I have been studying triple negative breast cancer…Basal cells…MTHFR gene mutation…
There are some correlations with hypertension(high blood pressure), high B12 levels, & (apologies for this one-)larger size breasts…
This pointed me to potassium type therapies which lower those types of levels…
Potassium salts( a powder), Hawthorne berries(potassium too), Graviola( also a potassium)…At a drug level, Beta Blockers are potassiums too…Whole leaf Stevia extract is also potassium…
It seems the triple negative grows on B12 which potassiums lower…
Here’s a study they did using the drug form beta blockers(potassiums)…
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23912960 (Therapeutic effect of β-blockers in triple-negative breast cancer postmenopausal… NCBI.NLM.NIH.GOV|BY BOTTERI E , ET AL.)