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Solving Cancer by Body Part using Grove Body Part Chart & Grove Brain Part Chart for guidance!

Writer's picture: Sari GroveSari Grove

This post will be updated each time I add a Body or brain part…EACH BRAIN PART IS ACTUALLY A PAIR OF PARTS…THE PAIR CAN BE ATTACHED AS FOR EXAMPLE LEFT SIDE & RIGHT SIDE, OR CAN BE TWO SEPARATE PARTS WITH NAMES THAT SOUND DIFFERENT BUT THEY WORK IN CONCERT… Each Pair of brain parts controls a body part…Each body part is actually “sided” as well, for example left kidney or right kidney… Within each body part, are elements…If a woman is left side dominant in the body, then the Left side of her body, will have MINUS element dominance, which means that her Left side should contain more MINus elements than PLus elements… The Theory is that MInus elements are specific more to females, & that Plus elements are specific more to Males… Hence…MInus elements should be dominant in females, & Plus elements should be NON-dominant in females… MINus & Plus could be called Yin & Yang or Female & Male for the sake of argument, these are just labels, like how you identify parts in a screw store…(hardware store, get your mind out of the gutter!) 

Helen Hecker’s book in pdf format “My Raw Food Diet Cure (& secrets)” THIS IS HOW TO EAT, WHAT TO EAT, IF YOU HAVE CANCER



I am still working on this, but here are some new things……/ This post has some more traditional ideas & things… A free PDF of our 9th book is here, scroll down a little…It has the do it yourself editing methods(you can edit the black & white CT scans/brain scans to see where cancer is, how much, & biochemistry of it…Just run them through like any normal photo…This is free & can be done yourself with computer & internet connection, no downloads…Also some previous ideas about anticancer philosophy…

Solving Cancer by Body Part using Grove Body Part Chart & Grove Brain Part… GROVECANADA.CA Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 6 mins Edit

Sari Grove Also, here is my source for CBD oil in Canada… It is high CBD low THC Cannabidiol…If you tell Ronald I sent you, or your friend, he will be nicer…(possible discount)…You pay by e-transfer bank account online-very safe, but that is only method-he has no backwards access by the way, it is all encrypted on both ends…Price is around $50 a gram if you buy 3 grams to start…That is with a generous discount though…Highest quality they grow it there…Delivery was 2 days across Canada…A nail’s head drop into some slightly microwaved peanut butter(you need the fat to help it absorb correctly), then stir it in fast & eat…30 minutes later you feel it…Do at bedtime… – The Latest Buy weed News and Information BUYWEEDONLINE.COM

BRAIN PARTS:(I will sort this post better maybe later, ok?) MS is in the frontal lobe…Multiple Sclerosis(& Lupus & Lead poisoning & Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis)

Liver flukes Shingles Hodgkin's disease Bone pain...

Liver flukes Shingles Hodgkin’s disease Bone pain…

A conversation with myself about LEAD poisoning results from FOTOFLEXER edit…AS related to a Cancer diagnosis from LUNAPIC edit…

“Sari Grove So…lemon, turmeric, ginger, vitamin C…let’s say that is 4 Zinc family items…So say we now have 4 X -1 = -4 …If we are trying to subtract a PLus 12 Lead, then let us multiply the times you do your Zinc by 3 times per day…So, lemon, turmeric, ginger, vitamin C, three times per day = -12…That should subtract a PLus 12 Lead…

You will have diarrhea…That is ok…Puking is ok too…It happens…It is your body rejecting cr-p you have inhaled or eaten by accident-ie: fumes

particle board off-gasses glue…if it has urea formaldehyde that is a problem…Urea-Formaldehyde free laminate exists…Check your supplier & switch if you can to urea-formaldehyde free wood laminate

IF Your home water has mold(mouth tastes dirty after tasting/drinking tap water)…That is Phosphorus…Licorice root(Copper -9) capsules work too for that…

Copper pipes would work too…Copper shower head etc. …Maybe you could replace shower head with a Copper fixture-easier fix…

The Aches-Away transdermal Copper patches work! I got 7 patches from England…You can wear them topically on sites…(parts of body where tumour/trouble is…)

I will try not to kill my husband or divorce him…Promise…

Bulb in light fixture behind the head is working very well…I am using a photographic umbrella lamp light fixture…They do more things than regular fixtures…

They already got me it’s ok…(re:Toronto Police Division 13, punched me in the eye, St. Joseph’s hospital, 3 weeks, January 2016…)

