Dr. Arvo Kuld works in an emergency room known for issuing excessive Driver license suspension forms, as well as Form 1 psychiatric holds, because they get paid $35 for the driver’s suspension form, and $105 for the Form 1…
A Globe and Mail article showed that this emergency room, and health centre in general, had issued at least three times as many of these forms, as compared to all other health centres in Ontario…Numbers are like 300 compared to over 1200 forms-as an example of the excesses…
If you get a medical suspension combined with the Form 1 hold, it makes it almost impossible to get your license or your reputation back…The system is designed to make as much money on you as possible-so if you try to go to a specialist to ask them to write the appeal form, they will tell you that you must visit them for a year to make a diagnosis, before they will fill out the form…
St. Joseph’s Health centre, when you contact Patient Relations, will do absolutely nothing to make amends for their corruption…Despite this being a so called Catholic health centre, they will not do any act of contrition, to make up for the lives they have disrupted by this obvious and most public corruption…Dr. Kuld is one of their emergency room doctors, who loves to write and get paid for these forms…
These doctors, though only family physicians, are writing forms that should only be written by trained psychiatrists…Yet they get paid over $30 thousand dollars a year to write these forms, and they still do it…What is fascinating, is they make these psychiatric diagnoses in 5 minutes, while specialists say it takes a year to evaluate…Either way, the process is just designed to bolster the wallet of physicians who are not making enough under OHIP…The Ministry of Transportation does not care either…Though it is now well known of St. Joseph’s emergency room physicians corruption, neither St. Joseph’s nor the Ministry has offered restitution to victims of this corruption…Dr. Kuld not only summarily wrote and got paid for these two forms to be written for me, he refuses to make up for his wrongs by writing the medical appeal form to set me free of his tangle…
Sandy Pachencko of Patient Relations at St. Joseph’s refuses to compel their corrupt physicians to make up for their wrongs…And so far, the Ministry of Transportation has turned a blind eye…So it looks like they are both wanting a Class Action lawsuit, against the hospital, and against the Ministry-the College of Physicians and Surgeons has been notified as well…Complaints and notifications have also been made to the police, who have been colluding with emergency room physicians as well…
It would be interesting for these people to admit their sins and make amends for them in works…But it looks like they will have to be forced into it by lawyers…How many others are walking around with driver’s license suspensions, and Form 1 holds on their medical records? Anyone else who sees this post, please comment if yes…
Oh, and…The ONE thing Dr. Arvo KULD did NOT do was write ANYTHING about the fact that the reason I was brought to the emergency room, was because the police officer Dr. Kuld quoted verbatim in the driver’s licence suspension form, was the person, WHO PUNCHED ME IN THE EYE AND CAUSED ME A CONTRE COUP CONCUSSION! How interesting, that this emergency room doctor wrote on the form “that I was driving erratically”-which I was not…But how convenient…The police officer beat me up(look up fired Officer GARY GOULD on Google to see the most violent Toronto police officer-who is now fired!!!)…Instead of reporting this violent offender for police brutality, instead this corrupt doctor chose to blame me, the victim of police brutality…
Sari Grove • a few seconds ago Doctors are now just civil servants like the police…They all work together now, and this type of collusion is why so many Canadians are at the mercy of government services, including medical, which is just another shoddy government service these days…