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Writer's pictureSari Grove

So you have a thousand pictures(on a CD) from a chest abdomen pelvic CT scan & want to see them

So…Today I had a CT scan of my chest, abdomen & pelvis…*

I paid somebody at Women’s College Hospital $10 to burn the thousand images onto a CD…

The Cd files are called DICOM files which cannot be read on a Mac computer natively…(the Cd had a translater file for Windows computers, but I do not have a Windows computer so…)

Normally, I use,

Dicom Library (free)( -but you can only do one image at a time…This was fine for the Mammogram*** & Ultrasound pictures, but not for a thousand computed tomography pics…

After much searching, I found this interesting solution…

So, you…

Download Google CHROME browser…

Add the Google Chrome App called DICOM IMAGE VIEWER…(this cost me $29.99)

Now you open the Dicom Image Viewer within Google Chrome(there is no downloading to your computer, which saves the problem of your computer system being wrong or outdated…)

This app allows you to upload a whole Dicom folder file…Some of the files on the CD had like a hundred different images inside…

When you upload a whole folder, it spits out a comprehensive image, of all the images in the file put together…

What is fun is you can change your colour choices…Here I changed the colour choice to Hot & Cold!

Ok, so this was all terrific!

There is only one problem…

I don’t know what to look for as an abnormality???


Looks like I am going to be spending the next few days learning how to spot abnormalities in CT scans!


If you have any CT scans on a CD, now you have a way to look at them…

ps. use the free Dicom Library site if you just have a few pictures to look at…It is way easier & faster!

*(*I was sort of forced into this, because I want my driver’s license back, & the Dr. wanted to know for sure for sure that there was no cancer in my body, & I decided the experience might be educational, so I went along with it all…I am actually booked for a brain MRI for next week…Same reason…)(the way my driver’s license got suspended has a little bit to do with how I am not that good with being submissive when authority figures try to boss me around…)

***(My mum bullied me into my first & only disastrous mammogram-she said it would be for her birthday…I am a sucker…)

Late last night had an AHA moment! I could run these scans thru my own DIY Imaging methods, & all I’d have to look for was the colour purple to see if cancer was present! Below is one folder of CT scan pics run thru LUNAPIC…(No there is no purple there!)

Lunapic result(DIy Imaging) NO purple present!

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