Warning:This post may make you feel a little scared…Stress can deplete bone, which is only good if you have EXCESS bone or Lead PB+12 on the Grove Body & Brain Part charts…
The featured image shows a wall, where termites have eaten away at the wood joists behind the wall…Edited in Fotoflexer…The DIYIMaging.com site is being built as we speak, & the Fotoflexer method is being slurped into a one step kind of a thing, so that you can check your wall joists too…If you have termites they will eat away at the wood Nitrogen, behind your wall, so you may not see them…Mycoplasma infections are related to Nitrogen in excess…An unhappy house is a sick house…get your house checked up today!
Fluoride=ice cubes…F -11…If an ice cube is FOGGY in colour that is often the sign of Fluoride or GHB the date rape drug…
LSD=water drinks…If a drink has a black tinge at the top of the water, like a fume, then it may be laced with LSD, Titanium…This may cause memory loss, suggestibility to what the retail sales associate is saying, like buy this product or something for too much money, even though the product (a power bar at Shinola) is 21 watts & your iPhone is only rated for 12 watts of usage…So the lsd laced “free” water bottle, is designed to make you forget to check your wallet or your brains…Bring a friend when shopping these days so you don’t get hiked by the free designer water that has been tampered with…
GHB drug…also a fluorine, can appear in foggy clear candies, small(in Lebanon)…Arak liquor, you can taste the fog at the underside of the glass if you let it sit…The bottom will be foggy of the drink…The date rape drug GHB induces paralysis , so you cannot get away when someone is trying to touch you…
Heroin=called “cocaine” by lap dancers…A lap dancer may sell you a $40 bag of white powder & call it cocaine…This may really be white powder heroin…It is called skin popping when you snort this up your nose…Heroin will make you a sex slave…Instantly addictive, this drug will make you give up all your money & dignity & anything else in your life for sex…You may divorce your wife, to marry a cheap lap dancer/prostitute, so she can get a VISA into Canada…As a male sex slave, a “John”, you will be a servant to strip clubs…Someone without legs, a Lieutenant Dan, will be your so called zen master…Yoga mats will be carried around by you, rolled up into a little carry assortment, & you will be seen scuttling around in poverty, thinking you are on top of the world, while the real people are actually earning a living…You will think that the nighttime strip clubs are your palace…This is the dumb heaven that ISIS as-holes talk about when they proselytize your women, disguised as YOGI masters…You will think that exercising is the only way to achieve good karma, & that intellectual conversations are boring…
Radiation at Costco near Yorkdale mall at Wilson…As you exit the store, the large metal bar on the ceiling emits a huge gust of radiation, you get irradiated with your food…I felt it in my abdomen area…At the car, I almost displaced my gallbladder lifting a heavy bag of dry dog food(Kirkland, chicken , vegetable, rice)…(Displaced gallbladder may cause autism, ADHD, jaundice, mercury in excess, Lyme disease, later in life…)(Displaced Pancreas, about 10% of the population, may cause diabetes Type 1 later in Life…)(Displaced Liver may cause Liver problems later in life like liver flukes, hepatitis, cirrhosis)…(Displaced Colon may cause colon cancer later in life)…Displaced organs may be due to heavy lifting, pregnancy, being punched in the stomach, getting hit by a car or bus, childhood roughhousing, hockey, & stunt tricks on movie sets, accidents…
LSD appears also in inks…Titanium on the Grove Brain Part Chart…Touching a newspaper article laced with LSD inks can cause you to feel suggested to the content of the article…Listening to music while touching led inks can cause you to be suggestible to the content of the song…This is called brainwashing…HEALTHY Brainwave entrainment as invented by Bill Harris Holosync method Centerpointe is NOT a bad thing…
http://www.Betterhelp.com Is a Social Worker site where they match you to a social worker based on a questionnaire …I got a fabulous counsellor who helped me through some incredibly tough personal issues with my husband…Very quickly…I paid $260US for the month…I got text messages right away as answers & questions…Direct…From a REAL social worker, NOT someone on Facebook trying to be a false friend…
Off topic of this post:Pain…Liver flukes cause bone pain, they feed on water…Hydrogen on the Grove Body Part Chart…
Nasopharyngeal cancers can feed on vegetables, Nitrogens…so they say…Mycoplasma…