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Writer's pictureSari Grove

So you want to go “alternative” with your cancer treatment but you don’t know wher

So you want to go “alternative” with your cancer treatment but you don’t know where to start…

I can help with that…

I will try & make this as simple as possible…

Below is my Grove Body Part Chart…

There are 12 “body parts” listed under the column “Organ”…(Gender refers to the Prostate gland in men, & in women it is called Skene’s gland & sits in the same location…)

Each body part contains a MINUS element & a PLUS element…

Minus elements CLEAN the body part…

Plus elements FEED the body part…

Cancer is a disease of EXCESS, so it requires DETOX or CLEANING…

Ok, so…To keep it simple…A solid alternative anticancer protocol would be to simply choose the entire MINUS column…

Everything in the Minus column is a detoxer…

So you will be cleaning out each body part systematically…

What are the numbers?

Ok, so the numbers are how strong an element is…

The STRONGEST MINUS element is -12 Boron…

The strongest PLUS element is +12 Lead…

The elements in the Minus & Plus pile are opposites…

So if you raise one, you will also lower the other…Like a seesaw…

The elements on the chart are from the Periodic Table of elements…In the real world you will find these elements in real things with different names…After a while you will start to know which element is what in the real world & what it does & what its side effects are…It is handy to know this because there are so many words being thrown at you in alternative cancer treatment protocols, if you are able to figure out what things are on the Grove Body Part Chart, you will be able to simplify your own choices for a protocol…

Please Note:The elements to AVOID when detoxifying the body & brain from Cancer are ALL the PLUS elements…(Remember, EACH element represents a FAMILY of things in the real world…For example, Calcium is found in all dairy products, Coral, Chasteberry Vitex/Vitus Agnus Castus, & Vitamin K2…Calcium is a PLUS element, with a strength of +5, which means it is less strong than a potato at +12, but more strong than a Bean or Pulse like a Chickpea at +1…So when choosing your foods, understand that if you must eat PLUS elements, choose the weakest ones…A bean has less strength than a potato…So it will feed the parasites less…)

Corrected for Sugar

Corrected for Sugar

Ok, so I will give an example of a Minus protocol in real world words…(note: these are all families of things that live in the real world…Don’t take these words literally…Zinc is just a catch all phrase for all those things like ginger root, vitamin C, vitamin D3, turmeric, sunshine etc….Each one represents a myriad of things in the real world…For simplicity, I group them into categories)…

You are looking for:













These are all the MINUS elements…The cleansing elements…

Ok, so here are some examples:

Zinc: Vitamin D3 50,000 iu/week, Ginger root boiled tea, megadose Vitamin C, Camu Camu powder, Wormwood, fruit, Apple cider vinegar, sunshine, heat, saunas, steam, tanning beds( really- especially in winter climates)

Note:What got rid of my pneumonia

(probably caught from my husband, who caught it from a friend who had visited his dad in a hospital & probably picked up a Staphylococcus infection which is a LEAD excess on the Grove Body Part Chart-excess lead comes from old galvanized steel pipes degrading & losing their Zinc coating which brings them down to just Lead)

was 9 minutes in an intermediate level tanning bed(a Zinc on the Grove Body Part Chart) with their lotion on my whole front side…(cost about $25 total Canadian currency-at a tanning salon downstairs at Yonge & St. Clair in Toronto-North East corner basement of mall)

My husband’s pneumonia responded to Cayenne Pepper(a Selenium on the Grove Body Part Chart) in everything he ate or drank…Like a giant teaspoon…(in soup, tea, coffee…) Another innovative Zinc family element:RubyLux 250 watt Infrared light bulb which can go into ANY light fixture-put it on your desk for while you are on the computer-shine it on your face to reduce swelling from dentistry, also helps to lower Lead levels in your whole body including those that cause toenail fungus… 

Manganese: Bloodroot capsules, Mugwort herb,all Nuts, Pumpkin seeds , Manganese pills, ground Flaxseeds, Black walnut hull powder, Nutmeg, Flaxseed oil, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, homeopathic opium, Moxibustion, moxa, mugwort incense, Clove cigarettes, Nutmeg, Mugwort incense cones, Mugwort cigarettes, the Lily flower…

Titanium: CBD oil, *Frankincense essential oil(chew the resin & spit it out, or oral or topical), Mint leafs, Clove powder or Clove oil, Serrapeptase ( has affinity for Lung & Lymph nodes as well as Cystic Fibrosis-also cleans Parietal lobe in brain)…Clove incense…Vanilla Beans- you can just chew them raw & swallow(about$3.49 Canadian currency for 2 at a grocery store, look behind the counter or ask(Dave Young grocery store at Eglinton near Bathurst has them)…(Mesenchymal cells feed on cholesterol which Titanium lowers)…

For brain tumours: Diffuse Frankincense oil in your room at night…( Sacred Frankincense from Young Living is one I know works)…Also rub on bottom of feet at night & at back of neck where head meets spine…( also diffuse, orange, lemon, clove, lavender at other times)…

*You can put a few drops in some water, or some coconut water, or some aloe juice…You can also buy Frankincense resin(the yellow bits) & chew them until they lose flavour then spit it out-that is how they do it in Oman(no cancer in Oman!)-it’s cheaper when you chew it actually-I know the oil is expensive…sigh…But cheaper than CBD oil which acts in a similar fashion…You can also buy Boswellia pills as a supplement & that is just Frankincense too…You can also put the resin into a pitcher of water overnight, then drink that water the next day-Frankincense water-it tastes good!(you can put stevia & lemon juice in it too)

