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Think for yourself:Melatonin & Cancer

Writer's picture: Sari GroveSari Grove

Melatonin increases Serotonin…

Serotonin increases Estrogen…

Estrogen increases Cancer…

Thus, logically, Melatonin increases Cancer…

You may have read the night shift worker study which purports to sell you on the idea that somehow Melatonin is anticancer…

But the logic is not there…


It just doesn’t make sense…

Did you know Melatonin also raises blood sugar?

Cancer loves to feed on sugar…

If you are trying to fight Cancer, & have been told to take Melatonin, please, think for yourself…

More:I did not have surgery, so have been able to monitor things as I take them…Melatonin caused a worsening to the lump…This was confirmed by palpation, by a lady Chinese medicine Doctor(TCM anticancer centre Toronto), palpation means by feel…

That night shift worker study is very loose- there are so many correlatives that could have skewed the result…

Biochemically, melatonin raises serotonin, which raises estrogen, which can raise cancer…Melatonin also raises blood sugar…

That one night shift study has spawned a plethora of copycat studies & links on the Internet…

Yet despite all this, they still say they are confused or puzzled by the findings…

I’d be very careful about jumping on the melatonin bandwagon…Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, who endorses it, used black salve which contains the caustic Zinc Chloride which would have lowered her melatonin levels exponentially…So it works for her specific case…

But I just don’t see the reasoning behind it for everyone, unless they are insomniacs( the night shift workers in the melatonin study everyone cites), who have excessively high Fluorine levels…

Most people forget that Fluorouracil, a fluorine drug( opposite to melatonin in nature) is used extensively in chemo for colon cancer, as well as use for breast cancer, lung cancer, & a few other types…

So the evil fluoride is tried & true anticancer, while the glorified melatonin is a serious question mark…

When I stopped, my lump returned to a smoother less bumpy feel to palpate…Bumpy is not desirable…For those who still have lumps they can feel, check the smooth versus bumpiness factor if you are taking melatonin…

I went back to fluoridated toothpaste when I discovered all this…”

Letter to an integrative oncologist:

I am concerned about melatonin use in the Alternative groups I am a member of…

It is being used without chemotherapy, as a detox medicine…

The major study that spawned this following is the night shift worker study, where it is not emphasized plainly, that this group in particular would have been severely depleted in melatonin…

The people in my anticancer groups are not necessarily for the most part night shift workers, nor are they necessarily deficient in melatonin…

Melatonin has been known to raise serotonin, which can boost estrogen…Melatonin is also known to raise blood sugar levels…

In concordance with chemotherapy, it provides some balance, but again, that point is not necessarily emphasized in the studies…To the layperson, they may assume melatonin is also doing a “detox” type of thing…

In my own experience, melatonin caused the lump in my breast to palpate as gritty & textured…

This was confirmed by a TCM anticancer doctor, also by palpation…

When melatonin was ceased, the lump became smooth to the feel…

It is also known that melatonin & fluorine are opposites when it comes to the Pineal gland…

Melatonin can constipate, fluorine can laxate…

But further, we know that fluorouracil is used to antagonize colon cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer & more…

If we know fluorouracil is tried , tested & true, in combating cancer, then why would its opposite biochemically do the same thing?

It doesn’t make sense…

Another Dr., Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, who used black salve to remove her tumour, which includes as ingredient the caustic Zinc Chloride, touts melatonin as being anticancer…However, by nature Zinc Chloride would have lowered her melatonin levels as well exponentially, biasing her experience for those who did not do this method…

When studies cite “breast cancer” patients in trials, they do not necessarily mention if surgery had been done or not…

Since in this day & age surgery is usually the norm, one would assume that most of the breast cancer patients in melatonin trials had already undergone some type of surgery…

Surgery alone can lower melatonin levels…

If one compared a person who had undergone surgery, with one who had not, their melatonin levels could be differentiated just based on that fact…

But this is not often mentioned when melatonin is being sold as anticancer…

There are plenty of uses for melatonin in treating ALS, seizure disorders, IBS(Crohn’s), & hearing loss…As well as fluorine poisoning…

But the case is truly paradoxical when it comes to cancer treatment…

B12 may be useful in concordance with chemotherapy, it may also be useful in vegans who are severely B12 deficient who have cancer…

But by itself, B12 is not touted as anticancer…Not in the same way as melatonin is…

I think this is dangerous…I also think for people with Colon cancer in particular, it could make their cancer progress further…

I mention this because I found a colon cancer “survivor” taking melatonin supplements as part of her treatment…

Perhaps the surgery caused the need for this…But it should be made clear that it is not a detox drug…More of a repair & replace substance…

Thoughts? What do you think Dr.? Tryptophan is a precursor to Melatonin…scroll down to read how Tryptophan is implicated & may trigger cancer…If tryptophan can induce cancer, & tryptophan is a precursor to melatonin, then how can melatonin possibly be anticancer? (the answer is-only if you hold a patent on a novel way to use melatonin-then you benefit from touting that it is anticancer…It is NOT)…(Note:The list of novel melatonin patents recently filed is too long to even mention here…)

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