Talcum powder(Baby Powder) contains Talc, which is usually made of magnesium, silicon, & oxygen…
Silicon in & of itself can muck up your Gallbladder(& Wernicke’s area of the brain)…(mercury family on the Grove Body Part Chart)
Talc can also have Tremolite aspects to it which is an Asbestos type thing…Asbestos is sort of the more fibrous parts of silicon…
Think of sand, that is a silicon thing…Salt & silicon & mercury are all related, just different strengths, so they affect the same brain & body part…
When they mine for Silicon, for Talc, some of that mineral will have fibrous parts in it which is Asbestos…
There are several different types of asbestos…
Say you have Aluminum silicate asbestos that corrupts your Johnson & Johnson baby powder…The aluminum aspect will gum up your Lungs & Lymph nodes & parietal lobe in the brain…This can cause lung cancer & brain cancer…
Silicone(& saline as well)breast implants often cause lung & brain cancer…Fatal…Onset is usually on average 8 years after getting any type of implant…
It doesn’t matter what type of implant because the coating around all the types is similar…
Breast Implants leach into the body indefinitely…No matter how long you have them, they continue to biodegrade & leach into the body…
Women who have illness symptoms or worse after getting implants have found that all symptoms & diseases regress immediately upon explantation…
30% of women who get breast implants have them removed immediately or within a year of getting them…(Lord, I will have to hunt for this number, I am quoting from memory-really sorry…will add link when I can find it again)
Having an immediate reaction after breast implants are inserted is a really bad sign…It means your body is immediately rejecting them…That means the toxins in the implants do not go well with your body…Even if you remove them & replace them, your chances of serious disease down the road is almost certain…
It is known that breast implants cause increased risk of serious depressive mood disorders & suicide…Statistically more women commit suicide who have implants…
But the women who have implants who do not commit suicide may find themselves in the most depressive career paths like lapdancing or prostitution…Highly intelligent females after getting breast implants will become so depressed that they cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel & agree to do the lowest of jobs-servicing men sexually for money…Multiple times a day, for years…
Most women in the sex trade have breast implants or want them but cannot afford them…They do not know that they may eventually die from them…They think they will make more money if they are implanted…They think men will love them & marry them if they are implanted…
Silicone in affecting the Gallbladder, eventually trickles down to the Colon, & then to Skene’s gland in the female & the prostate gland in the male…When the prostate gland is mucked up(or Skene’s gland), sexual perversion can be seen as a mood disorder in the brain area called the Cerebral Aqueduct(male), Corpus Callossum (female)…THis can also cause Ovarian cancer…Fibroids…Cysts…uterine…Endometriosis(thickening of the skin in the uterus-mucking up is my Canadianism term)…
What Doctors Don’t Tell You… Talcum powder & Ovarian cancer…(Silicon in Talcum powder…Relates to Silicone in breast implants…My association…Sari Grove)