Vega One All in One Nutritional powder Chocolate flavour is high in Titanium(from the hemp seeds)-it also contains many excellent Minus items(detoxifying items)…If you want to take a multivitamin every day that won’t interfere with your anticancer protocol, this powder is the one…Get a giant tub & have some when you run out of food & are too tired from hunger to go shopping! (Their sugar free energizer powder with ginger & turmeric is a great booster for when you are first diagnosed & feel run down due to unhappiness-also it lowers Lead levels in the bones)… sells CBD oil online to Canadians, & you can pay using online banking e-transfer, & the CBD oil will be discreetly & quickly shipped to you for your medical needs…The seller calls himself Ronald, & is trustworthy…It costs about $50 Cdn currency a gram, & is the finest quality, from where it is grown & made & sold legally, in British Columbia, Canada…You take a nail’s head amount, & dip it into slightly microwaved peanut butter(a tablespoon), & stir them together, & eat it…If you do not have high cholesterol at all, it will not benefit you greatly…People with low cholesterol, do not really need their cholesterol lowered much further, which is what CBD oil(Cannabidiol) does…This stock is High CBD low THC, for people who do not want to get stoned, but do have Cancer…

Potassium:Stevia, Hawthorne, Coconut water, Bananas, (artificial sweeteners are one molecule sugar with 4 molecules potassium by the way- yes, even the ones that get vilified by natural blogs- biggest danger is overly lowering blood pressure- beta blockers are also potassium- blood pressure lowering drugs)…(Basal cells feed on B12/Taurine/Cobalt-all high blood pressure markers, which Potassium lowers)…Diet sodas have tons of potassium in them by the way…

Potassium: Stevia lowers “Aurum”(from the Grove Body Part Chart), which in layperson’s terms is B12, Cobalt, the thing that raises blood pressure, Taurine, but also the thing that bugs are attracted to…Well, in particular, in dogs, they’d call that “heart worm”…The triple negative group would also have high Aurum (B12 blood pressure) levels…As well as several other types of cancers, including those found in people who eat a lot of fish, especially raw fish…Anyways…You can buy giant bags of Stevia & sprinkle it in your food, your drink & even in your dog’s food…Not too much-potassium can lower blood pressure so much your heart can stop…If you take too much, or your dog does, then add back some fish to your or his/her diet…

Novel drug:PNC 27 is made of fruit fly & moth…The fruit fly is biochemically similar to anthocyanin…The moth is similar to saponins…Anthocyanins are like Oxygens, like what you find in things that clean the liver-Milk thistle, dandelion, apricot kernels, goji berries, berries, sundried tomatoes, fresh air…Saponins are like Titaniums-found in Vanilla Beans, Comfrey, Frankincense, chamomile, thyme…Saponins clean out the Lungs & lymph nodes & lower cholesterol…So PNC 27 might be especially effective for people with Liver problems & high cholesterol…

Carbon:Olive oil, Flaxseed oil(the flaxseed in this oil is a Manganese by the way), Grapeseed oil, Baking Soda, any cooking oils

Selenium:Garlic, Garlic pills, Cayenne Pepper, Pancreatic enzymes, Spicy things like Sriracha sauce, lysine, antibiotics, insulin, pepper, MSM  ( Methylsulfonylmethane) cream( mix MSM with Iodine & apply topically- absorbs better)(Squamous cells eat sugar which Seleniums lower)…

Oxygen:Apricot kernels(grind & put in unsweetened applesauce), Butcher’s broom, Arsenicum Album, seeds of apples or lemons or oranges, Blue Flag iris powder or tincture, Fresh air, Apple seeds, Ozone injections, hydrogen peroxide(you can nebulize this too), Eucalyptus oil(nebulize or apply topically) Apricot kernels oxygenate the Liver & in the brain the Cerebellum…This is very useful in dehydrating tumours, clearing up areas of hypoxia, & also starving microbes that feed on Hydrogen…

Iodine:Iodoral pills 12.5 mg a day, Madagascar periwinkle herb, Vinpocetine pills, Poke root, Kelp tincture, seaweed salad, Japanese food in general, sea vegetables like Arame, Detoxadine( iodine), Tamoxifen, Pau d’arco herb

Copper:Green tea, Copper pills, Licorice root tincture(St. Francis), Gingko Biloba(powerful heavy metal chelator), Chromium, Caffeine(yes, caffeine has Copper in it-GOOD-don’t do it if you don’t want to but don’t argue with me about it, there Is a reason why Starbucks is so successful right now!), Yerba mate, matcha, wheatgrass, ecogallincatechingallate ecgc…Cilantro is a fabulous Copper that is just great to eat!!!! Cilantro extract, liquid chlorophyll, Copper in multivitamins…

“I took various forms of Licorice root for over a year…When I found out that Phosphorus distinguished malignant from benign, I set out to obliterate Phosphorus…I knew Coppers could do that from my studies in Parkinson’s disease( which is just excess Phosphorus in the Spleen & Globus Palladus)…My brother helped me choose Licorice root as the Copper I’d use…I had been editing photos to show chemistry of the lump, & could actually see the Phosphorus( looks like tiny purple ants)…I got some St. Francis Licorice root tincture & gulped maybe 1/4 of the bottle…The next day, I took & edited more pictures, & sure enough the purple ants were clearing up…That was when I began to lose my fear & feel like I could win…Later I found some clinical studies that said Licorice root could cause phenotypic reversion- revert malignant back to benign…So my own theories were supported by others…You can live with a giant benign lump indefinitely…Most people set the goal to shrink it, which can be very difficult…But if you set the goal to change its chemistry to benign…Well…” Sari Grove

