What if it was just a Fibroadenoma?
When I look at the ultrasound picture from last year, then the newer picture, & compare that to a wikipedia view of a fibroadenoma, I see a fibroadenoma…
They always say a fibroadenoma is moveable & the first thing my GP said was wow it moves!
Note:I wasn’t working on shrinking it as much as making sure that I altered the chemistry from benign to malignant…(hence only a 0.5 cm change in size-smaller)…
April 14, 2014 4 cm
July 9, 2015 3.5 cm
I mean look below at the reference photo of a fibroadenoma…Doesn’t the picture above look exactly the same?
photo credit below:Fibroadenoma in ultrasound Heinohans (wikipedia) Fibroadenoma of breast
Fibroadenoma in ultrasound Heinohans Fibroadenoma of breast from wikipedia
Afterthoughts:Ok, so I know you are going to say:”well, but the core needle biopsy…”
The core needle biopsy pierced through my chest wall when it was done & left me with a hole there called a pneumothorax…
Since no one told me what had happened, I was left for 2 months wondering why when I drank water it went into my lungs…
The only way I found out I wasn’t crazy(people kept telling me it was impossible the biopsy had caused me to have this water into my lungs phenomenon), was a year & a half later I had a breast massage, & it opened up a hole there…
Started having the same symptoms again…Finally looked it up…
Yes, you can get a hole in the chest wall from a biopsy if you are small breasted & the lump is close to the chest wall…
So all I am saying is this…
If a biopsy can pierce my chest wall & leave a hole there & nobody warned me about this & nobody comforted me after about my symptoms, is it not possible that the lab I went to was inept & that my diagnosis may have also been inept?
I mean in the old days, if a police officer wrote one thing wrong on a speeding ticket, the whole ticket was void & you didn’t have to pay…
In the same way is it not possible that with a massive screw up like a hole in my lungs, that the actual lab work on the specimen sample was crummy too?
Considering I also had tissue injury & new injury nodes formed 3 months after the violent assault of the mammogram, it is not beyond belief that my diagnosis was awry too…
Awry means wrong by the way…Just checking…
Instead of telling me the lump was smaller by 0.5 cm, they told me they saw two new “trails” that I should worry about…I told my GP that what they had failed to remember was that AFTER the first ultrasound, I had a core needle biopsy, which is TWO needle punctures deep into the thing…
Could it not be possible that those two trails were just the signature of the biopsy needle going in twice???
Oh Lord, my father warned us about socialized medicine here in Canada…
I swear Van Gogh could do a painting of the potato eaters again but this time they would be lab technicians eating potatoes…
With socialized medicine all these people can only afford to eat potatoes, which is why their neurons aren’t firing on all stations…
My goodness, people wait 6 months to 2 years for an MRI here…
Let’s bring back ‘pay cash directly for medical services’…
I feel like most of my tax money is just going into red tape boondoggles, & maybe potatoes…
The only people providing sensitive medical care here right now in Ontario are the Naturopaths, Homeopaths, & Chinese medicine
practitioners-they are the only ones getting paid upfront too…
You can edit your own ultrasound photos using the instructions in the post How to see your own lump(how to see a lump in your breast or anywhere else)…It’s at the top of the page of this website-first post…
Mine shows lots of yellow calcium…(need more iodine)…lots of whitish pink Iron(need more bloodroot manganese)…some peachy hydrogen(need some Oxygen apricot kernels)…the dark green areas could be phosphorus -still working on being sure about that sorry…need to check in iPhoto too…
Hmm…My iPhoto edit comes up with lots of Blue(in iPhoto Blue is Aluminum/cholesterol, & white(in iPhoto the white is Iron)…Interesting…Must be all the normal food I ate while staying at my mum’s house this year…(7 weeks + about 3 weeks)…