flow of how to k—…Krill Oil Iodine Carbon, Image of Brain when you take something like Krill Oil female Minus element…
begin anticancer regime with Mo Molybdenum & wiggle your way up the chart, following the turquoise blue line…(water from Turks & Caicos colour!)
Instagram Sari_Grove GroveCanada
ABOUT DIATOMACEOUS EARTH(From Facebook DIY Medicine Page):”Diatomaceous earth is very similar to Boron…Borax…Laundry detergent…Bleach is Hydrochloric acid combined with , No wait- Hydrogen Peroxide combined with Baking soda(sodium bicarbonate) is, makes bleach…Bleach is HCL hydrochloric acid…Ok, no I was correct the first time…If you look at the Chart in the picture, sodium bicarbonate(CARBON -5) if you add that to hydrogen peroxide(OXYGEN -12) equals -12 MINUS Twelve which makes BLEACH…(we are ignoring the water in the hydrogen peroxide & the salt in sodium bicarbonate baking soda because they are just additives)…Ok, so lets start again…Diatomaceous earth is Boron -12 on the chart which is Bleach…(Tofu by the way is Phosphorus +4)…(Salt is a Mercury but less strong in quantity but till a strength of +3 like Mercury but there are fewer +3s in the mix…same strength but fewer of them…Eat alot of Salt & you get Mercury, or something like that)…” p.s.theory; Mace is just Nutmeg in spray powder format…
RECIPE FOR antiCACHEXIA: Heavy Metals Defense Powder contains (BORON BORAX DIATOMACEOUS EARTH)dehydrated seaweed, seawater extract, grape seed powder, clean chlorella, Hawaiian spirulina…Serving size is about 1 tablespoon & there are about 50 tablespoons at least in the bottle…I bought it online at Mike Adams the Health Ranger store & it did not cost very much considering how good it is…Tastes really great in orange juice with pulp, banana, 3 raw eggs (didn’t use the shells), & blended with an electrolux blender stick in their smoothie container “glass”…
image credit R.T. thanks, Africa, 2016 february…
You need to begin right away…
Here is a drink recipe to start daily…
here is a starter on an alternative protocol…philosophically…
here is how to do the imaging-two different methods-learn both!
that should get you started!
p.s.Get on a RAW Plant based diet…Read Helen Hecker’s Book My raw food diet secret & cure(digital download) for help with that…No meat, no sugar, no dairy, no cheese or any other phosphorus item like Kefir or Yogurt, things with the word milk in it beware, switch to Stevia, Caffeine products are fine & actually good… “My Raw Food Diet Cure & Secrets”, by Helen Hecker R.N. (A Nurse cures her breast cancer with Just a raw food diet!)