Cocaine:Cocaine is also a Copper…If you have parasites that have gone up your nose or into your brain from up your nose(aspirating them), then possibly you could snort Cocaine, though it is usually illegal, very expensive, quality is questionable, & can be dangerous…Plastic surgeons use medical grade cocaine when they do nose jobs or nose repair, so you could ask one of them for some for your nasal or brain cancer…

Magnesium:Epsom Salt baths, oral epsom salts(get from your pharmacist), Magnesium pills, Lavender, Glutathione is what they call it sometimes, Whey Protein they call it also, exercise

Fluorine:Parsley, toothpaste(sorry, I was a non-fluoride girl too, believe me…But Fluorine actually unclogs things…In the good old days fluoride was a bit of a miracle…)most large bodies of water have natural fluorine in them go for a swim…Listerine mouth wash, Hydrochloric acid(  therapy-drops in water, drink or nebulize)(Melanoma likes to eat the Bismuth family which is lowered by Fluorine including the chemo drug Fluorouracil which can be used topically on melanomas…DIYselfers can find fluorine in many other places, to apply topically & also ingest orally…This is not the time to be anti- fluoride if you have melanomas)…Moringa Oleifera is also a great new Fluorine!

Boron:I have not found a better way to get Boron than in a supplement sorry…I will add something when I find something…The supplement I took had potassium, apple cider vinegar(it’s a Zinc), & Boron all at once…Borax is another way to get Boron…You can put 1/4 cup of laundry Borax into your bathwater to get your Boron…For your pet, crush an all Boron supplement pill under a spoon, & stir into their wet or dry food…

Ecstasy(MDMA) is a heroin copycat in a pill that is so strong it acts like Boron…Side effects include profuse sweating for extended periods of time, dry mouth for extended periods of time(like a week or more), trance like state, very very submissive behaviour, paralysis long term(you do not do anything with your life at all), & slavery(you are so submissive you end up caged mentally, or working in an adult entertainment club as a sexual slave, or as a drug addicted user with no funds since you drained them all to pay for your habit)…However, Ecstasy, the street drug in pill form, has applications for prostate & ovarian cancers…It lowers Molybdenum levels in the Cerebral Aqueduct in the brain, & in the Prostate in the male, & in Skene’s Gland in the female(the female prostate is called Skene’s gland)…It should be used as a last resort…Start with a legal Boron supplement available at Health food stores(Qi Natural Foods at Eglinton & Allen road is an excellent source)…

For everybody: Humaworm is an all around antiparasitic blend…Everyone with any type of Cancer should take it…Here is the link to what is in it

Ok so there is a short list of ideas…Feel free to substitute…(the following are just some more ideas & examples to consider…)

For example…(these 4 things are in Zenith Herbals Bloodroot capsules)…

Galangal is in the Ginger family=it’s a ZINC

Chaparall is in the Selenium family

Graviola is in the Potassium family

Bloodroot-a Manganese

“A Beta Blocker drug is essentially Potassium…It lowers blood pressure…It makes the heart slightly larger, probably due to its anti diuretic effect, so by holding on water the heart swells a bit which lowers overall pressure…Potassiums are actually very useful anticancer tools, in particular for basal cell types,which comprise 75% of the more aggressive types…Graviola for instance is a Potassium…Too much potassium can lower blood pressure excessively & can cause you to be very sluggish…Piece of trivia: artificial sweeteners are 1 molecule sugar & 4 molecules potassium…Stevia is also high in potassium, as is Hawthorn…”( Sari Grove)

The bloodroot capsules work specifically like this: Bloodroot ( a Manganese) lowers Iron in the Thymus which makes blood- Iron is a component of both benign & malignant tumours…Galangal( Ginger family) is a Zinc that lowers Lead in the Thyroid gland which builds bone…Chaparral is a Selenium family that lowers blood sugar in the Pancreas…Graviola is a Potassium that lowers Aurum( blood pressure) in the Heart…The Zenith Herbals bloodroot capsules are double strength…So, yes, I think they would be a very helpful component to a serious anticancer regime…

Now that’s not all…

The best diet you can choose for an anticancer protocol is a Raw Vegetable diet…

Here’s a link to how to do that… It’s a book by a nurse who cured her breast cancer JUST by going raw…Buy it…It is a digital download…Going raw is a big step…Read this book…It got me to go raw…Until I went raw, the herbs were not really working to their full potential…I also lost 50 lbs…50 lbs…Without dieting…(no calorie control, no portion control, not trying to lose weight actually)…(The book is called My Raw food cure & diet secrets by Helen Hecker RN)…

Ok, next big thing is exercise…Here is something that is free & pretty easy to do…Walk…I started a year & half ago…Just walking…I’d listen to music…I found a nice trail in the city that made me happy…The first time I did the walk it took me something like 3 hours…I was out of shape…Now it takes me maybe an hour & a half…But my distance is almost 12 kilometres now on trail…(trails are harder than sidewalk)…I used to walk maybe 8 kilometres with plenty of breaks to pat people’s dogs, chat, take pictures, or maybe stop for a drink or lunch or sit around reading Facebook messsages in the sun…

