I was born on a Sunday, September 18, 1966 at 3 pm…Tea time…My favorite time of day is teatime…Is your favorite time of day the time you were born too?
T-shirt messages I have seen as I walk by sidewalk prophets:
Drama often obscures the real issues( I took this to mean that psychiatric issues are sometimes just a matter of you don’t like your job, aren’t getting paid enough & other real life problems…)
Trust Yourself(I took this to mean that the “two trails” the ultrasound radiologist saw were actually the two trails from the core needle biopsy going in & leaving a hard straw of cells when they pulled out…That’s how I saw it & told my GP that is what I thought they were seeing…Trust Yourself meant to me to trust myself about that particular call…)
If you are who you say you are have no fear(I took this to mean that if I was so great at figuring out medical things that I should have no fear about trying to get rid of a breast lump without going through lumpectomy surgery-I saw this t-shirt message at a crucial time post-Easter 2014 just when I had to make some important “no” decisions)…
Sign on a blackboard outside a restaurant:
Doing what you like is Freedom, Liking what you do is Happiness…(As an artist I have freedom because I do what I like…People who have taken more “regular” type jobs that pay well, but LIKE what they do, maybe have Happiness…It is possible that I might be happier if I earned more money…But it is possible that people who earn a lot of money, while liking what they do, might have more freedom if they did what they liked…This was just my take on it when I was analyzing job options for an out of work friend…Don’t take me literally…Prophetic sidewalk messages tend to mean whatever you need them to mean at that moment in time…)
Heals up cuts, injuries, damage from biopsies, sores, wounds, pneumothorax(hole in chest wall that happens if biopsy needle pierces chest wall when lady is small breasted & lump is close to chest wall-Ahem, this was me…)
Arnica Montana homeopathic pills
Greens Supplement that I have been taking off & on…(Handy Energy boost & good AntiCancer effect & easy to mix in water & tastes fine & excellent mix of greens)
Amazing Grass Green Superfood Lemon Lime Energy
If you feel panic or anxiety…
GABA…I am using AOR Classic series 60 vegi-caps 600 mg each capsule…I am taking at least 4 a day right now…Sometimes 8 if I have exercised too much & burned through all my food…Awesomely grateful…(warning:it is actually a “Phosphorus” on my chart-only taking it cause I overdid the Copper…just rebalancing from detox…Repeat:GABA is NOT a detox…)
The Minus column detoxes…The Plus column feeds…
how the chart works…
The chart has 12 body parts or organs…Going vertically down the page…(Gender is the prostate gland in men & Skene’s gland in women)…Each body part has TWO elements a Minus element & a Plus element…They work together…Minuses subtract as in detox or cleanse…Pluses feed & repair & heal…They are opposites…So raising one can lower the other or vice versa like a seesaw…Look at the Thymus…It shows Manganese & Iron…They are opposites…We know Bloodroot is a Manganese…So its opposite is Iron…The numbers are just the strength of that element…The strongest Minus element is Boron -12…The strongest Plus element is Lead +12…Which is why if you want to remove Lead+12 with a Zinc(like Vitamin C), Zinc is only a -1…So you need alot of Vitamin C to remove Lead…hence IV Vitamin C or megadosing…My books are all free on my site-there are smaller versions to download too if you have a phone with Kindle on it…