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Triple Negative breast cancer…Imaging…

Writer's picture: Sari GroveSari Grove

Our 9th book is free right now on all Amazon Kindle sites, until January 5th, 2016…

Look for DIY Cancer Repair Manual on your country’s Kindle site…or here are some links…

Here are two edits we did of Triple Negative breast cancer, using Lunapic editing for malignancy, & Fotoflexer for biochemistry…

In the first photo-those tiny purple traces indicate malignancy…

The second photo shows the biochemistry of Triple negative…

DIY Cancer Repair Manual explains what those colours mean & what to do about them…

(original picture taken & edited from this link)

Lunapic edit for malignancy purple

Lunapic edit for malignancy purple

Fotoflexer edit for biochemistry

Fotoflexer edit for biochemistry

The whitish pink is Aluminum on the Grove Body Part Chart, which represents cholesterol in the real world…This element seems quite high in triple negative…( use Titaniums like Vanilla beans, Frankincense tears, Hemp oil, hulled hemp seeds & mint leafs to lower this level…( megadose)

The peach colour around that is Hydrogen( use Oxygens to get rid of that…Like Liquid Milk thistle( a lot), apricot kernels (15-30/day), Butdock root( in Essiac tea or Humaworm antiparasitic- take both)…

The next colour is Yellow Calcium( use Iodines like Liquid Kelp in large quantity daily)….

The purple Phosphorus in the Lunapic edit is lowered with Coppers- use Licorice root( massive amounts), & Gingko Biloba, as well as Cilantro, Chicory, coffee, tea, green tea, spirulina, chlorella & wheatgrass to lower…

The areas of Blue in the Fotoflexer edit( last picture) indicate Lead which could be from old water pipes, eating red meat, alcohol, lead paint, or very high Vitamin A levels( or use of Lithium or other antipsychotic drugs)…Antagonize with Zincs like Ginger root, infrared light, sunshine( yes tanning beds help to lower lead too), Megadose vitamin c, high Vitamin d3, fruits, Wormwood( artemisinin)…The presence of Lead is more typical in triple negative cancers than in triple positive ones by the way…

Please also note: People mistakenly believe that triple negative cancers have no hormone receptors…That is not true as evidenced by the pictures…Her2 is Hydrogen, Progesterone is Calcium, & Estrogen is Phosphorus…

What is obviously different in triple negative is the huge presence of Aluminum, what in the real world is referred to as cholesterol…

Triple positive breast cancers do not show the high cholesterol feature usually…

Also, basal cell cancers & triple negative have much in common…Basal cells are high Aurum on our chart which causes very high blood pressure…Potassiums lower Aurum( think B12), so Graviola( a potassium), Hawthorn( also potassium), & even Stevia( is a Potassium)….Coconut Water( not milk), & bananas are also high potassium…

Triple positive people do not usually have the high Aurum signature either…

So triple negative does Not mean No hormones…It just means there are Also other things the Cancer will feed on, if you do eradicate the triple hormones first…

Which means that regular therapies for triple positive cancers still apply to the triple negatives…The triple negatives just have to do MORE…Like lower cholesterol & blood pressure too…Which are not typical features for the triple positives…

I hope this clarifies…

I see many triple negative people Not doing things they should because they think they don’t have to…

Lowering hormone levels still apply…But then.Do more…

Categories: triple negative breast cancer Tags: triple negative breast cancer

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