Walking every day is like a full time job…You will need cute outfits, good running shoes, earphones & a music playing device is helpful if you need motivation(I use the app called Rock My Run-it has playlists of upbeat music pre-chosen so I don’t have to choose & I don’t get bored…I pay about $5 a month now for their premium service…But I did use it for free for a long time before that…

Walk…Seriously…It is going to take probably 2 hours, maybe longer for a good walk…You will be exhausted at the end…You may not be able to feel your feet-they can feel a little numb at the end of a good walk when you are still out of shape…

Walk…You don’t have to walk fast…At all…But do it every single day if you can…I cannot decide which is more important, the diet or the walking…I am guessing maybe the walking…because it fixes depression, anxiety, panic, fear & you get to talk to God who is going to be your very best closest friend while you do all of this…

You don’t have to walk with other people & make it a group thing…It is very Zen to walk alone…I smile & say hello to people as I walk by them…They smile back & say hello…That is pretty good…For socializing…You don’t need too much more…(I do try to pat people’s dogs though because that really makes me feel happy inside…Don’t pat people’s dogs without asking permission first…In case the dog is a biter…Doesn’t happen often…)


You will start to look like an athlete…Your body will get sexy again…People will tell you that you are glowing…

Walk…Walk far…

Ok, that is it for advice now…If you need extra help besides what is on this website or what is in my books(free very small size downloads at NoiseTrade of all our books…(or look for the Free Books page in the Menu of this website for more choices of how to read our books)…oh, I forgot to give you an email address…here it is…If you need help ask…I got time…

Big Cool Important thing to learn how to do:If you have a lump somewhere & want to see what it looks like at home, whenever you want to, read this post…(I took pictures of my “lump” & edited them myself with this technique & kept track of size & chemistry changes all the way along up to the present…)

Things to consider:

Birth control drugs are made of Calcium & Phosphorus…The vast majority of malignant tumours are made of Calcium & Phosphorus…

Treat all cancers at their most base level as if they are made of Calcium & Phosphorus…That means you need Iodine & Copper for sure…Then find out what body part your tumour is living in…Clean out THAT body part in particular…Use our Chart, The Grove Body Part Chart to decide what to use…For example, if the tumour is in your Liver, see that Oxygen is the Minus, & Hydrogen is the Plus…So you need Oxygen, the Minus to detox the Liver…Choose an Oxygen…Apricot kernels are a great Oxygen for the Liver…

You are what you eat & so is your tumour…If you eat eggs everyday then your tumour will be high in cholesterol(which we call Aluminum on our Chart)…If you eat bread everyday then your tumour will be high in glutens which we call Nitrogen on our Chart…Triple Negative breast cancers tend to be high in those two things…Choline & Glutamate, otherwise known as cholesterol & gluten, otherwise known on the Grove Body Part Chart as Aluminum & Nitrogen…So you need to specifically add the correct Minus element to your protocol…Titanium & Carbon are the Minus elements for that…(but do not neglect the standard procedure for all cancers, Iodine & Copper)…

Iron is a component of both benign & malignant tumours that makes them hard…

Melatonin is in the Bismuth** family & makes a tumour feel bumpy…Bumpy when you feel your lump is NOT good…SMOOTH is what you want our lump to feel like…Though I love melatonin, be very careful how & when & how much you use to help you sleep…Sometimes you just have to sleep…But know that it will make your lump feel bumpy & rough & that scares doctors into saying things like:”You MUST have surgery”…

**(things with fluoride in them remove Bismuth(which makes your lump feel smooth again after you took all that melatonin cause the sleeping was so delicious)…Dentists have liquid swish drinks with fluoride in them…Just saying…)

In response to a question about Caffeine…

“Caffeine is just another source of Copper…It is chemically opposite to Phosphorus…Birth control drugs are Calcium & Phosphorus which cause a heavy load on the Adrenal Gland & the Spleen…That heavy load is why people are walking around with compromised immune systems right now…(there are other reasons of course too, but the birth control drug pressure on our bodies is possibly the most significant new factor since the 60s…) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is just adrenal gland failure…Which is why the Iodine family is crucial- it cleans out the Calcium from the Adrenal gland…But yes, too much of anything, either way, can cause imbalance…Which is why you have to be careful not to overdo a detox program, why you should cheat a little on everything people say, take detox vacations where you slack off, & why you may have to take some ” opposite” stuff later to fix the fact that you were overzealous…Too much caffeine or Copper family & you may need to start drinking Kefir to put back some of the good Phosphorus you got rid of…Coffee enemas are a way to get Copper-I didn’t use them myself because I was on a raw plant based diet with tons of oil & apple cider vinegar & my colon was pretty darn cleaned out just from that…Also I am lazy… But some people feel they are integral…(Gee, now I think I should try them…hmm…) If you are uncomfortable with something, it’s not right for you…Use your spidey senses…A billion people will tell you to quit caffeine…New studies show coffee & tea are great at fighting cancers…

(this person asking had already had some surgery done)-But again, for you, after surgery, it may be too harsh…Surgery means you need to do a lot of repairing too…A nice thing to do which repairs is to drink Aloe Vera juice every day…It heals up where they have cut, but also does some cleaning out work…Mix it with Mangosteen juice or Acai juice for some flavour…”

Ovarian Cysts; Buy Dr. Reckeweg, R38, & R39…Each bottle costs about $25 dollars…Take a generous swig of each…If you are lucky, the cysts will fall out in the toilet when you pee 48 hours later…Repeat every few months to make sure all are gone…I would also do several rounds in the case of Ovarian cancer since cancer develops from cysts…( the Dr. Reckeweg formulas for ovarian cysts contain bees! Very high dose Manganese which causes Iron to lower & cysts detach!)

