimes)…

8)Since it’s hard to get, it’s expensive & there are some cautions with how to take it & how to avoid the sleepy, hungry, constipated, memory loss, problems, as well as the legality issues-it makes CBD Oil harder to recommend to OTHER people to take…In my journey I have tried to allow other people in, so that as I learn they can learn too…As I cure myself, others can cure themselves too…The harder your protocol, the harder it is for other people to copy you…It is something to consider because as we march to this Alternative drummer we might like to bring some friends along for the ride…Many of use like to set an example, to lead the way…

Update: (warning: this article has a slightly negative tone to it, but that is mainly because the internet is so crazy positive about CBD oil so I guess the author was reacting to that)…**

**I found this interesting article about CBD Oil, written by a breast cancer doctor…What it basically says is that though CBD oil does work, it takes ALOT of CBD oil to get an effect…What is interesting to me is this reiterates a little of what I was thinking…Yes, I had a good reaction to the CBD oil, but it was not as dramatic an effect as say the effect I had from ingesting Frankincense by chewing the resin(spit out the gum later don’t swallow)…I also had a significant effect from applying the Frankincense topically in my homemade salve… Frankincense is cheaper, legal, easier to get(like WAY easier), & had a more pronounced effect on shrinkage than the CBD oil did…For me…

HOWEVER…Something unusual…I noticed the CBD oil cleaned out my brain…How did I know this? First, when I was “on” it, I could feel it travelling into my brain…Cleaning out the pathways there…I was actually worried that it was erasing memories while that was happening…But…AFTER stopping the CBD oil, I got some neck soreness…As I was massaging the back of my neck, on the left side, (my lump is in the left breast by the way), I felt “stuff” or something in my neck…I think this is “gunk” for lack of a better word, that the CBD oil cleared out from my brain…This says to me that CBD oil has a particular affinity for the brain…Meaning it is probably really great for people with brain tumours…It seems to really work on the brain very well…*

*(I found this also with the difference between Licorice root & Cilantro...The Licorice root worked well on my breast area, the Cilantro worked well on my brain area…Same with Madagascar Periwinkle & liquid tinctures of Vinpocetine…The periwinkle worked on my breast, whereas the Kelp tincture had an affinity for my ovaries…How do I know this? You can feel them working when you take them…Just take your experiments one at a time so you can notice & feel & record effects & differences…Later you will have a notebook of sorts of what targets where…) 

The phenomenon of WHERE exactly an herb works was explained to me by a Homeopath…Parts of a plant affect different areas of the body…My observation has been that the top of the plant affects more the brain, the top of the human, whereas the roots of the plant reach lower parts of the body…So when you take a fresh leafy herb you attack the top of your body, the brain, more…When you get the stems or bottom parts of the plant, it attacks lower parts of the body…I found that tinctures or pills can often contain the BOTTOM parts of a plant…Fresh herbs often contain the fresh tops of a plant…I found this important because when I was taking the same substance, the herb part would go to my breast which I wanted, but the tincture or pill form might attack my ovaries which I did not want…

I think this is why Tamoxifen, which is a drug form of an herb, attacks the ovarian area…It does not work that well for the breast areas…Which is why I think that taking the herb Madagascar periwinkle, FRESH, straight into your mouth & swallow a pinch, is MORE effective than taking a the drug…If you are trying to target things in your upper body…(Drugs can often contain leftover stems & bits of herbs, because you don’t SEE what’s in them…When you buy fresh herbs, the herbalist will try to make it the fresh bits, not just the dusty crumbly bits at the bottom…Because you can SEE what you are buying…Makes a difference…!

Sari Grove on September 3, 2015 at 1:47 am said: Check your cholesterol levels…People with high cholesterol intake or known high cholesterol from tests, will respond well to the cholesterol lowering acting of marijuana…Those with already low cholesterol levels will only benefit marginally from marijuana/cannabis use…The side effects of CBD oil for example can include constipation( which can hamper a detox program), lethargy( which impedes an exercise program), & memory loss( which can lead to using only the CBD oil as a tool, instead of a more multifaceted intelligent approach)…The side effect of the increased hunger, can off rail a raw plant based diet approach into a more protein, sugar or cholesterol hungry, American Standard diet…The side effects of CBD oils are not being discussed in anti cancer conversations…Using CBD oil when one is already low cholesterol can be detrimental…It is not a catch all cute as it is often touted…

Reply ↓ Sari Grove on September 3, 2015 at 1:55 am said:

Sorry several typos above, I am on an iPhone…

Not ” acting” but ‘ action’…

Not ” cute” but ‘ route’…

To add: If one has taken too much CBD oil or other marijuana based medicine, one may need to recover by antidoting… Things like Aloe Vera juice, L- Carnitine, Maca, Cacao, Cinnamon- can replace levels that have been overly lowered by taking say CBD oil when it was not necessary…( & only in those cases)…Arnica Montana heopathic can also patch things up… It should also be noted that CBD oil can impeded wound healing from surgery, biopsy, mammogram injury…Use with caution if injuries have not healed…

Reply ↓ Sari Grove on September 3, 2015 at 1:56 am said: ” homeopathic”, ” impede”…

More(update)(Note:People take Citicholine before taking CBD oil to avoid the “high” feeling)Question was about does citicholine affect cancer?

Citicoline falls into the ” Aluminum” elements on my chart…THC is a ” Titanium”… They are opposites…Aluminum family boosts memory, builds muscle, heals wounds…THC lowers cholesterol, thins the blood, kills mycoplasma infections…The two work together as opposites & should be in balance…Titaniums are a Minus or detox element…Aluminums are a Plus or repair feeding healing element…

Sari Grove Sorry, I didn’t exactly answer the question…Cholesterol, Choline, Citicholine, are all similar…In excess, they can feed Mycoplasma which like to feed on cholesterol things…Mycoplasma may lead to pneumonia infections, & later the thing we call cancer-in particular lung & aggressive types…Which is why THC is useful…THC lowers cholesterol & eats Mycoplasma…Theoretically too much choline could be a bad idea, cancerwise…It is all a question of balance…Knowing when to stop…Anything in excess is dangerous…But citicholine excretes quickly so you’d have to take alot to generate an excess-plus if you are taking it with THC that will account for it already…Choline & glutamates are markers of aggressive cancers…So it is a valid question…

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