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Writer's pictureSari Grove

So you want to try my DIY Thermogram method but you don’t have a Mac iPhoto program…

Here are two posts about taking your own breast lump pictures to see size changes & chemistry changes…But both involve mac’s iPhoto editing program…

if you don’t have a Mac, I found something that might be of help…(after much extensive searching & trial & error)…

Here are steps you can do there yourself…

1)First take a picture of where your lump is about 4 inches away, set to MACRO, FLASH ON…I used a 8 megapixel camera (Sony DSC-T100)…

*here is a link to the camera I use, on Amazon they are really cheap now!

2) Upload that to Fotoflexer(hint:crop out your nipple first if you don’t want to upload a full breast picture online)…

3)In BASIC, choose ADJUST, then move the slider for HUE all the way to the left, & the slider for SATURATION all the way to the right…

4)In EFFECTS choose HEAT MAP…(if you can’t see Heat Map choose More at the far right, it will appear)…

5)Optional: if you want to get fancy, choose COLOR ROTATE also in EFFECTS…(if you can’t see color rotate as a choice click MORE at the far right)…


color rotate(effects)

Ok…From experience-if I were to analyze the colours in the final Color Rotated picture above…

the light pink area in the centre would be Iron…(antagonize with a manganese-mugwort, manganese, nuts, bloodroot, flaxseed oil)…

the darker pink area would be Hydrogen…(antagonize with Oxygens like Apricot kernels, Goji berries, butcher’s broom, dandelion, milk thistle, arsenicum album homeopathic 200…)

the yellow area around that would be Aluminum…(antagonize with a Titanium like Cannabis oil, Frankincense/Boswellia, hulled hemp seeds, hemp oil)…

the green area would be Calcium…antagonize with Iodines like Madagascar Periwinkle, kelp, Iodoral, seaweed salad, sea vegetables like Arame, vinopocetine, poke root…

any dark purple spots would be Phosphorus…antagonize with Copper like licorice root, Boron, gingko biloba…

Compare:(this is what the same picture looks like as edited in Mac iPhoto program…

Please Note:An iPhone camera does NOT seem to be strong enough to do your original picture taking…

I used an 8 megapixel point & shoot digital camera in good light…set on Macro setting…with Flash always on…4 inches away…

If you are too close , the picture will be overexposed from the flash(too white)…

If you are too far away you won’t be able to see your lump under the skin…Be patient & keep trying…Once you get the hang of it you will be able to check your lump every day…I take pictures before & after trying a new alternative treatment…Wait a day after trying something new…The next day you will be able to see shrinkage or chemistry(colour) changes in your pictures…

Keep notes…Eventually you will know what treatment does what…

You will also notice what colour things are…

For example- after eating eggs, the cholesterol level of your lump rises…I call this element “Aluminum” on my Grove Body Part Chart…It appears as a blue ring around the reflective white spot that Iron things make…Once you start to know what colour things are, & what they are, you will know how to get rid of them…

Dark purple spots tend to be Phosphorus…

A grey milky region is Hydrogen…Attack that with Oxygens…Like Apricot Kernels…

GroveBody Part Chart

p.s. 2 things I have been taking that are great-

1)Apricot Kernels

2)a supplement that contains Apple Cider Vinegar, Potassium & Boron…

Combine that with an Iodoral pill daily & you have a simpler pared down lie of attack that is actually quite powerful…

(I should mention that starving is a REALLY big problem for Cancer sufferers-about 70% end up dying of starvation instead of from the Cancer…

So, You have to eat…You have to take breaks from detoxifying…

As long as you are taking something in the Copper family you can prevent spread indefinitely-which is why I took the Licorice root for over a year…

Boron is in the Copper family too, just WAY stronger…You can take that as your Copper…)

love Sari… adjust hue saturation then heat map then color rotate adjust hue saturation then heat map then color rotate

Work in progress: I am still checking the new Fotoflexer free online program results, so please take my colour to element ideas with a grain of salt right now…I have been using iPhoto edit program to do my own mammogram/thermograms, & the colours that come up in Fotoflexer are new to me…I will get more solid about which colour is which element in the future, as I use the Fotoflexer program more…In the meantime, just be wary of me! (smile)

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