If you have a brain tumour or brain cancer, see the Grove Brain Body Part Chart…Find the closest brain part to where your tumour is, then find the corresponding Minus element to take for that part…( see top of page for newer brain part chart)

Grove Brain & Body Part Chart

Anti-parasitics:Unda 17 is a Swedish liquid mix that helps to get rid of parasites…

Artemesia Complex by Knowledge Products helps to get rid of old dead parasite shells after you have done several rounds of a regular antiparasitic protocol(wormwood, black walnut hull, clove- is the 3 part protocol Dr. Hulda Clark invented for that)…Some people use diatomaceous earth to get rid of parasites-I did not try this but many say it is great)…

Parasites & Cancer & Candida seem to all go hand in hand & are perhaps interchangeable…My theory is the Salmonella Typhi Bacterium( Typhus) is to blame…I write about that in one of my books…(Book 3)…

lymph detox deodorant recipe: 1 tablespoon organic corn starch, 1 tablespoon baking soda, 2-3 tablespoons organic vegetable glycerin-ok this is the salve base…To this add your favourite essential oils, frankincense, pink grapefruit, orange, lemon, clove, coriander, thyme, eucalyptus, mint…Apply to underarms daily…Rub on parts of the body that need detox attention, like varicose veins, lumpy areas, sore areas…

E-Cadherin is A Titanium marker…Titaniums break down Aluminum/cholesterol…Statin drugs are Titanium…In metaplastic breast cancer, e-cadherin an inhibitor of change in cancer, may be low…Which is why the Titanium Statin family is useful there…Also lowering Aluminum cholesterol levels in other ways…Hulled hemp seeds are a nice natural Statin…

Epidermal growth factor receptor (egfr) is an Aluminum/ cholesterol that is opposite to e-Cadherin in nature…

Estrogen markers are Phosphorus…they need Copper…

Progesterone markers are Calcium…They need Iodines…

Her2 markers are Hydrogen…They need Oxygens like apricot kernels…

Additional Notes:

“Titanium is found in all statin drugs, Mint leafs, baby aspirin, CBD oil, Frankincense essential oil/Boswellia serrata supplements, comfrey, chamomile…No not the heavy metal!!! In tumour markers Titanium is called E-Cadherin…If levels are low that is very Not good…Aggressive cancers have low e-cadherin…So yup, take something in that family…Also lower cholesterol/Aluminum intake(not the heavy metal again)…Eggs are cholesterol…(if you are taking any calcium supplements at all)Yes stop the calcium…Stop the calcium…stop the calcium…All tumours whether benign or malignant have calcium…Birth control drugs are calcium(& phosphorus btw)…Progesterone means calcium…” love sari

Titanium is also in Iscador( injections)

Sari Grove Boswellia capsules, Iodoral pills, Licorice root tincture, Bloodroot capsules(Zenith herbals), raw plant based diet, no sugar, no dairy, no gluten, walk 2 hrs daily, Boron. Apple cider vinegar, ginkgo biloba, Vinpocetine, Mugwort, green tea, apricot kernels, Hepa plus by Usana, Paragone antiparasitics, hawthorn, frankincense ( chew the nuggets then spit out the gym), vitamin d3 , vitamin c, ginger root simmer into tea…

p.s.On my chart, substitute the word Sulphur( if you still see it) for the word Sugar…It’s a mistake…I am human…It’s a big one though, please forgive me…


Risky business: Breast implants( 3x more likely to die of lung cancer, 2x more likely to die of brain cancer, immune system malfunction, chronic fatigue, infection, mold, rare lymphoma…), Any birth control drug( try Vitus Agnus Castus instead- herbal celibacy inducer), Acrylic nails & acrylic nail salons ( BPA is highly phosphorus estrogenic)…

***Generally you take Artemisia, also called Wormwood, while also taking Black walnut hull tincture, & Clove capsules…This is the 3 part antiparasitic protocol designed by Dr. Hulda Clark, & they are very effective all together…The parasite theory of Cancer is very pervasive & I believe everybody should participate in the 3 part strategy…

Can I black salve my Lymph node tumour under my armpit?

The reason there is reticence here is because the lymph nodes under the armpit are such a sensitive area pain wise…So philosophically, many would try all the other possible lymph detox methods first, Moxibustion, acupuncture, lymph detox massage, raw diet, essential oils topically & orally, daily very long walks for exercise to get everything going- just everything you can possibly think of, saunas, steam baths, nebulizing eucalyptus oil, baking soda therapy, Hydrochloric acid therapy, mega dosing vitamin c- you want to throw the kitchen sink at it, before deciding to black salve there- because it is such a tender area…

Note: Black salve refers to Bloodroot salve, A Manganese thing…

Black salve capsules (Zenith Herbals) contain double strength bloodroot/ manganese, galangal/zinc, chaparral/selenium, graviola/potassium…A great way to get someone going in their alternative anticancer treatment in just one pill a day!( you can take more)…

CBD oil( I got mine from “What I was saying, is that if you are already very low cholesterol, it doesn’t change things as significantly as someone who is high cholesterol…THC acts like a cholesterol lowering drug, which aggressive tumours feed on…For someone like me, I was able to get effect from eating hulled hemp seeds daily, hemp oil, Frankincense oil & chewing Frankincense tears( you spit the gum out after)…You can even chew vanilla beans which has a similar effect…Aspirin acts in the same way too…”

