On the chart, Hydrogen Her2+, Calcium Pr+, Phosphorus Er+…Ok those are the typical hormones…Triple negative just means that whatever parasite this is, it is not munching on those three things…
We also know that triple negative has worse outcome than the regular type, which means it may be more similar to later stage cancers…
Ok…On the chart, there are 12 body parts…Each has a Minus or detox element & a Plus or repair element…
Ok…So…Cancer is really a catch all word for parasites…They are eating away at the body…
Ok…So…Triple negative being more dangerous than regular cancers, & not involving those three classical hormones, is probably feeding off the next elements down the chart…Mercury, Bismuth, or Molybdenum…Later stage cancers feed off those too…
So…The corresponding Minus or detox elements for those are respectively: Magnesium, Fluorine, Boron…
Magnesium you can get as a supplement…Fluorine is found for example in Moringa Oleifera…Boron, in strong supplement is available from Hakala labs…
So that would be a start in choosing three supplements to take in high dose, with a triple negative diagnosis..,
Now…Mercury feeding parasites are also found in Lyme disease…
So…One should get Lyme testing done…
Very often, a triple negative diagnosis is actually looking at someone with undiagnosed Lyme…Yes it can happen in the UK…
Either way, treating triple negative AS IF you had Lyme disease, opens up many avenues of possibility…
Now…A very decent antiparasitic has to be done right away…
Humaworm is excellent( http://www.humaworm.com …Blessed Herbs costs more but is good…Antiparasitics have to be done immediately & then repeated constantly for at least six months..,
Vermox ( mebendazole) is available at http://www.wormmedication.com & several rounds should also be done…
This should be rotated with Pyrantel Pamoate( ask pharmacist for a box- brand names vary)…
http://grovecanada.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Helen_hecker_My-Raw-Food-Diet-Curefreebook.pdf raw plant based diet
Every day, walk far & slow…
Fungus Shield Plus is a product that removes Lead & other burdens that cause Fungus-it helps the body to help itself…Great new very thorough product…( Lead is a huge heavy metal burden today)…( Fungus feeds on Lead)…http://www.fungusshieldplus.com
A thorough anticancer protocol chooses one of each Minus element anyway, to clean out each body part.., Parasites can hide in injuries, scars, wounds,& up at the surface…This means they hide from internal medicines.., So, very often, you have to kill them topically… For those who have money, order Two Feathers black salve…You eat it for about 7 days, then you apply it topically to the tumour area if there is one… Two Feathers is basically painless… For those short on cash, order Zenith Herbals bloodroot capsules & take internally…Get their black salve & apply in Dime size portion Maximum to any tumour area.., Any active tumour needs to be removed with black salve if at all possible…With Triple Negative breast cancer, black salve is probably the key difference between saving a life & losing a life…Salving topically changes the whole game… Two Feathers is about $140 US a jar…Zenith Herbals is about $40 a jar… http://grovecanada.ca/diy-diagnostic-imaging/ this is how to do your own imaging…I also do this for people if they send a photo here to me in messenger…