FDA is American…In Canada it is different…They don’t care…Like herding cats…Laws are just a suggestion here… Our Prime Minister is Justin Trudeau…French…Quebec province…It’s lie the Vatican there…They make their own rules… like

13:13 Sari Grove xx”

ALS is in the Pineal gland…

KIDNEYS & PONS in brain…

Mycoplasma is in the Pons…Ebola is in the Pons too…Kidneys…treat with carbons(oils)(baking soda)

Comment about trying to RAISE TESTOSTERONE LEVELS: “Reishi mushrooms, Maitake Plus, are NITROGENS N on the Grove Body Part Chart …Nitrogen N is a PLUS item…Plus items raise red blood cell count…Minus items lower red blood cell count…Minus items raise white blood cell count…Minus items lower red blood cell count…You were trying to raise boost testosterone which is a N Nitrogen…The mushrooms do that…So you are achieving your goal…”

Brucellosis is in the Hypothalamus…& Spleen…Treat Brucellosis with Copper family…

Lyme disease is in Wernicke’s area…Treat with glutathione/magnesium family on periodic table of elements…Mg

Mold in your city water supply is Phosphorus-Hypothalamus again…Eat Licorice root capsules, take Copper pills or use something like Aches-Away transdermal Copper patches(my new favorite thing!) if you are on a feeding tube & cannot swallow easily…

Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome:Excess calcium in Pituitary Gland & Adrenal Gland…treat with Iodine Protocol , read “the Iodine Crisis” by Lynne Farrow…

Thyroid Gland: IN the brain the pair is the Frontal LObe left & right side…

Easiest fix: “Oh…I forgot I think…You can take little swigs of Apple cider vinegar(Zinc family on our chart)…Straight from the bottle…Braggs…The little bottles taste better…Less brown stuff…(the Mother they call that)…removes Lead…”

How the thyroid gets mucked up:Lead poisoning, Melanoma, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Roundupweed killer use, Radiator fluid leak, Tattoo Inks(including the organic vegan ones), laminate wood flooring that has urea formaldehyde in the glue holding the particles of wood together in the floor pieces, old water pipes, dirty imaging labs, dirty hospitals, coffee shops in hospitals, Staph infections from visiting people in hospitals, doctor’s office old magazines(staph gives you pneumonia), pedicure place tools & water(lead gives you toenail fungus), Lithium drugs, anti-epilepsy drugs like olanzapine zyprexa, alcohol contains Lead, Rimmel thick eyeliner sticks(make-up), artist supplies(paint, pencils…)…FLU VACCINE WORM(not killed & infests your thyroid causing thyroid cancer), Chest XRay laboratory(they use Lead to cover things, Lead in the glass, Lead to protect themselves from the radiation, Lead in the sheath that covers parts of you…)

How to solve the Thyroid problems:I actually wrote some pointers for someone with Thyroid cancer in this section that involve other body parts…

Tell a doctor to diagnose you with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis…Then ask them to prescribe Thyroxine(a Zinc on our chart) for you…Then take it…It will clean out your thyroid gland…

Drink apple cider vinegar now…It will clean Lead out of thyroid now…( you can dilute or olive oil as salad dressing or add lemon juice more potent)…

Get Humaworm & start when you get it so you can kill vaccine worm causing cancer symptoms…

Wormwood/Artemisinin is a Zinc too…In most decent antiparasitics…

Coppers…Copper pills, Licorice root extract capsules herb...

I am wearing an Aches-Away transdermal Copper patch right now on my breast…You could wear them on your chest where your thyroid is…

Coffee tea good, coppers, cilantro, copper food, chlorella, spirulina, copper plants,

Note: (IF Someone told you Copper was wrong…tell them this)***”It’s high Ceruloplasmin that is dangerous, not copper…YOU didn’t read the clinical trial…it’s a mistake…”

 Then, Use the search box on my site…type in copper…Read…

Stop drinking liquids(why:restraining on liquid will prevent of parasites or worms, it will also help oxygenate the liver, it will also start a liver fluke which are often asymptomatic & really hard to get rid of or diagnose)…the juicing… Just eat your vegetables the normal way

Put Licorice into my search box…You will get posts about that too…

You can drink liquid milk thistle for your liver…

If you empty stuff out of capsules you avoid capsules…They get in the way…Hard to swallow…You don’t need the gel caps themselves…You can empty stuff from capsules into glass , add liquid, drink…But taste is questionable…

Apple cider vinegar just teaspoon in a little something like water or juice or in your salad with olive oil…

Vega One all in one nutritional powder is safe for you…Chocolate flavour is best…( not just taste)