Alternatives to CBD oil ( Titanium group): Hulled hemp seeds from Whole Foods or pretty much anywhere, Hemp oil too- any health food store…Frankincense essential oil is always around- topical quality…Plenty of people in these groups( Facebook groups), say for internal Frankincense oil , to order from so & so brand because it is purer & they are probably right…Frankincense tears can be found locally though I dont know where you live- you can also find a plethora of suppliers for the Frankincense tears online…Just get the nice fresh yellow looking ones if you are going to chew them…Vanilla beans often come in a small clear tube at your grocery store…You can scrape out the brown goop from the bean after cutting them open in two, & just eat that, then chew the pod until there is no more flavour & spit that out…(you can swallow the pods too- perfectly edible)…

Just the basics:

You need an Iodine in your mix, some Licorice root tincture to prevent & reverse spread, & a Manganese…( You can get herb forms of these three things from Herbies Herbs in Toronto- they will ship to you for cheap…You can order Madagascar Periwinkle herb( Iodine), Licorice root herb( Copper), & Mugwort herb( Manganese)…Order like the small amounts to start…Take 1/3 of a cup of each herb, dump all in a pot, cover with water & more, simmer 15 minutes, & drink the black liquid…This was my DIY chemo recipe…It is very good…( not tastewise sorry)…But it covers the basic bases…Not an expensive protocol…Easy to do…

Grove Brain Part Chart

Grove Brain Part Chart

Comments about THC, CBD oil, Cannabis, Marijuana & various forms of cancer…

THC lowers cholesterol which aggressive cancers like to feed on…

A triple positive person may respond to THC, but may not have the significant results because their cancer is not feeding on their cholesterol, which may in fact be low already…

I believe that THC is beneficial across the board, just more beneficial to those with higher cholesterol levels…

For those who say their tumours grew while on THC, I think it was not that the THC fed the cancer, just that it eradicated something that was not a problem to begin with…So the cancer just continued to feed on the hormones it was already feeding on…

Many people while doing a THC substance as medicine do several other things that influence outcome-they do it exclusively as a wonder cure, they stop exercising, they eat because it makes them hungrier, they sleep all day…Then when they check their tumour they say it has grown & blame the THC…I do not think this is a fair or correct evaluation of the process…

 p.s. Since THC also constipates, this affects their evaluation of outcome…

Sari Grove EGFR Epidermal growth factor receptor is the Cancer marker that the THC products target…Very effectively…EGFR is a cholesterol type marker…Often over expressed in lung cancer but also in aggressive breast cancers( like the triple negatives)…

While you are sourcing your oil, you should be doing all the things in that same family of medicine…For example, eating a giant bowl of hulled hemp seeds for breakfast…Chewing & swallowing the spice called Clove…Chewing & swallowing the Vanilla Bean( they come in tubes at grocery stores)…Ingesting Frankincense oil…You can chew Frankincense tears( the nuggets) too- but spit out the gum when the flavour is gone( minty)…Over the counter hemp oil shots( mix with apple cider vinegar for taste)…All these things lower the EGFR market-epidermal growth factor receptor…In another category of medicine to stop spread & reverse it: hit wheatgrass, spirulina, liquid chlorophyll, green tea extract & tea, matcha, Licorice root extract, chromium, boron, Yerba mate…This family stops spread…

The missing pieces:


Have you been doing any of the following category? :wheatgrass, spirulina, liquid chlorophyll, matcha, green tea extract, green tea, chromium, boron, yerba mate, plant caffeines, licorice root extract? ( Note: The studies about Copper are actually about Ceruloplasmin which is a Copper binder- its opposite, Phosphorus- so if you are restraining on the Copper family because of that flawed study, know that it is wrong & you absolutely need Copper to stop & reverse spreading…This might be your missing piece because it seems many were misled by that one misreported badly written study…

1)On the first page of this website is a post that explains how to see under your skin with your own camera & a simple free editing program… If you have cancer anywhere in your body, or you are worried & want to prevent getting cancer, or you have had surgery & want to see what is happening-please go to that post & watch the short video & learn how to take & edit your own pictures…

For places like the lungs, you can take pictures from the front or from the back(you may need help from a friend for your back-though with a  bathroom mirror & some stretching I have done it)…Make sure your picture is very close-up, in good light, & hold still for a few seconds before pressing the take picture button…

***If you only have an iPhone do not despair…Go to the App store…Download the Puffin app…That allows you to access the Fotoflexer(it uses Flash) program on an iPhone…If you use the Camera+ app for iPhone to take your picture, the picture will be better(more clarity, & you can edit it to make it sharper before you upload to Fotoflexer online)…Photoshop Express is another editing app for iPhone that I use to make pictures even more sharp before uploading to Fotoflexer…

Take a picture before & the day after taking a new alternative treatment…That will tell you if it is working or not…Be aware that stress & exercise initially causes a lump to swell up soon after exercising, but then the next day it will be much much smaller…So wait to take your pictures after exercising or stress…(this is why diagnostic pictures are often so disappointing-the stress & exercise of getting to the appointment causes lumps to swell temporarily…)

(Warning:The path that I took was to avoid all surgery…No chemo, no radiation, no Tamoxifen…So the following post is from that perspective, that bias…

This path is NOT(I may have been a little harsh here-you can use this program-just be more gentle with yourself) for people who have done surgery, chemo, radiation or tamoxifen…You can still learn from reading, but this path is too severe for those who have already gone through the severity of conventional medicine…

