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Some comments I made about using Two feathers topically on large tumour sites…

Writer's picture: Sari GroveSari Grove

Hi…I run another group so have not been watching this feed close enough…Thought Id mention a few things…Two Feathers is very comprehensive internally…For late stage cancers, serious cancers like lung cancer, difficult cancers like ovarian cancer, it can kill the parasite internally, unlike something less comprehensive like bloodroot capsules( galangal, chaparral, graviola, bloodroot)…

Ok…When you take Two Feathers, it will push up problems right up to the surface…This is normal…As it kills things, some may swell & bloat & distend…Normal too…So don’t freak out when this happens…This is not tumour spread or new tumours or growth…

Ok…Next…If you have a giant area of concern, & you try to salve topically with Two Feathers, it is a very very mild escharotic…So, what can happen is you get something that is sort of like an eschar, but it may be weird looking, & it doesn’t dissolve with fluids leaking out like strong topical only bloodroot salves will do…

Ok, so then you feel stuck…B. refers to these as cauliflowers…Ok…Do not panic…These are Not fungating tumours…They may still have some active components, but this is Not the same as a tumour that has spread & broken the skin of its own accord…This is a forced reaction caused by using a medicine…Please do not panic others by using the diagnostic terminology fungating…People can die when tumours just break through & fungate…It is very dangerous…

Taking Two Feathers healing formula, then salving topically, is not the same as having cancer progress to the stage where the parasite has eaten straight through your skin…

The only doctors who may understand escharotic are plastic surgeons with Moh’s microsurgery certification…An extra year of study…An oncological surgeon will have no idea what they are looking at if they are shown a partially ejected eschar…

Also, they will not remove it surgically if there is still a problem underlying…

Two Feathers kills cancer in the system internally…This is 90% of the work…

Now…What I have found is that you may want to switch to a much stronger topical black salve like what Tickety Herbals is making…If you have a giant area…You have to go dime size by dime size amount…A stronger topical black salve is faster…You can remove an entire breast size tumour in this manner, dime by dime…

You can still take the Two feathers salve internally…In fact, if you have a massive tumour, you should…It will clean out your body & your brain…

But if you are having troubles topically , with these weird cauliflower like partial eschars, then you might want to switch to the Tickety boo black salve for topical…The colloidal silver instead of distilled water, the extra dmso, the strong amount of zinc chloride, means that you will have a much faster removal time…

The panic seems to be setting in as these cauliflowers are getting called fungating tumours & people are freaking out…Then they go to a doctor who knows nothing of escharotics & are told based on visuals that it is fungating…

They don’t know actually…All they know is what they have been taught- which is nothing about escharotics…

If you try to find a Moh’s certified plastic surgeon they should know more- but many have not used it in their practice & have not kept up educationally…So they may not be that much better…

I have observed someone removing a massive ulcerating tumour using bloodroot capsules & Zenith herbal black salve topically…Yes it can be done…

But internally, the bloodroot capsules were not complex enough to kill all the cancer…So yes the tumour was removed, but there were still major problems inside…

This is why I recommend Two Feathers in my group…For the internal benefits…Externally, I find it easier to remove large things with something that is only topical…

Note: If a doctor thinks an eschar is a fungation, & they operate on you, they will carve you up like a turkey because they panic…

So it is important to get a proper understanding of what they are looking at, before they operate, if you have a massive partially ejected eschar that may have active components underneath…These are complex issues…

I apologize for not getting involved earlier…I had sort of been aware through seeing posts & pictures but I did not realize people were having such troubles…

The problem is more with having massive tumour areas…Small areas can be handled by the very very mild escharotic in Two Feathers…People are more comfortable with it because it is so much milder than most topicals…But it’s mildness also means it takes so much more time, things don’t dissolve on contact , & eschars may only be partially dead after a salve application…

Personally I prefer a really strong black salve when I do it topically because I am impatient…

I keep mersyndol on hand for pain…

A Moh’s certified plastic surgeon turned me onto  polysporin, which lubricates & is antibiotic- so the eschar releases faster…

If salving the head/ brain area, he taught me to razor off the hair in the area to have a nice clean site…

I hope this post is ok?

There seems to have been some misunderstandings…

My group is DIY Cancer repair manual…

I often see very bad cases, so the Two feathers has proved lifesaving internally…

I am responding today because I have been getting messages from my group members where they are now fearful…

I don’t want my group members to be afraid of taking two feathers internally if they have cancer…

But I do want people in both groups to be aware that you can use a much stronger salve like Tickety boo herbals salve, if you have a massive area of concern…

I am not really faithful necessarily to one modality or company…

Being a do it yourselfer is more about choosing the unique path that is right for you…

Last thing: I am a highly sensitive person…Please try to keep your comments nice to me if possible…It really sets me back far when someone is impolite…Possibly also a Canadian trait…Thank you…

ps. I learn when people send me pictures to image…It’s been about 4 years of that…Hundreds of people…I have salved myself with a variety of salves & have used two feathers as well internally…

I chose harsher topicals when deciding to salve topically…

Just instinctively…

So I didn’t run into the cauliflower problem myself…I have seen other topical salves cause problematic eschars though before…If they are big, they can be trouble…

The dime size approach with a strong topical black salve is how we have had success with big areas, including ulcerating…

Please refrain from calling partially formed eschars fungating tumours…This is incorrect & scares the heck out of people when they start doing Google searches of the word fungating…

Ok…Hugs…Love…Moonshine…Sari ( sounds like Mary)…

More:( response later on I wrote in the Breast Black Salvers group)April 11, 2018

“Two Feathers has been saving lives long before Facebook existed…Long before anyone else was making or selling any bloodroot products or black salves…Two Feathers has saved lives even in this group…When i see language like ” pseudo” used, I know that someone has met with a government Health board who has sent them a cease & desist letter…Which is why salve makers have found themselves resorting to membership sites with free giveaways…Which is fine, but not very sustainable long term…I’d love to send my group members to buy the topical salve used in this group…But even now doing that is almost impossible…I find the confusion between Two feathers which is designed mostly to be an internal remedy, & other topicals to be a large mistake…Watching endless criticism of a brand that someone has never tried is just bad writing…I have tried the tickety boo topical salve & it is very good…But that does not justify slandering other older companies who have helped thousands before…Try posting ingredient lists & not get stopped by the fda…I find the snide assumption that one can post ingredients & not get flagged to be rather naive & ignorant…Topically, there is nothing wrong with Zenith herbals or Alpha Omega…Two Feathers is often too mild…But it does eschar, as anyone who has actually paid for it will know…Those in this group who had partially ejected eschars, also had massive areas of cancer…I have seen this with topical only very good black salves…So blaming a salve for a disease is incorrect…I also find the false diagnosis of fungating for a partially ejected eschar to be not only incorrect but potentially hazardous in so many ways…I have voiced my opinions directly to the horse’s mouth here, & am repeating some again, merely to correct misinformation…I do not expect or want a rebuttal, & have made my peace with the admin here, so don’t be thinking you are going to start a fight with anybody…We have agreed to stay on good terms…People make mistakes…”

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