THYMUS: Problems in Thymus include:Multiple Myeloma…Leukemia…hemachromatosis…high iron over-clotting…too many red blood cells…malaria…

(Multiple Myeloma & the rest…)Responds to Manganese family…We are in the Thymus Gland & Motor Cortex in the brain…Blood…Manganese supplements, Bloodroot capsules & bloodroot salve, nuts & seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, homeopathic opium, Mugwort herb, Moxa, Moxibustion (Japanese herbal medicine), Mugwort incense…This is the category that works for multiple myeloma which is the next one down or below melanoma…

Lungs & Lymph Nodes(& Parietal lobe in brain) Charlotte’s Web is a hemp oil with a tiny amount of THC inside…This is a Titanium on the Grove Body Part Chart…Titaniums can cause memory loss, constipation, lazyness, & have application mainly for those with higher than normal cholesterol levels in their tumours or muscles…Those with low cholesterol will not benefit as much…Vanilla is a Titanium as well, as are Hulled hemp seeds…

Comment about Cannabidiol: High CBD, Low THC…”They grow it in British Columbia Canada…Possibly the finest quality you can buy…The seller was hugely educated, & only sells directly to people he interviews personally over the phone about why & what & how & what for…I paid by e-bank transfer online & it was shipped across Canada & arrived two days later…$150 Canadian currency for 3 grams-a deal since I agreed to mention results on my blog & or otherwise give word…I was biased against doing CBD oil, but I was able to see some use for it…In my case, effects were slim due to my already lowered cholesterol from other lower strength parallel herbs & supplements & foods…When side effects became more prominent than results, I stopped…Which is what I do with everything…When the benefits do not outweigh the hazards…I was also becoming psychologically addicted…Recreational desires beyond medical need…’When you get to the other side of the lake, leave the boat behind’…Buddhist saying…something like that…I’m not a Buddhist…” Buy Weed Online (seller’s name: Ronald McChronald)

Liver: In the Brain CEREBELLUM (one side or the other is the pair) For Her2 + you need Oxygen family: Milk thistle, dandelion greens, apricot kernels, raw saffron, sundried tomatoes, Hepa Plus by Usana pills, all of which you are already doing…For ER+ you need the Copper family(which is why it is so dangerous whatever that group guy is quoting…I have had to explain the misinformation a thousand times already in several groups…I have many links of posts I have written on my site, but it just gets too be too much to stem the tide of misinformation on the net sometimes)…Anyways…

Spleen: IN the Brain the pair is Globus Palladus & Hypothalamus… For Er+ which is Phosphorus, you need its opposite which are the Coppers…Coppers kill bacteria like Salmonellla Typhi Bacteria(Typhus the Black Plague)…So they are pretty important…Copper pills, copper transdermal patches, licorice root extract, coffee, tea, green tea, green tea extract, gingko biloba, coffee enemas sometimes, chlorella, spirulina, Heavy Metals Defense powder(health ranger store)…A decent antiparasitic like Humaworm ( will make sure all parasites die & get flushed out…

“I picked up a raccoon that had been hit by a car, wrapped him in my long sweater, put him on my bicycle seat, & rolled him using the bike seat as a gurney, to the veterinary emergency clinic here in Toronto…3 days later I got something…A year later I got a lump in my left breast…Raccoon roundworm is actually pretty dangerous…Though when I inspected an egg, under magnifying glass then took a photo on Macro & edited it, it looked very much like a Salmonella Typhi bacterium(Typhus the Black Plague)…Core needle biopsy said Invasive Ductal carcinoma intermediate grade…Cancer…It’s benign now 2 years later…(lump appeared just before Easter 2014 ish…)I used Coppers like Licorice Root extract to kill the parasite…” Webb is the expert here in this group when it comes to parasites…

12 Brain Parts (paired)

12 Brain Parts (paired)


Gallbladder:IN the brain, the pair is Broca’s Area & Wernicke’s Area… Magnesium lowers mercury(bilirubin levels not so much the heavy metal)…(all mercury is not bad…GOOD Mercury in the body helps to build cartilage-think pork, salt, glucosamine, msm chondroitin sulfate)…

ALL forms of exercise Increase magnesium levels…(with Cancer you need to lower Mercury, even good mercury) Take a look at this E-Bikeboard! It is electric but you will get a bit of exercise driving it…Control, upper body, balance…Instead of driving in a car everywhere, why not take a less polluting format? Just a fun new thing!

The original Bikeboard is a Davison Invention…Half Bike, Half skateboard, non-electric…(I am currently working with Davison Inventions on a project…More details later…)

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