It is VERY difficult to do a detox after surgery because after surgery your body needs to heal, to feel loved & to be fed…Chemo can be very debilitating…Radiation can be something to get used to-not in a good way…So once again, the following is for people who are trying to avoid cut, poison, burn as they call it…If you have any of the cut, poison, burn options, then you need to go slower…gentler…easier…Ok? )

About that:” Yes…I put that warning in because once people have had surgery or radiation or chemo, they’ve already covered some of their bases already…

Radiation will have covered what I call the “Zinc” category- so that is the whole Vitamin D3, megadose Vitamin C, ginger root, galangal – all that stuff that lowers Lead levels in bone & Thyroid gland…

Chemo is usually in the Iodine category- so you will have already have gotten a fair dose of that if your chemo was pretty standard…So you may have already covered two bases…If you have had any surgeries or biopsies, you may have some repair & healing to do…

Which means be careful with the whole blood thinning Titanium category like CBD oil, Iscador, Frankincense, aspirin- that category can increase bleediness & prevent healing of wounds, so that has to be taken into account…

Comment about being careful about what you read on the Internet:

Yeah! Like with Cloves…What they say about things being estrogenic is just plain wrong…On the internet, you get one bad study poorly written & the whole planet just copies the info…Licorice root does not boost estrogen, neither does Red Clover, Gingko Biloba, Dong Quai, Black Cohosh- yet you will find all sorts of wrong about them…Coppers kill cancer, but one dumb study misreported the word Ceruloplasmin as Copper, so everybody copied & now the internet says Copper is bad…They are referring to Ceruloplasmin as Copper, but it is not…It is a Copper BINDER…That means its opposite…The mistake is rampant, & can kill people…The one night shift study in melatonin & cancer is so poorly set up & flawed, yet the whole internet is ablaze with untruths about melatonin being anticancer…The chemistry just doesn’t work…Fluorine is used often in chemo for colon, lung, breast cancer- a drug called Fluorouracil, but fluorine gets a bad rap every day…People forget that all these so called clinical trials can get easily published on medical sites with just a credit card payment…

Melatonin & Progesterone:

Sari Grove Melatonin raises serotonin…Serotonin raises estrogen…But Dr. Veronique Desaulniers recommends it in her book & there is a study of night shift workers that people cite…The flaw there is: Dr. V. used black salve to remove her tumour…It contains the caustic Zinc Chloride which would lower melatonin levels exponentially & raise fluorine levels…That would have made melatonin very attractive to her biochemically…It worked for her, & now it’s in her program…But not everybody has done black salve…So their levels will be very very different…Same with the night shift worker study…Night shift workers would have radically high fluorine & radically low melatonin…So it worked for them too…But not everyone is a night shift worker…Those are serious biases…As long as you know why you are doing something, then that is safe…But thinking something like melatonin is anticancer based on the night shift worker study or the experience of someone who used black salve( no offence intended), is naive…Personally I love melatonin…Great sleep…But I don’t think it is anticancer…I do think sleep is important…Melatonin made my lump gritty & bumpy…When I quit it became smooth & more even…It was definitely not anticancer for me…But I will take it when I am insomniac …I know how to antidote its effect too if I have to…Progesterone acts like Calcium in the body…You could drink milk & get a similar effect for less money…Or bathe in it( milk bath)…Will make lump grow( but not malignant- just size)…

In response to a question about Hodgkins Lymphoma:(People friend me on Facebook then we can chat via Facebooks messaging service-here is an excerpt…)

You should do a 30 day run of Humaworm…It is an antiparasitic remedy that is probably the best on the market… For hodgkins lymphoma you need to specifically address the Liver…So-Apricot kernels(an Oxygen that lowers Hydrogen in the Liver), Milk thistle, Dandelion greens, Goji berries, all berries, sundried tomatoes-if you want a supplement there is Hepa Plus by Usana which is very good…Burdock root is excellent…I see you already take milk thistle…Great…Take more! (Empty supplements out of their capsules & put them in a glass & add some liquid & drink-they will hit you faster & better than inside the capsules-plus there is less swallowing to do that way)…I dont see any Coppers in your list…(sorry, this laptop is acting up-there may be typos-it wants to type in a different language-will try to fix this soon)…For Coppers, I love Licorice root-extract, capsules, herb, tea-get alot…It kills malignancy, stops spread & reverses damage…Also wheatgrass, spirulina, liquid chlorophyll, chlorella, cilantro, fennel, green tea, black tea, coffee, st. johns wort…

So you want to go “alternative” with your cancer treatment but you don’t know where to start… |…

So you want to go “alternative” with your cancer treatment but you don’t know where to start… I can help with that… I will try & make this as


Id like you to take some pictures, close up, & edit them yourself using my instructions in this blog post…Do the Fotoflexer edit…Then go to the instructions for malignancy to the Lunapic blogpost…Then you will be able to see what is happening chemically now & also how much malignancy or cancer is there…Then we will know better how to proceed…Both are easy & free to do…The second one is longer(15 steps)…The first is only 4 steps…Take pictures where you are worried about…


How to see a lump in your breast(or anywhere else)…by Sari Grove | Artists innovating in the…

Instructions for how to see a lump under your skin in your body: How to do it…(Basic Instructions) Take a picture with your camera set to Macro Flash on

Dangerous items: Anything in the PLUS element column could be dangerous to someone with Cancer…

