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Writer's pictureSari Grove

The lump has dissolved in the centre & leaks out brown ooze from the nipple? What does this mea

before comment:This post is the result of answer written in the Facebook group called DIY Cancer Repair Manual…

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S.G. First of all, congratulations!!!

That phenomenon, of the centre of a lump liquifying, is a remarkable & wonderful thing to have happen! I am not sure I will tire of hearing how you were able to make this somewhat rare act happen…Ok, next…It depends…

Depends on what you say? It depends on what the lump was made of…

Now what I mean is not in broad strokes but specifically, what fraction of this lump was benign still & what fraction had worms(so sorry for the gruesomeness of it all but euphemizing endlessly to protect our tender ears is sending us back to the 1950s)…When I say worms, for the sake of others, I mean, what fraction was cancer?

Cancer is a worm & the fraction of a lump is usually quite tiny…The fraction that is the nest where they are living…So when a lump dies in the centre, what was it made out of?


When I have imaged cancerous lumps, I have seen, yes, the lump, then the parasites in tiny format, little creatures that look like say Salmonella Typhi bacteria up close…

Tiny purple ants is how I used to describe them…Crawling around on the surface of a lump like tiny astronauts on the surface of the moon, as seen from earth or somewhere far away…

When someone begins something very antiparasitic like licorice root, a very strong COPPER family element(PLEASE do NOt confuse Copper with ceruloplasmin as those ridiculous anti-copper studies from Weill University have done recklesslessly(sorry but Andrew Weill is smart but he makes mistakes like all of us & apparently so do his students!!!)…

Anyways…When the anti-estrogenic properties of the Licorice root(glycirrizha gabra or something like that-too early to spell the words)hit the lump they start dissolving literally these parasite creatures, it is THAT strong…You can FEEL the burn…Lump will get hot feeling…As you image the phenomenon, you can see the tiny purple ants scatter to the outskirts of the lump…

They hide at the edges…Where the licorice root cannot get them…Note: recently we learned from the Parasite Summit that MIMOSA PUDICA from Microbe formulas, another strong COPPER (anti-phosphorus, anti-estrogen)is available for sale…No I am not affiliated from a profit perspective or any other ingenious way…But I did want to mention that because Licorice root is difficult to source in very strong format…Green coffee bean extract(yes those dud diet pills from the 1980s)work too for Copper…

As does real green powder Matcha tea(if you can afford it!)…Ok, anyways…

The phenomenon of scattering is from centre to outside of lump, as you kill them…IF, the lump has become ALL cancer, what I mean is ALL infested with worms or larvae or eggs or all that grossness we call cancer for propriety, then as we kill them, logically also, they should die from the centre…

Leaking that weird brown ooze that N.D.C. is talking about…But, it feels counter-intuitive doesn’t it? Shouldn’t the lump slowly dissolve from the outside edges in??? Ahh…

A benign lump should act that way…

You slowly chip away at the edges with high dose Iodoral pills, or Essiac tea(Fungus Shield Plus contains Essiac in its pill format which is neat-no tea making skills needed there!), or Madagascar periwinkle tea(another Iodine-vinpocetine, is used in chemo by the way-extract from this herb)…

Seaweed salad(another iodine), kelp, green powders with sea things inside, are other iodine ideas…

Iodine dissolves calcium(progesterone & progestin based birth controls are calcium things-though birth control drugs have an extra molybdenum ligand-you need Boron to dissolve a molybdenum shell casing by the way, Hakala labs has a 30 mg one…

Small flowered willowherb is a natural Boron as is Celery root)…


To revise these notes…A benign lump is usually calcium oxalate(calcium iron)…a malignant lump is usually calcium oxalate & phosphorus, or calcium phosphate as they abbreviate…The differential is the presence of phosphorus…

(edit:so if the lump is benign it should dissolve from the outer edge then to the centre…

If the lump is malignant, it will dissolve from the centre first then to the edges…


a benign lump is like a rock that you slowly chip away at with a chisel…

An ALL malignant lump is like a bun with worms crawling on it…Kill the worms & you often get left with a bun with a giant rotten hole in the middle…

Think of an apple that is infested with worms…They start on the outside of the skin & slowly borne in to the core…Expose the apple to a Copper solution(Nano colloidal copper for instance) & you kill all the worms & are again left with a rotted out core…

If you manage to wound the worms, because your medicine is weak, then if they are at the surface of the apple, they will scatter to the edges, not wanting to let go of this precious fruit, but unwilling to stand their ground in the middle…They hide at the edges…

Non sequitur follows now because I have inserted more information…Oh well…

Which is why the Lunapic imaging program uses Phosphorus to see cancer-as a purple colour…(the which is why refers to, why I use Phosphorus as the marker visually to see if cancer is present in someone’s body)…(Mercury the key lime colour in the Lunapic edit can see later stage cancer & Lyme disease, as well could be an autism marker…but that is not as common a marker…Let’s HOPE!)

Ok, I will stop here for now…Sari Grove Thursday September 21st, 7:08 AM Toronto, Ontario, Canada…

After comment: I am not sure the paradigm the radiologist is putting forth:as the lump grows the centre dies, is a correct thesis to put weight on mentally…MORE correctly the thesis should be: as N.D.C.(names in post have been acronymed to protect identity mostly) KILLS the cancer, the centre dies…I feel that if there is TRUE lump growth, as in, the worm is eating away at the lump & getting way bigger, in that case, the centre does NOT die…I mean to also differentiate between true lump growth & just eating growth which means the benign aspect of the lump has swollen from excess liquid drinking or bread eating for instance, but no worms are present…

Liquid Biopsy or circulating blood test count as a diagnostic method: Sari Grove’s commentary on this (ambivalent)study…

It takes much longer for chemo to act than what is expected…CTC, circulating tumour cells, & their cell counts, will drop, AFTER a much longer wait time than they are testing for…Due to fear & rush & genuine concern, all these tests & evaluations are being done on the fly…That CTC counts didn’t drop right away after a chemo regimen does not mean it isn’t working…It just means they didn’t wait for them to excrete…There is the variable too that when a chemo regimen works, the CTC counts may rise due to herxheimer effect…More CTC in the blood because you have killed off the parasite in the tumour area & the excretion is entering the bloodstream as dead material which is still catching the eye of the liquid biopsy so to speak…Higher counts can mean the chemo is working…Excretion rates for many levels including melatonin can mean more melatonin is being excreted due to greater wakefullness for example…So urinary excretion of melatonin is more when the person has less in their Pineal gland…This paradox has caused oncologists mistakenly to think that cancer patients have lower melatonin due to less measured excretion in the urine & saliva…But so called pivotal studies have shown that melatonin levels when increased in the body due to forced increased dark times, drop drastically in excreted measures…So theses tests are not accounting for the paradox in excretion variables…When you kill cancer, CTC counts may rise in the bloodstream temporarily, or they may lower in the bloodstream long term…The key to distinguish is to take your time…Doctors are high volume low quality these days…Medical students are taught high volume low quality as well, even in their training style(requiring long hours of output with low quality & mistake ridden work)…If everyone just SLOWED down , then we could stop making mistakes & publishing articles about interesting things that say nothing definite…Liquid biopsy is very cool…But ONLY if we know what we are measuring…Measure twice, cut once…Diagnostics & profitable output should not be bundled, just like Bill Gates shouldn’t bundle operating systems with software deals…Let’s first understand what CTC blood counts mean, & urine counts, & saliva counts…THEN we can decide which treatment is bets(I mean best, but it is a great mistake…!)…But those two ideas are different…Let’s stop rushing into plans…

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