Beta Blockers improve outcomes in TNBC…There are many links if you Google that phrase- or ask your oncologist…
Basal Cell Cancers are almost always Triple Negative…
Basal cells like to eat B12…
B12 is something you would take to raise low blood pressure…
A Beta Blocker is a potassium drug that lowers B12…
On the Grove Body Part Chart, B12 is called Aurum…Gold in Latin…Yes, gold boosts blood pressure…
Graviola & Hawthorne berries or just Potassium, are alternatives to the drugs…
More recently:(Friday April 8, 2016)
about preventing brain metastasis…
“Paw Paw? By Nature’s Sunshine. Developed by Dr Jerry Laughin from Purdue Univ…(best in my opinion)to prevent mets,mostly brain mets.” (person’s name withheld for the moment-until permission is granted)
Sari Grove “Thank you…That makes sense…The Medulla Oblongata, which control the heart, sits at the back of the head, where the brain stem hits the head…So, in fact, it is one of the first entry points, for things that might be swimming upstream…Theoretically…Paw Paw is a Potassium remedy that lowers Blood pressure…Since B12 raises blood pressure, Paw Paw lowers b12…By lowering B12, you lower Basal cells’ favorite food…Basal cells are fast travellers…By stifling their favorite food with Paw Paw( a natural Beta Blocker that handles hypertension), you prevent metastasis to the brain…Nice…Thank you…Again…”