If you still have Cancer present, for example, Bentonite clay(an Aluminum like Zeolite), which repairs damage, can reactivate malignancy that is relatively dormant…Please wait until you are ALL CLEAR before beginning a repair protocol with bentonite clay…

Dangerous if you still have Malignancy present:HRT:Hormone replacement therapies like the Lifewave patches, Chasteberry Vitex for panic due to excess Copper usage, Wild Yam supplements for wound repair & replacement of sexuality loss(also Aluminum), Soy Isoflavones(a Phosphorus) which can relieve arthritic like damage due to taking too much glutathione/magnesium supplements or exercising too much…

Shaving: Cutting yourself brings Hydrogen in loads to the area of the wound…This can feed Liver flukes, which can stay relatively asymptomatic in your body, but present one day as Shingles rash when you cut or injure yourself somewhere…Chronic fatigue syndrome, Epstein-Barr disease, chicken pox, Herpes, Liver Cancers-are all related to Liver flukes…Treat any of those problems with an Oxygen like Eucalyptus(you can nebulize it), or Burdock root, or very very fresh Oxygenated air walks or mountain climbing or skiing or snowboarding…Or Liquid Milk thistle…You will need to heal the wound as well…However, just because you have healed the wound, does not mean you have killed the Liver fluke…In some ways the rash may be a gift-it tells you flukes are present & you need to go hard & heavy on the Oxygens…Apricot kernels in unsweetened applesauce are a great start…(The Humaworm anti-parasitic protocol has also been successful at removing Liver flukes…)

Surgery: Is cutting as well, which brings Hydrogen to the wound area…Hydrogen can feed any stray Cancer cells…Post-operatively, you may want to Oxygenate your diet to clean your Liver out fully…A Liver cleanse kit is a good idea…Or you could do this before surgery, & maybe be able to avoid surgery by killing off parasites Before doing something more invasive…A lump is a response to a wound…often a wound is caused by a parasite eating into your skin…They create a hole…Then your body sends in a repair team which may cause a lump to appear…However, the lump is not necessarily the cancer…The cancer is the creature eating holes in your body…So removing a lump may not remove the cancer…Your first priority should be to kill the parasites…You can live with lumps…

Facebook comments:Licorice root murders the thing they call Cancer, the Phosphorus, the estrogen creature…I am a huge fan…It has few side effects, is cheap, you can take a lot, & it is easy to get in many formats- hugely effective…Iodine shrinks Calcium which is the bulk of lumps, it also corrects many problems that people with Cancer don’t talk about like gender dysphoria, weight problems, & lack of sex drive & sexiness…Green tea is an excellent daily drink & plenty should be drunk…Works like the Licorice root…Rosemary is an Oxygen, so it dehydrates tumours which can cause excellent & very fast shrinkage which is very encouraging, it also is good for the Liver…In my work, The Grove Body Part Chart, I sort elements into each body part, tell you where you can find them in the real world, then you choose the ones you prefer…Oxygens are important anticancer…If you happen to live on a Rosemary patch, you might choose that as your preferred Oxygen…I am taking liquid Milk thistle right now as my Oxygen because I can’t seem to get apricot kernels anymore locally…Also I am tired of swallowing pills…I love essential oils but my wallet tired of them…So you have many choices…Hepa Plus by Usana is an excellent Liver supplement which contains several good Oxygens…Thunder God vine is another Oxygen…Of course fresh air daily walks might be the best Oxygen…

(brain Tumour at back of head near neck)Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma…

This brain tumour lives in the Pons…Which controls the Kidneys…So the blockage can be alleviated by removing all glutens from the diet, & increasing Carbons which are all the oils…So Castor oil packs, Flaxseed oil orally, & massages in Grapeseed or Apricot oils to increase total body flow…Frankincense oil crosses the blood brain barrier- so application at back of head near top of neck nightly as well as oral drops…Liquid Iodine…Licorice root extract…Both orally daily…No sugar, no dairy, pull away from meat…

Contradictions:The word phytoestrogen should not be used to describe many of the substances…Flaxseed for instance is a Manganese that lowers Iron in the Thymus that makes blood…Soybeans on the other hand, are a Phosphorus thing, that does actually raise estrogen in the Spleen…Seaweed is an Iodine that lowers Calcium in the Adrenal Gland, & like all Iodines, is closest to Tamoxifen & the other drugs in that category- though technically Calcium is not estrogen but progesterone-so saying even Tamoxifen is anti- estrogenic is not exactly precise…True anti-estrogens are things that lower Phosphorus- which is the most important family the Copper family, which includes- Licorice root, spirulina, chlorella, chlorophyll, cilantro/ coriander, chicory, coffee, tea, green tea, fennel…I think the majority of predisposition to cancers is caused by the Calcium Phosphate based birth control drugs, & then chemical constituents in our environment- which lead to attracting parasites, which then get called the ominous cancer…Greater emphasis needs to be placed on antiparasitics( Humaworm is an excellent 30 day one- for pets too)…

Melatonin:raises blood sugar, raises estradiol-I do not recommend Melatonin at all as part of an anticancer protocol…(despite all the nebulous night shift worker studies & studies of “blind” people, which by the way, blindness can be caused by so many different causes that a study that refers just to blind people should be red flagged immediately…) Also melatonin is chemically opposite to Fluorine which IS used anticancer frequently…THAT alone should tell you that melatonin is Not anticancer…That its opposite is used for Colon, Breast, Lung & other Cancers…

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